Gérard Perrin

참여 작품

Director of Photography
어린 지지는 굉장히 말괄량이다. 그녀의 이모 할머니는 그녀를 요조숙녀로 만들려고 노력을 한다. 이 집안에 늘 오가던 친구인 가스통이란 남자는 세계적으로 유명한 부자다. 가스통은 늘 지지와 게임도 하며 가깝게 지낸다. 그러던 중, 가스통은 숙녀로 변한 지지에게 사랑을 느끼게 되고, 보살펴주겠다고 제안한다. 하지만 지지는 자신도 가스통의 다른 여자들처럼 버려질까봐 두려워한다. 그러나 결국, 지지도 가스통을 받아들이고, 방황하던 가스통도 지지에게 청혼을 하게 된다.
Dark Sunday
Director of Photography
Shortly before the War, Jan Lazlo, a Hungarian musician who has emigrated to France, falls for a young woman. Alas, the lady forsakes him and the poor man tries to overcome his grief by writing "Gloomy Sunday", a song so desperate that it can drive its listeners to suicide. Max, a music publisher, likes the song and decides to launch it by all means, foul or fair. Bob, his accomplice, manages to talk his mistress Michèle into committing a fake suicide. She obeys him and the scheme is a success as a result. On this occasion, Jan gets to know Michèle and the two young people fall in love. Happiness seems to be in store for Jan again but this is without counting with Bob. Jealous of Jan, the naughty fellow indeed tells him that Michèle's attempted suicide was nothing but an advertising pretense.
The Blue Ones of the Sky
Director of Photography
An obscure mechanic falls in love with a an champion pilot.
Romance on the Beach
Camera Operator
The North Sea. Rain is falling. Two young people take shelter under a bathing hut. The sun returns, and sand, sea and shells all figure in their amorous games.