Karalynn Dunton

Karalynn Dunton

출생 : 1989-03-06, Santa Cruz, California, USA

프로필 사진

Karalynn Dunton

참여 작품

Dangerous Cheaters
When star student Kaley gets suspicious of a group of underachievers’ high SAT scores, she unwittingly uncovers a cheating ring and puts her life in jeopardy.
Death Pool
Johnny Taylor has a big problem: he LOVES to drown good-looking girls. When he sees water and attractive females together, something in his head begs him to kill - the psychological result of a traumatic near-drowning during his childhood at the hands of a twisted babysitter. Fighting the urge to act on his sinister thoughts most of his adult life, Johnny finally succumbs to his dark instincts when the only work he can find is around water, cleaning pools. Filled with colorful characters, beautiful women and set against the backdrop of the LA party scene, Death Pool encapsulates the desire for fame, the lust for desire, and the urge to kill.
살인 예술가
Art Student #3
예술대학에서 미술을 전공하는 여대생 ‘노엘 (프란체스카 이스트우드)’. 어느 날, 초대받은 파티에서 무자비한 성폭행을 당하게 되고 그녀는 이 사실을 학교에 털어놓고 도움을 받으려 하지만 오히려 학교는 그런 그녀를 외면하는데... 스스로 해결하려던 노엘은 실수에 의한 살인을 저지르게 된다. 그 후 깊은 예술적 영감을 받게 된 그녀는 ‘카파 파이 사교 클럽'의 성폭행 피해자를 만나게 되고 성폭행범들을 추적하며 복수를 겸한 살인을 시작 하는데..
The White Room
A man is told that he has dead and is being given a few fleeting moments to ask whatever questions he would like before ultimately being sent along to his final destination. Unfortunately, he says too much.
듀드 브로 파티 매서커 3
Snack Food Maiden
In the wake of two back-to-back mass murders on Chico's frat row, loner Brent Chirino must infiltrate the ranks of a popular fraternity to investigate his twin brother's murder at the hands of the serial killer known as "Motherface."
Everything Before Us
Opening Montage Couple
The Department of Emotional Integrity (DEI) documents all relationship activity. A 'relationship score' is given to keep people accountable for their choices. The score is public for all to see, and affects various aspects of daily life. Two couples, teenagers and early 30s, face different but intersecting challenges in their relationships within the rules of the DEI.