Marina Hova

Marina Hova

프로필 사진

Marina Hova

참여 작품

A Remarkable Life
Girl with Watches
There are many things in life that could do a number on a man's masculinity. Lenny Babbitt has his identity and manhood challenged when his wife Tracy leaves him for a female doctor named Iris who has been treating their autistic son Isaac. After losing his job, and wife to a woman no less -- Lenny's dad Jack offers him a job at his pawn shop where he must re-examine his identity, manhood and sense of self after meeting Chelsea, a young, free-spirited pistol that lives life on two wheels. In the end, Lenny realizes that there are no absolutes... only one's faith, sense of self and family -- no matter how it's constituted or defined by society.
Two brothers posing as paramedics kidnap their victims and harvest their organs for the black market. That is until they kidnap a woman they find impossible to kill and it turns out she has more power over them than they over her.
킬러 인 하이스쿨
High School Student (uncredited)
모태 킬러, 평범해지기로 결심하다! 어린 시절부터 비밀조직에 의해 철저히 훈련된 모태 킬러 ‘메건’ 임무수행 중 평범한 고등학생들의 삶을 우연히 엿보게 된 그녀는 수집 가능한 모든 데이터를 통해 평범한 삶에 대해 철저히 분석한다. 그러던 어느 날, 임무 수행 중 조직에서 낙오된 '메건'. 그녀는 이것이 일생일대의 기회임을 직감하고, 죽음을 가장해 종적을 감춘 후, 신분을 속여 고등학교에 잠입(?)하는데 성공한다! 과연 그녀는 그토록 꿈꾸던 평.범.한 고등학생이 될 수 있을까?