A documentary on the life of Uruguayan politician and former guerrilla fighter José Mujica.
«The Victory will be my gift to you!». This is the promise, which the 17-year old volunteer soldier makes to a very young hospital nurse, with whom he is madly in love. Many years later following a tragic accident the protagonist of our story will get hold of the volunteer’s diary. He lives is a bustling vicious city sparkling with steel and other expensive tinsel. He has achieved almost everything that a modern citizen might dream of – ha has successful career, a striking well-groomed wife and other attributes of his status. From time to time he shares his success formulas with hundreds of students of a business school dreaming of making a similar career.
Şehnaz, a young female psychiatrist from Istanbul, starts mandatory duty in a provincial town. Back in the city, she maintains a marriage that looks flawless on the outside. Elmas, a young woman on the verge of breakdown, opens a new path in her.
The plot of the film takes place in a small patio in the center of the southern cosy, sunny city. The frontman of the friendly family decides by any means to find out a possible new lover of his daughter. He is allowed to drink, be angry and know moderately. But he is ready even to fall out with his neighbor and best friend in order to make his daughter happy. But neither he, nor their neighbors, who also worry about the girl, even imagine who is the girl's loved one.
Spring in wartime. Each day a milkman crosses the frontline on a donkey, dodging bullets to bring his precious wares to the soldiers. Blessed with good fortune on his mission, loved by a beautiful villager, a peaceful future seems to await him… until the arrival of a mysterious Italian woman turns his life upside down. Thus begins a story of passionate, forbidden love that will plunge them both into a series of fantastic and dangerous adventures. They have been joined by fate, and nothing and no one seems able to stop them… Two-times Palme D'Or winner Emir Kusturica directs and stars in this story of love and war, rich in emotion, comedy and adventure.
Vilen Apresyan, the deputy head of the Armenian central bank, will be fired if a representative of an international credit organization, who is about to arrive in two days' time, doesn't sign an agreement to provide a 50 million euro loan. The situation looks hopeless, and Vilen can only be saved by a miracle...
In a Crimean filtration camp, after the evacuation of the White Army, an unnamed captain is haunted by memories of a brief romance as he tries to understand how the Russian Empire fell apart and who is to blame.
Epic film about WWII, a sequel to Utomlyonnye solntsem (1994). Evil Stalin is terrorizing people of Russia while the Nazis are advancing. Russian officer Kotov, who miraculously survived the death sentence in Stalin's Purge, is now fighting in the front-lines. His daughter, Nadia, who survived a rape attempt by Nazi soldiers, is now a nurse risking her own life to save others. In the war-torn nation even former enemies are fighting together to defend their land. People stand up united for the sake of victory. Written by Steve Shelokhonov
1986년 멕시코 월드컵에서 전 세계를 발칵 뒤집어놓은 사건이 발생한다. 아르헨티나라는 작은 나라의 선수 디에고 마라도나가 잉글랜드와의 경기에서 핸들링 파울을 범하여 득점을 한 것. 하지만 이 명백한 파울은 골로 인정되고, 그는 '신의 손'이라는 오명을 지니게 된다. 그러나 3분 뒤, 홀로 6명을 제치며 60미터를 달려간 그가 추가골을 터뜨린다. 신의 손이라는 오명을 지녔지만 현존하는 최고의 선수라는 명예도 함께 가진, 축구의 신 마라도나가 탄생하는 순간이다. 칸 영화제 3회 수상에 빛나는 거장 감독 에밀 쿠스트리차는 인간 마라도나를 카메라에 담기로 한다. 아직까지 그에 대해 제대로 담은 작품이 단 한 편도 없다는 안타까움으로 시작한 작품은, 당당한 척 살고 있지만 수 많은 사건사고로 더 유명한, 그러나 현재까지도 살아있는 영원한 영웅이라는 칭호를 받고 있는 인간 마라도나를 제대로 그리기로 한다. 자신과 가장 가깝게 닮은 인물이라 생각한 바로 그 사람을. 하지만 첫 만남부터 서로의 삶과 사상을 관통하는 공통점들을 하나씩 발견하게 되는데…
An old man named Zivojin Markovic, living in a remote village prays for his grandson Cane to go to the city, sell his cow and bring back a wife. In the city he is supposed to meet up with his grandfather's stepbrother, but this man is dead. Instead, he meets this man's two grandsons, two good-natured brothers who are nevertheless small-time criminals and experts in demolition. Cane soon clicks with these men, and also falls in love with a schoolgirl (Jasna), who he wants to marry as part of his testament with his grandfather. He gets involved in this girl's family affairs, rescuing both her and her mother from prostitution and gangsters headed by a man called Bajo, and the new group of people return to the small village in time to celebrate Zivojin's wedding to his neighbor, despite the gangsters' best efforts to stop the celebration, which results in a double wedding.
Set during the Bosnian war in the early 1990s, Luka is a mild-mannered railway clerk whose life is turned upside down, not just by the outbreak of the war, but when his wife runs off with a local musician. Then Luka's son is conscripted and eventually captured in the fighting. To recover his son, Luka is commanded to guard a pretty young Muslim nurse who will be used in a hostage swapping operation.
An ex-soldier storms a supermarket and takes all the cashiers captive because one of them insulted his grandmother.
Sound Designer
An ex-soldier storms a supermarket and takes all the cashiers captive because one of them insulted his grandmother.
고요한 초록빛의 다뉴브 강가. 이 곳에 터를 닦아 자손을 낳고 살고 있는 두 집시 집안이 있다. 먼저 1세대. 그르가와 자리야. 그들은 생사고락을 함께 한 친구사이지만 25년동안 만나지 않을 정도로 애증 관계에 있다. 다음으로 자리야의 아들인 마초. 그는 그르가의 옛 똘마니였던 다단과 역시 서로 씹고 씹히는 관계 속에서 근근히 우정을 유지하고 있는 2세대 친구간이다. 그리고 3세대. 마초의 외아들 자레와 다단의 여동생 딱정벌레 이름은 따로 있지만 난쟁이만한 키를 가진 그녀를 두고 사람들은 그렇게 부른다. 이제 이야기의 전개는 2세대부터. 집안을 책임져야 하는 처지이지만 늘 놀고 먹는 한심한 백수, 마초 어쩌다 결혼식을 앞둔 하루 전, 천지신명의 도움인지 손자를 도와주려는 할아버지의 마지막 베품인지, 자리야가 세상을 뜬다. 마초는 당장 다단에게 달려가 결혼식과 장례식을 한꺼번에 치룰 수 없다고 하지만 다단을 사망소식을 사흘 후로 연기할 것을 종용한다. 어쩔 수 없이 다음 날, 마초의 집 마당에선 결혼식이 치뤄지고 혼인 서약이 울려퍼진다. 난장판 분위기의 피로연. 급기야 난쟁이 신부가 도망을 치는데. 한편 일전에 사업 자금을 꾸러 온 마초의 거짓말로 친구가 죽은 줄 알고 있던 그르가. 그는 키다리 손자와 뚱땡이 손자를 데리고 친구의 묘를 방문하러 이 말으로 오고 있던 중 이었다. 오는 도중 길을 잃은 그르가의 마차는 도망치던 신부와 맞딱뜨리게 되고 이 순간 불꽃이 튀는 두 사람이 생긴다. 딱정벌레와 그르가의 키다리 손자. 둘은 운명적인 만남을 감지하고 첫눈에 사랑에 빠지는데. 그르가의 등장으로 인해 한때 그의 돈을 떼먹었던 다단은 울며겨자먹기로 여동생과 키다리 손자와의 결혼을 승낙하고, 자레는 사랑하던 마을 처녀와 짝이 지워진다. 그러나 불행하게도 그날 밤 그르가마저 세상을 뜬다. 자 이제 자신이 원하던 짝을 되찾았던 이 두 커플은 어찌 될 것인가?
Sound Editor
Deni, a young woman working in McDonalds, has dreams of fame. When a producer discovers her singing talent he gets her into the game. However, she soon feels overburdened. Fortunately, the ghost of Elvis is there to help her.
Sound Designer
A self-portrait documentary of Dusan Makavejev who travels to former Yugoslavia, and charts the changes of the society which parallels to his own life.
Sound Editor
Black ant Ameisen, the infantry ant, got mixed up in war and love turmoils. He's an experienced military slacker who does not respect strict military standards, but performs each task successfully. Red ants, headed by their clumsy general, are on the war path with black ants. Unfortunately for both sides, war happened because of a jar of moldy marmalade.
Sound Editor
In a near-future Belgrade, a DJ stirs up trouble with his rocking anti-establishment broadcasts. After his station is shut down, he takes to the street and starts transmitting revolution with the police hot on his trail.
Sound Editor
In 1389, the Serbian prince Lazar Hrebeljanović refused to submit to the Turkish Sultan Murat, who was invading Serbia with a large army, in order to continue conquering Europe through it.