Leonor Gómez

Leonor Gómez

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Leonor Gómez

참여 작품

The Prophet Mimi
Mujer en iglesia (uncredited)
Childhood trauma and religious repression causes little boy to grow up and murder .
El rincón de las vírgenes
"Faith-healer" develops a cult-like following in 1920s Jalisco.
La gatita
El último pistolero
Un Quijote sin mancha
Vecina (uncredited)
A lawyer trying to fix everyone's problems, instead causes problems, which always end up in funny situations.
Passport to Death
Espectador lucha libre
The Secret Agent Lafargue locates the evil Professor Marcus headquarters, who with the help of Dr. Bellini and an android of his invention, plan to conquer the world. Lafargue is discovered and severely injured, so he is unable to remember where it is the basis of Marcus or what their plan. To resolve this situation the authorities call the Agent Zero team.
Operation 67
Woman in audience (uncredited)
The silver masked Santo tries to stop a gang of counterfeiters who conspire to ruin the economy.
Campeón del barrio
Asistente de Sonia (uncredited)
A young man eagerly prepares for triumph as a boxer in a neighborhood gym with the firm intention of escaping poverty to marry his girlfriend, who sings in a nightclub.
Cri Cri el Grillito Cantor
Vendedora (uncredited)
Biography of the famous composer of children's music Gabilondo Soler. Starts from his childhood, when he worked as a pastor and grandmother tried to teach him to play the piano. Later he went to the city to study music theory and began writing his first songs.
Autumn Days
Vecina fisgona (uncredited)
Luisa is a small-town girl who works in the bakery of the widower Don Albino. Luisa dreams of marrying and loves children. Just as Don Albino shows interest in her, Luisa announces that she will marry soon with Carlos, the driver of a rich house whom she met recently...
The Paper Man
Paseante encuentra niño (uncredited)
A deaf and mute vagabond finds a large denomination bill in a Mexico City dump, and while he tries to buy something with it, others try to con him into giving it away. The film was selected as the Mexican entry for the Best Foreign Language Film at the 36th Academy Awards, but was not accepted as a nominee.
The Invasion of the Vampires
A doctor and his assistant hunt down a vampire named Count Frankenhausen, who is terrorizing the populace.
Pueblerina (uncredited)
Desperate because of his son's illness, the peasant Eufemio steals a pearl from the image of Santa Lucía in the village church.
El Misterio de Huracán Ramírez
Espectadora lucha libre (uncredited)
Hurricane Ramirez is the new manager of the arena and champion of the ring. He must battle with The Prince, a ruthless criminal who will try to end with his life.
Juana Gallo
country girl
Peasant woman leads a regiment during the final days of the Mexican Revolution. Also, romantic entanglements.
Dicen que soy hombre malo
Sirvienta (uncredited)
Mistaken identities, courtship woes, invalidated marriages, and sombreros de charro.
Señora recomendando caldo de zopilote. (uncredited)
Poor, hungry peasant Macario longs for just one good meal on the Day of the Dead. After his wife cooks a turkey for him, he meets three apparitions, the Devil, God, and Death. Each asks him to share his turkey, but he refuses all except Death. In return, Death gives him a bottle of water which will heal any illness. Soon, Macario is more wealthy than the village doctor, which draws the attention of the feared Inquisition.
La Cucaracha
Soldadera (uncredited)
The Mexican Revolution serves as a backdrop to a torrid love triangle composed of three freedom fighters: a colonel, a widow, and a fiery female soldier.
Pueblerina (uncredited)
In the fall of 1824 Javier Montenegro, Bradomin Marquis is spared death hanging by Captain Casares, and in return, the Marquis agrees to help him escape to America. Adaptation of "Sonata de Otoño" and "Sonata de Estío" of Ramón María del Valle-Inclan, which included elements Bardem later works of the author.
Presa (uncredited)
브뉘엘의 또 다른 영화 "트리스티나"의 원저자이자, 톨스토이, 발작, 졸라, 디킨스와 비유되는 위대한 스페인 작가인 베니토 페레스 갈도스의 원작 소설을 각색한 작품. 브뉘엘은 19세기 스페인을 배경으로 한 원작과는 달리 "나자린"의 배경을 독재 정권이 지배하던 19세기말의 멕시코로 옮겨 그리스도의 계율에 따라 엄격하게 살고자 하는 성직자의 퇴락의 과정을 심오하게 그리고 있다. 이 영화에서 브뉘엘은 성직자 또한 인간임을 보여준다. 그런 점에서 옥타비오 파스는 이 작품이 '인간의 조건을 드러냄과 동시에 그것을 넘어서는 방법을 보여준다. 나자리오는 신을 잃어버렸지만 사랑과 형제애를 발견한다'라고 평했다. 이 영화에 담긴 그리스도에 대한 헌신, 신앙, 희망, 고통과 인간에 대한 사랑과 형제애에 대한 모호성 때문에 성직자들은 이 영화를 종교적인 영화로 받아들였고, 무신론자들은 이 영화를 신성모독을 보여주는 대표작으로 손꼽고 있다.
School for Buglars
Mujer en mercado (uncredited)
The police plan to capture a killer by using a double that looks exactly as one of his victims.
Pobres millonarios
Residente de El Peñoncito
Squatter neighborhood finds a wealthy sponsor.
El bolero de Raquel
Sirvienta en parque
The film tells an episode of the life of a kindly hearted bootblack who becomes accidentally the tutor of an orphan but nevertheless spends all his time and effort for the sake of the boy.
애련의 장미
Woman in lynch mob (uncredited)
타락한 군부와 반란군이 대치하고 있으며 죄없는 무고한 사람들을 누명을 씌워 처단하는 일이 빈번한 혼란이 마을에 사는 캐스탄은 다이아몬드를 발견. 벙어리인 딸 마리아와 불란서로 떠나려하는데 술집작부인 지나를 좋아하게 되어 함께 가려한다. 마을의 유일한 신부인 로사라신부는 사실은 속이 검은 악당으로 한몫잡을 기회만을 노리고 있었는데 그러던중 캐스탄이 반란군에 의한 폭발사건의 범인으로 누명을 쓰고체포의 위기에 몰리자 지나와 마리아와 함께 첸코의 배로 마을을 탈출하 하는데 이 낌새를 눈치챈 로사라 신부도 숨어든다. 군부에 의해 대대적인 수색작업이 시작되고 일행은 배를 버리고 정글로 탈출하기 시작하는데.
Indígena (uncredited)
The story of an indigenous who gave his life for the love of a white woman, whom he confused, because of her beauty, with Maria the virgin, fighting against the society, the prejudices, and the race.
The King of México
A humble tramp is turned, for a couple of days, into the richest and most famous man in México.
La vida no vale nada
Market Seller (uncredited)
Pablo, a wandering laborer, has imprisoned himself in a hell of alcoholism. Cruz, a widow, reaches out to the troubled man, but even her compassion may not be enough to save him.
범죄에 대한 수필
Waitress (uncredited)
어린 시절 아르치발도는 어머니에게 음악 상자를 선물받는다. 음악상자에서 왈츠가 흘러나오는 동안 그의 가정교사는 갑자기 날아온 총탄에 맞아 숨진다. 그는 피를 흘리며 쓰러진 가정교사의 허벅지에 묘한 매혹을 느낀다. 어른이 된 아르치발도는 자신의 소명이 살인자가 되는 것이라고 믿고 여자를 강박적으로 살해하려 한다. 하지만 그의 살인 기도는 매번 좌절된다.
Tailored gentleman
Vecina (uncredited)
Cantinflas works as a model of tuxedos in a prestigious store, your job is to use the smoking in the street along with an advertising sign on his back. The use of smoking gives you access to exclusive places and meet important people. During this time, Cantinflas was the manager of an amateur boxer, it is an attractive nurse assistant and occasionally attending a priest in the church and the orphanage. However, a Cantinflas day while wearing tuxedo, is a rich man, who mistakenly believe that Cantinflas is a millionaire too.
The River and Death
Sirvienta (uncredited)
A useless and bloody vendetta has been going on for ages between two families in this Mexican village. Men, sons, have killed each other for generations, for a so-called conception of honor in a revenge that never ends since it is also triggered by people of the village. Now, today, there are only two sons left, one in each family. One has become a doctor in the big city and his culture is modern. The other last one - of the other family - hasn't left the village and is waiting for the doctor to come "home" as he plans to kill him, to settle this war on this matter of honor once and for all. And the people of the village want blood.
The Abduction
Espectadora juicio (uncredited)
In a small Mexican village the news shock neighbors, Ricardo Alfaro, a wealthy local rancher has disappeared without a trace. Taking advantage of the circumstance, Aurora Campos, a strong woman with overwhelming beauty, convinces the authorities to sell her the property in exchange for twelve thousand dollars. Soon after, when Ricardo suddenly reappears, a real battle is about to begin.
환상의 전차를 타고 여행하다
Doña Panchita (uncredited)
수년 간 몸담아온 낡은 전차를 폐차시키겠다는 결정에 화가 난 두 젊은 직원(운전사와 차장)은 낡은 전차를 몰고 멕시코 시내를 여행한다. 이들의 환상적인 여정을 따라 멕시코의 가난한 이웃들의 삶이 사실적으로 드러난다.
Huracán Ramírez
Anunciadora Lucha libre
Family comedy and family melodrama involving father and son wrestlers, little brothers, little sisters, girlfriends, waitresses...
Dos tipos de cuidado
Anastasia (uncredited)
Jorge Bueno and Pedro Malo are best friends who consider giving up their womanizing ways when they each fall in love. As fate would have it, Pedro Malo unexpectedly marries Jorge Bueno's girlfriend, and the conflict between the former buddies begins. A year later they find themselves in the same town and confront each other once and for all.
The Devil's Money
Vendedora de bebidas
Los dineros del diablo (The Devil's Money) is a Mexican drama film directed by Alejandro Galindo. It was released in 1953 and starring Amalia Aguilar and Roberto Cañedo.
Pepe El Toro
Vecina (uncredited)
The simple life and the values ​​of loyalty and solidarity of the poor people in the environment of professional boxing, is the plot of this film, where Pepe el Toro shows the effort and tragedies that are experienced in this profession.
이상한 정열
Portera (uncredited)
부유한 40세의 숫총각 프란시스코(Francisco Galvan de Montemayor: 아투로 드 코르도라 분)는 성당 미사에서 한 여인의 아름다운 다리에 매혹을 느낀다. 프란시스코는 집요하게 여인을 쫓아가고 결국 그녀와 결혼한다. 하지만 의처증에 시달리는 프란시스코는 점점 강박관념과 현실을 혼동하고 급기야 로프로 그녀를 살해할 결심을 한다.
Doña Enriqueta (uncredited)
안드레스는 소유자들의 대표로 돈이 아주 많고 욕심이 많은 사람이다. 자신이 가지고 있는 소유지의 임차인들을 내쫓기 위해 노력하는데 그 임차인들 중 카르멜로라 하는 임차인 대표 격이라 할 수 있는 자가 가장 문제였다. 그래서 브루토라고 하는 도살장에서 일을 하고 있는 힘이 아주 세고 강한 자를 시켜서 임차인 대표들을 제거하려고 하는데, 이 과정에서 미케의 아버지가 살인을 당한다. 미케는 이런 과정도 모르고, 브루토와의 관계가 점점 깊어 가는데, 파로마라는 안드레스 사장의 부인은 브루토의 남성적인 매력에 빠져들게 되고, 미케와의 관계를 질투한 그녀는 자신과의 있었던 일과, 브루토가 미케의 아버지를 죽였다는 사실을 미케에게 말하게 된다. 이 과정에서 브루토는 점점 다시 짐승의 본능을 나타내게 되고...
A Place Close to Heaven
Bailarina callejera (uncredited)
On reaching the capital, Pedro Gonzalez gets a lowly job and marries Margaret. After losing that job, get a new one as a bodyguard but is fired again. With so much poverty and despair Pedro believes that his only way out is suicide.
멕시코에서 버스 타기
Doña Linda
신혼 여행을 떠난 청년 올리베리오는 갑작스런 어머니의 임종 소식을 듣고 집으로 돌아온다. 어머니의 유언장을 작성할 공증인을 데려오기 위해 올리베리오는 버스를 타고 읍내로 향한다. 제정신이 아닌 버스 운전사, 올리베리오를 유혹하는 요염한 라켈, 그녀를 갈망하는 국회의원들 때문에 버스에서는 일대 소동이 일어나고 급기야 버스 운전사는 자신의 어머니 생일을 축하하기 위해 차를 멈춘다. 술에 잔뜩 취한 운전사를 대신해 올리베리오는 버스를 몰고, 버스에 동승한 라켈과 사랑을 나눈다.
Oh, Love… How Have You Put Me!
Mrs. Rupertota (uncredited)
A low-class baker accidentally gets to know an attractive but bitter fiancée. By getting her snobby, dead-pan family to spend some time with his scumbag friends, he changes their lives, while at the time stealing the girl's heart.
Ella y Yo
Taquera (uncredited)
Pedro Muñoz is a womanizer that does not escape one until Irene Garza arrives and makes him to see his luck, while the aunt of her tries to separate them.
The Troublemaker
Pig Owner (uncredited)
Well-intentioned Tin Tan who is always making trouble for other people, sometimes on purpose and sometimes by accident.
Empleada de Guadalupe (uncredited)
The story of a girl of questionable mental stability who escapes from incarceration and ends up at a plantation where she disrupts a working family's daily routines and chemistry.
Apartment house
Personal dramas among the residents of an apartment house.
El Siete Machos
Cocinera (uncredited)
Rosario, the niece of the rancher, returns to the ranch after ten years of absence. She takes in Margarito, a worker at the ranch, who is immediately smitten by her. Rosario is rescued from a runaway horse by the Seven Men, an outlaw a la Robin Hood that steals from the rich and gives to the poor. He also happens to be the twin brother of Margarito, unbeknownst to him. The confusion between Margarito and the Seven Men generates great comical situations in the film.
Víctimas del pecado
Prisionera (uncredited)
A nightclub performer decides to raise the baby boy she found abandoned in a trash can, putting her job and social life in jeopardy.
The Black Sheep
Señora chismosa (uncredited)
The Trevino family tries to overcome the irresponsible behavior of Don Cruz, an erratic father with numerous defects that contrast with his son Silvano, a young kid man that is incapable of passing judgment on his own father.
The Great Madcap
Vecina vecindad (uncredited)
Buñuel's first "comeback" film since "L'Age d'Or" in 1930 (he made only a few musicals in the interim), "El Gran Calavera" concerns a family's attempts to change the patriarch's somewhat indulgent and hedonistic ways by fooling him into thinking his large fortune is gone. They assume a life of poverty in Mexico in an attempt to teach him a lesson. However, he discovers it's a ruse, but continues to perpetuate the facade of ignorance while sneaking off during the day to conduct his thriving business. Why? To teach his family a lesson - they are all lazy, worthless leeches!
Vecina chismosa (uncredited)
Aurelio Rodríguez is released from jail, and tries to start a new life marrying Paloma and working his land. But the local landowners, the brothers González, interfere with his plans.
El Mago
Vendedora de comida (uncredited)
A slapstick fantasy of the amorous adventures of a magician a la Cantinflas.
You the Rich
Vecina (uncredited)
Pepe el Toro is married to Celia la Chorreada and they have two children.
El Supersabio
Mujer en turba (uncredited)
Cantinflas is the apprentice of a renowned scientist, Prof. Arquimides Monteagudo (Carlos Martinez Baena). But Cantinflas has the soul of a poet rather than a serious researcher, and he wants to find the formula that achieves the immortality of the roses. Nevertheless, after the death of Prof. Monteagudo, Cantinflas will be chased by a ferocious corporative group, who wants to steal the secret formula of a cheaper fuel named "carburex", because they think that our friend is the only person who knows the composition
The Three Huastecos
This is the story of three brothers (a priest, a soldier and an outlaw) that are raised separately by their godfathers once their mother dies. They cross their paths again when the soldier and the priest move into two towns near the town the outlaw lives in. The drama will unfold once the three brothers meet each other.
When the Brave Cry
Mujer en cena (uncredited)
A farmer is in love during revolutionary times.
The Naughty Son
Cabaret chick
A poor young man is mistaken for a millionaire when he travels to the city to fulfill his dream of being a singer.
Hooray for Women!
Miembra camisas pintas (uncredited)
Movie in which funny situations based on the entanglements caused by a woman named Felicidad to her family because of her feminist ideology are presented, to the extent of bringing her daughters and herself to a divorce trial.
Así es mi tierra
Lupe (uncredited)
With revolutionary Mexico as a backdrop, a successful local rancher returns triumphant from the war to the praise of townsfolk, and "El General" is ready to take a wife. However the senorita of choice already has fallen for a secret admirer, and a boyhood rival who is threatened by the General's popularity in turn plots against his life.