Delphine Gilberti
A moral tale and a political thriller: a few days before the term of her mandate, the President must make a major decision concerning the destiny of France.
France, November 2015. After the Paris terror attacks, the state of emergency is proclaimed to facilitate the work of police forces. 4 AM. A policewoman helps colleagues to conduct a search, but soon finds out that things aren’t going the way they’re supposed to.
Claire Andrieux
A single forty-something, with a well-regulated life, sees a heavy secret poisoning her budding relationship with a man she fell in love with.
Martha Leblois
1894년 12월, 프랑스의 알프레드 드레퓌스 대위는 독일 대사관에 군사정보를 팔아넘겼다는 혐의로 체포되어 반역죄를 선고받는다. 사건의 증거는 단 하나, 정보를 빼돌린 서류의 필적이 드레퓌스의 것과 비슷하다는 것뿐. 드레퓌스는 굴욕적인 군적 박탈식을 거쳐 '악마의 섬'으로 영원히 유배된다. 하지만 새로 부임한 피카르 중령은 드레퓌스 사건의 필적과 매우 유사한 서신을 발견하고, 은밀히 사건을 재조사하게 된다. 피카르가 진실에 다가설수록 군의 수뇌부는 은폐와 조작에 급급해하며 그를 궁지에 몰아넣기 시작하는데…
Two brothers find themselves on their childhood island. Together, they will cross a path of reconstruction. This path, consisting of escapes and dreamlike visions, will make a new relationship possible.
Roman loves Camille as much as he loves his two daughters. But he is hiding from all of them a serious problem of addiction, which could endanger his dearest. Does love have a chance to survive when trust is broken?
Dominique Perret, Gilles' Wife
행복한 가정을 꾸린 알렉상드르는 유년시절 자신에게 성적 학대를 저지른 프레나 신부가 여전히 아이들을 가르치고 있다는 소식에 큰 충격을 받는다. 알렉상드르와 같은 피해를 입은 프랑수아와 에마뉘엘은 더 이상의 고통을 막기 위해 ‘라 프롤 리베레(해방된 목소리)’라는 단체를 결성하고 교회에 프레나 신부의 파면을 요구한다. 하지만 교회는 공소시효를 내세우며 범죄를 은폐하려하는데…
Simon is an experienced doctor who rubs shoulders with death on a daily basis as part of his job in an intensive care unit. Like any good professional, he has learnt to shield himself from it. But when his mother is hospitalised in a nearby unit, and is in a critical condition, his private life and professional life clash spectacularly. Simon’s whole world, and all his certainties and beliefs, are shaken to the core – even to the extent of re-evaluating his career...
Police officers at a station must solve a murder case.
L'assistante du casting
When leaving an audition, Boris encounters Julia, who he hasn't seen for several years. Upset by seeing each other again, both confront a past that they'd fled.
La policière
One evening, when they come home, Mr. and Mrs. Prioux are astounded to find that a certain Patrick has moved into their place. This strange young man has returned home to his parents in order to introduce his wife.
Educational senior advisor
Teacher in the most prestigious highschool in the country, François enjoys the life he’s always known, in the intellectual and bourgeois society of Paris. Trapped in a situation where he’s forced to accept a job in a school of a tough underprivileged suburb, he finds himself confronted to his own limits and to the upheaval of his values and certainties.
35년 전 갑자기 떠났던 그 날처럼, 한 통의 전화와 함께 다시 돌아와 클레어의 일상을 뒤흔든 새엄마 베아트리체. 성격부터 먹는 것, 입는 것 심지어 취미 생활까지 모든 게 다른 둘의 사이는 좀처럼 가까워지지 않는다. 하지만 베아트리체가 돌아온 진짜 이유를 알게 된 클레어는 그녀에게 조금씩 마음을 열기 시작하고, 함께 보내는 시간이 늘어갈수록 서로를 닮아가는 두 사람 사이의 특별한 우정이 시작되는데...
Constance, a 40-years-old real estate agent, gets fired from her job. With no options left, she contacts her former boss, from the small agency where she started her career. To her surprise, he is hiring, but explains he may have already found someone. Constance is convinced she will get the job because of her experience and extensive qualifications. But when Audrey, a younger and prettier woman, is hired instead, it proves too much for Constance to take.
Marco Lopez, a former Neo-Nazi and skinhead, tries to leave his violent, racist and hateful past behind him.
Claire Andrieux
Eleanor, thirties, has just lost her father. He bequeathed his house in Brittany in the Cotes d'Armor. She is a photographer, has had some success but business no longer work as before. It is imperative to sell the house. She goes there with Samuel, her former companion which she left some time ago, because she does not feel to go alone and she has not returned since the death of her father. But she is playing with fire - because she knows that their relationship did not exactly appeased, even if it was for some adventures and Samuel lives with Laura. Claire Andrieux, the real estate agent, was busy organizing visits during the two days Samuel and Eleanor will stay in the house. It's a funny weekend that these three are about to spend.A surprising weekend full of surprises, emotions, tensions, memories and shouting matches in melancholy and absurd moments that leave the couple necessarily changed.
Lucie can't seem to help but see her husband's friend entirely nude.
A young couple plays the risky game of Truth, through a video camera...
In a world where appearence is more important than what's inside, Frank lost everything and now lives in the street. To survive and reintegrate into society, he can only count on his abilities to adapt, his incredible imagination, his suit and his closet...