Sawako Miura
동반자살로 보이는 사건으로 남자와 여자가 사망한다. 이 중 남자는 성실한 경찰관 다케시타. 그러나 이를 단순 자살로 보지 않는 미즈노 조는 사건의 진실을 캐내기 위해 야쿠자 조직 중 하나인 노모토파로 쳐들어간다. 과감한 색채의 사용과 거울 등을 적극적으로 사용한 독특한 미장센이 인상적인 탐정 스릴러.
Wearing a symbol of justice and brotherhood on his waist – a crimson pistol belt, Ace Joe engages in a fight with villains trying to seize the mine.
Gena Mori
Joji Dan tries to find the heir of a prosperous Japanese millionaire who died in Mexico. However, the bandits want to take over the inheritance and Joji has to use his skills as a fast and accurate shooter!
Nitani is an undercover drug enforcement agent in Kobe who not only busts two rival drug gangs but also helps one of the more decent hoodlums find the killer of the hood's brother.
Motomu Ida movie
Released in the UK as Hotbed of Crime
When Ryuji - the Gun Slinger, a drug addict leaves hospital to which he was taken after a gunfight by a notorious killer named Gin of Colt, he is employed as a bodyguard by Yo Sangen, chief of a narcotics smuggling ring.
A prisoner escapes from prison to find the real criminal.
Fierce struggle between brothers and sisters in a lawless land where violence is the norm.
Mihoko Hashimoto
Japanese crime film
버스라는 한정된 공간에서 각양각색의 사람들이 벌이는 시끌벅적한 소동극. 산사태로 기차 운행이 중지되자 승객들은 어쩔 수 없이 낡은 버스에 몸을 싣는다. 하지만 무장 강도가 도주중이라는 소문이 퍼지고 버스의 승객들은 패닉에 빠진다. 이제 화려한 도시 여성, 배우 지망생, 거만한 중년 부부, 그리고 범죄자들이 다양한 사건을 만들어낸다.
Hanako Yamada
A conflict between two yakuza families in Tokyo, the Izus and the Yoshidas, has recently broken out. When an Izu underling starts a fight with a Yoshida man, Fuyu, the Izu family sends Tsuruta, a senior member of the clan, to make a personal apology to Fuyu. Tsuruta discovers that the woman he is in love with is Fuyu's sister, Tatsuko. Tsuruta ends up gambling with a swindler, who is in fact Tatsuko's husband. (The general plot of the film was re-used for Seijun Suzuki's Kanto Wanderer).
Keiko Hatano