Fumio Hashimoto

출생 : 1928-03-14, Kyoto, Japan

사망 : 2012-11-02

참여 작품

연합 함대 사령관 야마모토 이소로쿠 -태평양전쟁 70년째의 진실-
2011년 12월 23일 일본에서 개봉된 화제작이다. 야마모토 제독이 등장하는 태평양 전쟁사를 영화화한 것이 이번이 처음은 아니지만, 전작들이 미니어쳐를 이용한 특촬 기술을 쓴 것에 비하여 본작에서는 현재 일본 영화계가 가진 CG 기술을 총동원해 만들어졌다고 하며, 극우 영화 "남자들의 야마토(男たちの大和 : 2005)" 보다 진일보된 전투 씬들을 보여주고 있다. 이 영화는 일본인의 시각에서 쓴 근대 역사서 "쇼와사(昭和史)"를 집필했던 한도 카츠토시(半藤一利)의 감수에 의해 당시 일본 해군 그 자체라고 할 연합함대 사령장관 야마모토 이소로쿠 제독의 이야기를 영상화한 전쟁 영화로, 감독은 2011년에 일본에서 화제작으로 떠올랐던 "8일째 매미(八日目の蝉 : 2011)"에서 메가폰을 잡았던 나루시마 이즈루(成島出)가 맡았으며, 주연인 야마모토 제독은 극우 영화 "로렐라이(ロ-レライ : 2005)"에서 함장 역을 맡았던 야쿠쇼 코지(役所広司)가 분해 만들어졌다. 출연자들의 면면을 살펴보면, 근래들어 태평양 전쟁을 소재로 삼은 작품들 - 로렐라이, 한여름의 오리온, 나는 당신을 위해 죽으러 갑니다 등 - 에서 주연이나 조연을 맡았던 배우들이 대거 기용되었다. 제작자도 우리에게는 극우 영화로 잘 알려진 "망국의 이지스(亡國のイ-ジス : 2004)"를 제작했던 프로듀서 고타키 쇼헤이(小滝祥平), 바로 그 사람이다.
Abacus and Sword
Set during the Meiji Restoration period of Edo era Japan, Naoyuki belongs to the 8th generation of the Inoyama family, a wealthy family known for finance & accounting. He is also a gifted mathematician and uses the abacus with extreme skills. Naoyuki works under the declining Kaga domain. Because of this, Naoyuki and his wife Koma suffer hardships as their stature and wealth dissipates.
Three for the Road
Sound Recordist
지하철을 타고
Sound Director
한 작은 회사의 영업사원인 츠츠미 신이치는 지하철에서 자신의 중학시절 선생님을 만나게 된다. 오랜만에 재회한 선생님과 여러 이야기를 하다 그는 일 때문에 자리를 떠나려 하지만 선생님이 의미심장한 말을 남기고 떠난다. 신이치는 지하철을 환승하기 위해 이동하지만 그는 20년전으로 타임슬립해 버리고 마는데...
망국의 이지스
도쿄만에서 훈련 중이던 이지스함 안에서 전후 일본 최대의 위기가 진행되고 있었다. 이지스(aegis)는 그리스 신화에 등장하는 제우스의 방패 이름으로 현재는 미해군의 함대방어시스템을 가리킨다. 이러한 최강의 방어체계가 무너지고 있는 것이다. 국적 불명의 테러리스트 ‘용하’가 오키나와 미군기지에서 빼앗은 생화학무기 '고슈(GUSOH)'를 갖고 도쿄로 향하고 있다. 그는 함장을 제거하고 지휘권을 장악한 부함장 ‘미야즈’와 결탁하여 위험천만한 테러를 감행하려는 것이다. 일본 정부는 함선에 비밀요원 ‘키사라기’를 심어 두었으나 한 사람의 힘으로 이들을 막을 수 없고 연락이 두절된 상태이다. 이 때, 함대를 장악한 용하와 미야즈, 그 어느 쪽도 속하지 않는 선임상사 ‘센코쿠 하사시’가 오로지 테러를 막기 위해 키사라기를 돕는다. 둘은 적으로 가득한 함선을 누비며 배를 멈추고 또 ‘고슈’를 찾아 나선다. 하지만 두 사람의 존재를 알지 못하는 일본 정부는 함선을 저지하기 위해 미군의 도움을 받아 전투기를 출격시킨다. 전투기가 함선을 폭격하기 전에 미사일을 찾아내야 하는 긴박한 상황이 전개된다.
나오키상 수상 작가 미야베 미유키의 미스터리 추리소설 「모방범」을, <39 형법제39조>, 의 모리타 요시미츠 감독이 SMAP의 리더 나카이 마사히로를 주연으로 영화화하였다. 도쿄의 변두리에서 두부 장사를 하는 아리마 요시오. 그의 손녀 후루카와 마리코가 실종된지 10개월이 지났지만 사건은 어떤 진전도 없다. 그런 어느날, 오오카와 공원의 쓰레기통에서 여성의 오른팔과 핸드백이 발견된다. 그 일을 보도하는 와이드쇼의 생방송 중에 “한쪽 팔과 가방은 다른 사람의 것으로, 가방의 소유자는 후루카와 마리코라고 하는 여자다”라는 범인으로부터의 전화가 오는데...
Round About Midnight
Sound Recordist
Koji, a jazz musician, takes a cigarette break in between sets at a Tokyo nightclub. He witnesses a murder and runs into a girl, Linda, who is being pursued by the killers. For the next two hours, Koji and Linda are running from both the hitmen and the police. Mistakenly identified as prime suspects, they have to solve the crime but time is running out: Koji has to be back to perform in his club by midnight, as a very special guest will be attending.
39 형법제39조
Sound Recordist
The psychiatric evaluation of a young actor arrested for a brutal double murder concludes he may be unfit for trial. Further investigation, however, reveals the crime was a well-planned statement against the section of Japan's criminal code granting diminished responsibility to the mentally impaired.
Diary of Early Winter Shower
Takanosuke Ushio and Tae Horikawa are unable to forget each other, even though they met and fell in love 20 years ago. They had promised each other that they would build a retreat in Shiguretei, but Ushio was hospitalized after a stroke a few days later, and when his wife, Takako, rushed to the hospital, she discovered their love affair, which in reality had not gone beyond kissing. Now, 20 years later, against the advice of her ikebana mentor, Tae rushes to meet Ushio at Shiguretei, only to see him clutching his chest in pain. Eventually, the design and plans for the dream retreat are seen by Tae, but she has to visit Kyoto alone... or maybe she's heading for somewhere else.
Sound Engineer
럭비 실업팀에서 선수 생활을 하던 노보루는 부상으로 인해 평사원으로 근무를 하게 되지만, 운동을 하던 그에게 일상은 지루하기만 하다. 지루함을 달래기 위해 PC통신을 시작한 노보루는 하루라는 이름으로 사이버 공간안에서 활동하게 되고 동호회 활동을 통해 호시라는 친구를 사귀게 된다. 둘은 서로의 고민거리에 대해 이야기를 나누고 절친한 친구 사이로 발전한다. 그러던 어느날, 남자인 줄 알았던 호시가 자신이 여자라는 사실을 밝히고 변함없이 친구로 지내자는 메일을 보내오게 되고, 둘은 만난 적은 없지만 서로 교감을 나누는 친구로 발전한다. 한편, 하루는 영화 동호회를 통해 로즈라는 쾌활한 여성을 알게 되고, 둘은 실제로 만나 친한 오빠 동생 사이로 지내기로 한다. 하루는 호시에게 이 여성과 잠자리를 함께 했다는 장난을 치게 되고, 이 이야기를 들은 호시는 하루와 연락을 끊게 되는데...
Fly Boys, Fly!
Sound Recordist
The Girl of Silence
14 year old Nakamura is sexually abused by her stepfather. She invents a friend who is coming to her rescue when she really needs it.
Rainbow Bridge
Sound Recordist
Set in Edo-era Kyoto, this drama depicts the adolescent battles and the love between parents and children who are born and raised in the same tenement house.
Sound Recordist
Melodrama about a woman refusing surgery.
다이쇼 시대의 유명 화가 다케히사 유메지를 다룬 ‘다이쇼 로망스’ 3부작 중 마지막 작품. 고삐 풀린 삶을 이어온 화가의 욕망과 불안이 현실과 환상을 오가며 펼쳐진다. 1991년 칸 영화제 주목할만한 시선에서 처음 소개되었다.
Let's Go to the Hospital
Sound Recordist
When a hard-driving copywriter (Hiroyuki Sanada) discovers his comely wife (Keiko Saito) is involved in a scintillating game of strip rock-paper-scissors with some guy clad only in a pair of boxer shorts and Mickey Mouse ears, he is less than happy. When the stranger tries to make a run for it, a fight ensues between the two men, and they accidentally tumble down several flights of a concrete stairwell. One hurried ambulance ride later, the copywriter finds himself in a private teaching hospital equipped with the latest gleaming gizmos. Meanwhile, a young internist (Hiroko Yakushimaru) girds herself for her first emergency room case -- the battered copywriter. After giving a curt bow and a nervous "Good Evening," she accidentally jams a syringe into his bloody wound. Soon the absurdity of their situation, along with their medical misery, binds the two men and their blundering nurse together.
사랑과 헤이세이의 색남
Sound Recordist
Nagashima is a playboy who refuses to be tied down by marriage. Suffering from insomnia recently, he is eager to find a glamorous girl who can make him fall asleep. He leaves his tiresome girlfriend Mari, and soon finds himself trapped in dangerous triple liaisons involving two nightclub hostesses and a dewy-eyed girl. When all three of them start pestering him about marriage, Nagashima makes up his mind to flee…
Love and Action in Osaka
Sound Recordist
Despite his efforts of living a normal life as a banker, the life of Toru, the only son of the Yubari Family, becomes disrupted by trouble brought on by his father. When his father’s battle against his rival group the Miike Family ignites, Toru becomes more involved in the turf war than he wished for.
Memories of You
Sound Recordist
University student Akira meets the lovely 14-year-old Yumi, whom he had tutored years ago. Her mother is told by her doctor that the schoolgirl has leukaemia and has only 6 months to live.
신주쿠 순애 이야기
Sound Recordist
Ichijoji is a street punk who stumbles across Mari and her cat. Mari and Ichijoji immediately fall in love but are chased by both yakuza and corrupt cops.
Lover's Time
Sound Recordist
Sound Recordist
Miyuki Kojima stars as the furious spouse of an adulterer. To get revenge on her spouse she begins a string of one-night stands, eventually realizing that she is becoming addicted to anonymous sex.
Sound Recordist
Daisuke is supposed to be out looking for a respectable job and equally respectable wife. He is 30 years old and devotes his attention to music and literature; his family is wealthy and can support his interests. When his friend Hiraoka returns with his wife Michiyo, problems arise.
Love Letter
Sound Recordist
A drama depicting the conflict between a man that ran to an old lover suffering from advanced leukemia, his wife and child that were left behind, and the friendship that develops between his wife and his former lover.
W의 비극
Sound Recordist
나츠키 시즈코 원작의 걸작 미스터리를 기초로 여배우를 목표로 하는 소녀의 모습을 그린 작품이다.
Zankoku! Shōjo tarento
Sound Recordist
Roman Porno from 1984.
Ken-chan no oneesan
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
Sound Recordist
1978년 닛카츠 로망 포르노의 주요감독으로 활동했던 네기시 기치타로 감독의 작품으로 로망 포르노를 벗어난 그의 두 번째 극영화다. 1979년 시작돼 폭발적인 인기를 누렸던 TV 시리즈 에서 아프로 헤어에 선글라스를 쓴 채, ‘정의’나 ‘추리’에 의해서가 아니라 ‘돈’ 때문에 사건을 해결하는 탐정이라는 이전과는 전혀 다른 탐정, 구도 슌사쿠를 연기했던 마츠다 유사쿠가 영화에도 출연해 '쓰지야마'라는 새로운 탐정을 연기한다. 영화는 TV 시리즈와 제목만 같을 뿐 내용은 다르지만 TV와 영화를 통해 마츠다 유사쿠가 보여준 탐정의 모습은 미국식 하드보일드 탐정의 전형을 제시하며 이후의 일본영화에 등장하는 새로운 탐정의 모습에 큰 영향을 미쳤다. 80년대 일본영화를 대표하는 배우이자 1989년 40세라는 젊은 나이로 사망한 마츠다 유사쿠는 등으로 유명한 마츠다 류헤이의 아버지이기도 하다.
Rolling on the Road
Sound Recordist
George is a washed-up middle-aged rocker, who divorces his wife and lives with his girlfriend, a soap massage parlor worker.
Akujo gundan
Sound Recordist
Based on the novel by Azusa Katsume.
Sound Recordist
1920년대 다이쇼 시대의 일본. 극작가인 마쓰사키는 우연히 신비로운 미녀 시나코를 만난다. 그녀와의 만남이 몇 차례 반복될수록 꿈과 현실 사이의 구분이 점점 모호해진다. 이즈미 교카의 동명 소설을 원작으로 한 ‘다이쇼 로망스’ 3부작 중 두 번째 작품이다.
Pleasure Campus: Secret Games
Sound Recordist
This is a combination of stories dealing with the ecstatic adventures of high school student Sachiko.
아내들의 성체험 남편의 눈 앞에서 지금
사카모토는 성공한 사업가이다. 매춘부와 섹스를 한 후 욕실에 있는 동안 강도 두 명이 침입하여 여자를 살해한다. 목숨에 위협을 느낀 사카모토는 강도들의 돈 요구에 응하게 되고, 강도들은 두 가지 대안을 제시한다. 10만 달러는 주던지, 아니면 5만 달러를 주는 대신 아내인 사오리를 자신들에게 바치라는 것. 사카모토는 두 번째 대안을 선택하고 강도들에게 집 열쇠를 준다. 사오리는 침입한 강도들에게 강간을 당하게 되고, 사카모토는 이 일이 있은 후 사오리를 학대하게 된다. 그러나 여기엔 무서운 비밀이 있는 데......
Joshidaisei: Kairaku Ayame-ryô
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
말괄량이 아가씨 프로포즈 대작전
Sound Recordist
Rena and Yuko are at it again.
Shinnyû Shain: (Maruhi) OL Ôoku Monogatari
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
Path of the Beast
Sound Recordist
17 year old Saki lives in a run-down hack with her mom who survives by pushing a food cart from dawn to dusk. Saki has dropped out of school, and when she's not helping her mother selling noodles in the streets, she's playing flesh-games with boyfriend Sotoo. In her spare time, the girl also entertains a truck driver named Ataru. She believes her promiscuity is a trait inherited from her mom. Determined to improve her lot in life (she doesn't want to grow up like her mother), Saki decides to stop seeing the two guys. The sizzling Japanese Tatsumi Kumashiro’s erotic drama 'Shoujo Shofu: Kemonomichi' (aka 'Whore Girl - the Animal Trail' distributed internationally as 'Path of the Beast'), offers a venue for sex kitten Ayako Yoshimura to reveal choice areas of her nubile frame.
Haitoku fujin no yokujô
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
슈퍼 건 레이디: 82분서
Sound Recordist
경시청, 자료조사분실, 주로 공무원의 범죄 적발 및 방지에 해당하는 비밀 수사조직. 내선번호 82. 통칭 와니(악어) 분서. 히노 미카는 와니 분서의 수사관, 사격은 초일류, 운전은 국제 A급 라이센스를 가지는 슈퍼 레이디이다. 이번 임무는 항공기 의혹으로 떠들썩한 야마토상사의 타지마 상무를 마크하는 것. 타지마는 호모의 연인 사와 에이지와 밤마다 고급 호텔에서 밀회하고 있었다. 그러던 어느 날 타지마는 누군가에게 습격당해 지상 30층 상무실에서 밀려나고 만다. 그럼에도 유서가 남아 있어 사건은 자살로 처리되어 버린다. 미카는 임무에 실패하고 가라앉아 있었는데, 그런 미카 앞에 카쿠라 린이 배속되어 온다. 두 사람은 콤비를 이뤄 진상규명에 나서는데…
Love Me Tenderly, Love Me Wildly
Sound Recordist
Yuichi prides himself on the fact that he is a family man but contrary to his conception of an ideal family life, at age 24, his wife has already run out on him. In utter confusion, he tries to reason out where he had gone amiss that such a thing should happen out of the clear blue sky. About this time, Yuichi helps Ayako, a young girl, embroiled in trouble. She returns Yuichi's kindness by making off with his precious camera. Then she returns and since his wife has washed her hands of him, he forces himself on Ayako who acts as if she had been waiting for him to enter her. Suddenly, Yuichi's wife returns...
Flesh Target: Rape!
Sound Recordist
A sexually frustrated office worker hit his boss in the night club. The next day he is told he's to be demoted to a different position in the company. He gets so disturbed and thus begins his rape rampage. He rapes a number of hard-to-get ladies in his company. Surprisingly, the ladies are stimulated by his assault and finally help him in getting promoted.
빨간 머리 여자
Sound Recordist
건설현장에서 덤프트럭을 운전하는 고조는 태연하게 강간을 저지르는데, 심지어 동료와 함께 사장의 딸을 윤간하기도 한다. 어느 날, 고조는 머리카락을 빨갛게 물들인 여자를 트럭에 태우는데, 이 여자는 고조에게 들러붙어 끊임없이 섹스 하기를 요구한다. 시간이 흐르자, 고조는 끝나지 않는 섹스에 지치고, 여자의 존재 자체가 그에게 고통이 되기에 이른다. 구마시로의 최고작으로 꼽히는 작품. 운명적으로 만난 두 남녀에게 섹스는 사랑의 몸짓이 아니라 자기파괴의 도구가 되어버린다. 여러 면에서 오시마 나기사의 <감각의 제국>(1976)을 떠올리게 하지만, 더욱 비관적이다. (2014년 영화의 전당 - 세계영화사의 위대한 유산 - 월드시네마 XI)
천사의 창자 -  붉은 교실
Sound Recordist
When Muraki, a porn producer, watches a blue film depicting a gang rape in a school, he becomes obsessed with the lead actress. Quite by chance, whilst looking to reserve a location for a shoot, he happens to encounter her at a love hotel where she works as a receptionist. Her name is Nami and she reluctantly agrees to speak with him, and confesses that it was her in the film. Then, Muraki tells Nami that he wants her to model for him.
Bathhouse 911: Jellyfish Bliss
Sound Recordist
Nikkatsu Roman Porno film about a brothel headhunter named Miura who brings young runaway Choma to a bathhouse/brothel and begins her prostitution career. Miura also falls in love with Choma, which causes problems when she falls for a dangerous yakuza gangster.
Young Beast: Secret Pleasures
Sound Recordist
Yasuji Hajima runs a butcher shop. When he was younger, he was just as interested in the sex as the next man but lately he has a hard time satisfying his wife who is still oversexed at her age. The Hajimas have one son, Shuichi, who is studying to enter Tokyo University. It is after he sees his parents acting in which he considers an odious manner that he changes entirely and raises the roof in every whichever way.
The Days of No Return
Sound Recordist
The story of a high school boy (Toshiyuki Nagashima) in Tokyo returning to his home town of Nagano upon the death of his father.
천사의 창자 - 여고생
Sound Recordist
Three gangsters spend their time assaulting students until their leader feels guilty and saves a young girl from being raped. Following the incident the gang decides he must now prove himself by raping her himself.
An Unforgettable Affair
Sound Recordist
Toshihiko, a high school boy, hates Kozo, his father, enough to kill him. His mother had lived in terror of him and, at last, broken in spirit, she had left and her pitiful departing figure is still seared in Toshihiko's mind. Soon, Kozo marries Asako who is young and beautiful. An idea forms in Toshihiko's mind to get even with his father for the shabby way he had treated his mother. He wonders if he can do it through Asako.
Sex Horoscope: Love Tasting
Sound Recordist
Roman Porno from 1978. A film director, producer, and writer take a working vacation at a resort on the advice of their horoscopes. For the next week, the three men conduct interviews with many young women, seeking to discover their next starlet.
Female Convict 101: Suck
Sound Recordist
Nikkatsu Films sensation Naomi Tani (FLOWER AND SNAKE) stars as a troubled ex-prostitute turned barkeep enchanted by the love of a younger man named Kenichi. After trusting a violent junkie to help with her young lover’s singing career, she is sent to prison for murder. Now known only as Prisoner 101, she spends her days in the dirty prison system full of violent guards and sexually-aggressive inmates.
Ah! That Pep Squad 3 -Tears of a Man-
Sound Recordist
Cherry blossoms are in full bloom. It is time for college students to go on a drinking spree under the cherry tree - It's "Hanami" time! Two freshmen and a sophomore are ordered to stake out a spot for the entire pep squad. Plans are initiated from the night before; three of them have to pull an all-nighter. Once the night falls, the sky turns pitch black. Rival pep squad of the Roka College emerge from the darkness and an all-out turf war begins.
Erotic Diary of an Office Lady
Sound Recordist
Asami Ogawa in her first leading role as an office worker with an extremely kinky private life. She not only has an affair with her boss and others in the company but also organizes women to her widower to father.
Ah! That Pep Squad 2 -Put on a Good Act-
Sound Recordist
“Get them all – girls, school credits, money – without an effort!" These are the rumors that freshman Hachirota Kawachi heard about the pep squad; his reasons for instant enrollment. Hachirota may fall a few screws short of a hardware store, but when it comes to yakuza ties, he has plenty. He is the direct descendant and heir to the notorious Akushin-kai gang. Although this was enough information to keep the pep squad seniors quiet, it’s not quite enough for Aota.
Osanazuma: zekkyō!!
Sound Recordist
Roman Porno from 1976.
Ah! That Pep Squad
Sound Recordist
Life in the pep squad is all about harsh discipline. Seniors are "Gods", juniors are "Humans", sophomores are "Slaves" and freshmen are treated like "Trash". One sunny day, two freshmen are entrusted with the task to dry out the squadron's flag; the most cherished and symbolic item of the squad. When they accidentally burn a hole in the flag with a cigarette, they blame Aota. Aota attempts to take full responsibility by committing "harakiri", but changes his mind during the process – a deep stab to the stomach has inspired him with a better idea.
Seishojo: hito natsu no keiken
Sound Recordist
Roman Porno from 1976. Nobuyuki collects butterflies as a hobby. One day, while trying to catch a rare butterfly, he encounters a young woman...
Wet Vase
Sound Recordist
Naomi Tani plays bar-owner Aki, whose entire world appears to be crumbing whenever she discovers her husband is having an affair along with her own mama. Truly the only individual she can trust is Iwasaki, the woman club supervisor. One time, she asks Iwasaki to accompay her to a company meeting with a trader Hanamatsu, the owner of a mannequin factory. At the warehouse, Miss Aki is abnormally aroused when she sees Hanamatsu toching the mannequins. She allows by herself to be seduced by the businessman…
Wet Lust: Opening the Tulip
Sound Recordist
Akira and Hiroshi are two lowlives who hang around pachinko parlours. Hiroshi is a ladies' man but always loses at pachinko. Akira is a virgin at 25 but always wins. Hiroshi tries to get Akira laid with little success but things change when Akira is informed of a 88 million yen inheritance.
New Lesbian World: Rapture
The third installment of the popular "Lesbian World" series. A young evades a male stalker, running to a woman who could teach her the true joys of of love and sex. However, the woman's mistress takes out her knife out of jealousy...
Housewife's Experience: Tenement Apartment 2
Sound Recordist
Roman Porno from 1975.
Light of Africa
Sound Recordist
Two semi-slackers with an ultra-intimate friendship work, slack and drink in a freezing Hokkaido town.
The Bride was Wet
Sound Recordist
A yakuza plot goes terribly wrong. This involves a soon-to-be bride.
Affairs in a Housing Complex
Sound Recordist
Kyoko has been married to Keisuke three years but recently, she has this feeling that she cannot entirely trust her husband. She hires Terao, a private eye, to prove her doubts are groundless. Poor Kyoko does not seem to know that, "He who digs a pit for others, falls into it himself". The private eye and his friend call on Kyoko when her husband is out and brutally rape her over and over again. By slow degrees, she gives herself up to the sexual pleasures she feels while being brutally treated. It is a sensation she had never experienced before, little knowing who had masterminded the tortures.
Sukeban Deka: Dirty Mary
Sound Recordist
Afternoon Affair: Married Nurse Rumor
Sound Recordist
A nurse is raped in a doctor's office. The caresses of the perpetrator keep coming to his mind after the assault. She will start a search for the perpetrator that will show her a darker side of her medical institution.
Kanto County Sex Unit
Sound Recordist
True Story of Sex and Violence in a Female High School
Sound Recordist
Nikkatsu Roman Porno.
Sex-Crime Coast: Piranha School
Sound Recordist
A gang of no-good youths calling themselves "Piranha" terrorize a seaside community by breaking into rich folks' mansions, stealing and raping everything in sight.
한밤중의 요정
Sound Recordist
Kazuo is an angry young man, especially resentful of the power and snootiness of the rich. But at the same time he's obsessed with Saeko, the daughter of a rich businessman.
Love Hunter: Lust
Sound Recordist
Toda, a disillusioned journalist that was once a part of the student movement, recalls his former youth when he meets a confident young woman through his work.
The Climax
Sound Recordist
Roman Porno from 1973.
Naked Resume: True Story of Kazuko Shirakawa
Sound Recordist
Roman Porno from 1973.
Confessions of an Adolescent Wife: Shocking!
Sound Recordist
The Now Girl
Sound Recordist
For a girl who works in a 3rd rate bar, Ayuko is full of vanity. Nomura, her patron, is besotted by her and it is their habit that they cannot reach a climax unless they peek at a couple, across the way, making love. Intent on climbing up in the world, Ayuko uses all her wiles to get her patron, who is putty in her hands, to move her from her grubby apartment house to a dreamboat of a place. She then tries to find a place to work more befitting her new home but all the elite night clubs will have nothing to do with her and with time heavy on her hands, the devil finds mischief for idle hands to do.
The Hidden Lover
Sound Recordist
Kiyoshi Yoshida plays Sotaro, a popular television performer, who manages a one-night stand with country-girl Yuko (Yuko Katagiri). She falls madly in love with him, and he enjoys the home-spun attention. When Yuko agrees to a prenuptial contract demanding her silence about the vows and permitting Sotaro the luxury of an "open marriage," they wed in a secret ceremony. However, after a couple weeks of Sotaro's womanizing, Yuko is unable to handle the situation and she attempts to kill both her husband and herself. The resulting scandal costs Sotaro his reputation and career; Yuko is sentenced to a 3 year jail term. But when she gets released, they get back together and try to establish the marriage on a "firmer footing."
The Shadow on the Wall
Sound Recordist
Roman Porno from 1972.
Dead Blossoms
Sound Recordist
After having served a prison sentence Oman is released only to find that her sister is in the clutches of a group of Yakuza lowlifes. Once again Oman has to take action.
Silent Tears
Sound Recordist
Roman Porno from 1972.
Shadow of Love
Sound Recordist
Monk's Paradise
Sound Recordist
A genius gambler and born hunter is a Buddhist monk by occupation.
Go As Messy As Messy Can Be
Sound Recordist
Comedy about a young man who causes pandemonium by raiding a bar patronized by his father, winning the favors of a hostess and ends up feeling the breasts and hips of all the girls in his father's office.
Step on the Gas!
Sound Recordist
Yūji, fresh out of prison on parole, meets a stranger named Nao that asks for his assistance...
Penitentiary Brothers
Sound Recordist
Authentic action drama of modern gangsters.
Savage Wolf Pack
Sound Recordist
A professional hunter, Tetsuya, returns from Alaska to find that his hometown had become a lawless slum. He is shocked to learn that his younger sister had committed suicide after being raped by unknown men. One day, he rescues a girl from being attacked by some gang, and discovers that the same gang had driven his sister to death. Using his lethal hunting skills, Tetsuya begins to take revenge…
The Man of Victory
Sound Recordist
Red Glass
Sound Recordist
In Tears
Sound Recordist
Hiroshi is the second officer on board the Hakuromaru. Lead by his captain, he heads out to town to recruit new crew members for their next voyage. Hiroshi is baffled when his captain approaches the Daigo-Kuroshiomaru crew, a notorious group nicknamed "the hoodlums of the sea". Their offer is greeted with scoffs and quickly turned down.
Taking the Castle
Sound Recordist
The Sengoku Era was coming to an end. The monopoly of the ever powerful shogun, Ieyasu Tokugawa, was at a near. Only one man was brave enough to stand in Ieyasu's way - A lone wolf samurai by the name of Kagekatsu Uesugi. Inspired by Uesugi's courage to revolt, a young samurai warrior, Touzou Kuruma decides to join the fight. Their target: the Tamonyama Castle.
Flora on the Sand
Sound Recordist
One evening, at the Marine Tower observatory, cosmetics salesman Ichiro Iki is drawn into conversation with an unfamiliar young lady Akiko. She invites Ichiro back to a hotel where they make love but part without even exchanging names. A week later, they have a second chance encounter at the observatory. This time, Ichiro is the one who pursues her. Back at the hotel, Akiko begs Ichiro to give her sister – Kyoko, a bar hostess – absolute hell. Akiko resents her sister for lecturing on chastity, while wantonly indulging in promiscuous activity. Ichiro takes an interest in Kyoko and sets out towards her bar…
The Hunter's Diary
Sound Recordist
Leaving his wife in Osaka, Honda leads a double life in Tokyo – after spending the day as an elite businessman, he flirts around in the evenings. He even rents a secret apartment where he keeps record of his girl hunts in his diary, the ‘Hunter’s Diary’. One day, he finds an article in the newspaper – a murder of a young woman in his diary. A few days later, another woman from his diary is murdered. He soon finds himself in a labyrinth of fear, as women named in his diary are killed one after another...
Hana to musume to shiroi michi
Sound Recordist
One of Sayuri Yoshinaga's first leading roles.
돼지와 군함
야쿠자들이 미군 기지에서 나오는 잔반으로 돼지를 길러 일확천금을 노린다는 설정의 희극이다. 주인공은 그런 야쿠자 조직의 말단으로, 이 새로운 사업이 성공했을 때 지급될 예정인 15만엔의 보너스를 받기 위해 돼지 기르기에 열심이다. 그러나 야쿠자와 미군 사이에 끼어든 수상한 브로커로 인해 예상 밖의 자금들이 추가로 들어가기 시작하면서 그 사업은 순조롭게 진행되지 못한다. 급기야 브로커가 거금을 횡령해 달아나자 그들은 좌절에 빠진다.
Sound Recordist
Japanese comedy film.
Jungle Block
Sound Recordist
A young doctor falls into a despair of developments. He plans to revenge the disgrace inflicted upon his sister, whose engagement was broken as a result.
작은 오빠
Sound Recordist
석탄 산업이 불황기로 접어든 1954년 봄. 사가현의 즈루노하나 탄광에서는 감원에 반대하는 파업이 한창이다. 그 와중에 광부이면서 야스모토 일가의 기둥이었던 기이치, 요시코, 다카이치(작은오빠), 스에코의 아버지가 죽는다. 남겨진 네 형제를 돕기 위해 이웃집 헨미 씨는 장남인 기이치를 임시직에서 정식 직원으로 채용해줄 것을 탄광회사 간부에게 부탁해 보지만, 조센징은 감원 대상 1호라는 말만 듣게 된다. 결국 기이치는 임시직마저 잃게 되어 지금까지 살아온 사택에서도 쫓겨나게 된다. 헨미 씨가 잠시 그의 집에 거두어 들이지만, 곧 헨미 씨마저 사고로 부상을 입고 사직하게 되어, 장남인 기이치는 나가사키로, 차남인 요시코는 어느 정육점으로 각각 일자리를 찾아 떠나고, 다카이치와 스에코만 남겨진다.
Break Down that Wall
Sound Recordist
A man is wrongfully accused of murder.
암흑의 여권
Sound Designer
와시오 사부로의 동명의 소설을 원작으로 한 추리극. 밴드마스터인 이부키는 동료들의 축복 속에 밴드의 보컬 히로미와 결혼식을 올리지만 신혼여행을 떠나는 기차 안에서 신부가 홀연히 사라진다. 사라진 신부는 집 안에서 시체로 발견되고, 경찰은 이부키를 용의자로 취급하며 죽은 아내가 헤로인 중독자였다고 말한다.
니시 긴자 역 앞에서
Sound Recordist
영화에 직접 출연하기도 한 가수 나가이 프랭크의 노래를 바탕으로 만든 중편 코미디 영화. 니시 긴자 역 앞에서 약국을 운영하고 있는 주인공은 아내에게 꼼짝도 못하는 공처가이다. 어느 날 아내와 아이들이 휴가차 집을 비우자, 주인공은 맞은편 가게에서 일하는 여성에게 과감하게 다가간다. (2017년 한국시네마테크협의회 - 이마무라 쇼헤이 회고전)
도둑맞은 욕정
오사카 가와치 지역에는 많은 천막극장들이 있다. 이들은 연극을 상연하기는 하지만 실제로는 대개 오프닝으로 하는 스트립 쇼로 관객을 끌어들이는 극장들이다. 이 극장들 중 하나에서 대학 출신의 젊은 연출가 구니타가 일하고 있다. 그는 오직 연극에 대한 열정만으로 어려운 생활을 헤쳐나가고 있지만 극장의 주연배우의 아내인 치도리를 은근히 좋아하고 있다. 하지만 치도리의 시누이인 치구사는 적극적으로 구니타에게 구애의 감정을 드러낸다. 이들의 뒤얽힌 관계는 지방 도시에 가서 공연을 하게 되면서 표면화 되게 된다.
I Am Waiting
Sound Recordist
A former boxer gets involved with a club hostess trying to escape the clutches of her gangster employer.
The Eagle and the Hawk
Sound Recordist
In a warehouse area at night, a drunk chief engineer is stabbed to death by someone who whistles. After the break of dawn, two seamen join the crew of a rusty cargo ship Kaiyo Maru. One is a troublemaker with bad attitudes, Senkichi Nomura, who pursues an enemy in order to take revenge for his father's death. The other is Keizo Sasaki, a buff, eagle-eyed man on board for a certain mission.
Sound Recordist
시대는 막부. 시나가와 유곽에 위세 좋게 뛰어든 사베이지는 사실은 한 푼없는 가난뱅이다. 일해서 빚을 갚으려고 여관에 남은 사베이지는 요령 좋게 일하는 척을 한다. 친한 손님을 둘러싼 유녀들끼리의 싸움이나 밀린 돈을 받아내는 일 등, 끊임없이 일어나는 귀찮은 일들을 차례차례 해결하여 모두의 보배로, 유녀 오소메와 코하루는 완전히 마음을 빼앗기고 말았다. 장기 숙박을 하고 있는 쵸슈(長州)의 무사 다카스기 신사쿠 일당이 영국 영사관을 불태울 계획을 세우는 것을 알고 사베이지는 출입하는 목수에게 도면을 만들게 한다. 슬슬 철수하려고 여행 준비를 하는 사베이지 앞에 행방불명의 코하루를 찾는 억만장자 노인이 나타난다. 코하루는 죽었다고 거짓말을 하고 엉터리 묘지로 안내 하지만, 묘비에 새겨진 글자를 잠깐 보아도 이는 아이의 이름. 속았다고 화를 내는 노인을 무시하고 사베이지는 동해의 소나무 가로수 길을 가볍게 뛰어서 사라진다.
Hungry Soul, Part II
Sound Recordist
A continuation of Hungry Soul, from the same year. Reiko, who tolerates abuse in her marriage to a man 23 years her senior, is friends with Mayumi, a beautiful widow. Reiko meets her husband’s business rival, a young, capable businessman, and falls for him. Meanwhile, Mayumi enters into a relationship with Shimotsuma, a friend of her late husband.
Hungry Soul
Sound Recordist
Reiko, who tolerates abuse in her marriage to a man 23 years her senior, is friends with Mayumi, a beautiful widow. Reiko meets her husband’s business rival, a young, capable businessman, and falls for him. Meanwhile, Mayumi enters into a relationship with Shimotsuma, a friend of her late husband.
Our Town
Sound Recordist
In 1906, after finishing a tough migrant job in the Philippines, Takichi has returned to Japan. He starts to work as a rickshaw driver, but his lover had died of an illness, leaving a baby girl, Hatsue. Hatsue grows up beautifully and falls in love with Shintaro. But Takichi objects to their relationship...
스자키 파라다이스
Sound Recordist
전후 부흥이 한창 진행되고 있던 1950년대의 일본. 당시의 도쿄에 점재한 홍등가의 하나 ‘스자키’로 이어지는 다리의 기슭에 낡은 선술집이 있다. 매춘방지법시행 이후 머지않아 사라질 풍경 스자키의 유곽과 선술집을 배경으로 그곳에 출입하는 사람들의 일상과 남녀의 관계를 메마른 정서와 유머로 그려내고 있다.
Season of the Sun
Sound Recordist
The film tells the story of a group of high school boxing team members who spend their days drinking, sailing and chasing girls, and who more often than not spend their nights getting into brawls. In particular, it focuses upon Tatsuya, a sullen young man, who falls in love with Eiko, a proud upper-class girl.
The Balloon
Sound Recordist
Haruki Murakami is a successful family man and the head of a camera company. Unbeknownst to Murakami, his arrogant son oscillates between a mistress and a new lover who sings at a nightclub. When Murakami’s disabled daughter befriends the mistress, the affair throws the family into turmoil.
The Heart
In the dying months of the Meiji era, a sympathetic student befriends a married couple, but soon realizes they share a curiously strained relationship stemming from an unknown incident in their past.