Jeremy Sykes

참여 작품

디어 딕테이터
Mall Patron / Student
16살 여고생 타티아나(오데야 러쉬)는 안톤(마이클 케인)이라는 작은 섬나라 독재자와 편지를 주고받는 펜팔 친구다. 그런데 안톤이 국민의 저항으로 권좌에서 물러나 미국으로 달아났을 때 예기치 않게 타티아나의 집 차고에 머무는 난민 신세가 된다. 싱글맘 달렌(케이티 홈즈)과 함께 사는 타티아나는 안톤에게서 각종 노하우를 전수 받아 학교에서 자신을 괴롭히는 아이들에 대한 반란을 꾀한다.
누드 리플레이
Palmetto Hotel Guest (uncredited)
나는 사랑에 빠졌어요! 그리고 타임 루프에도 빠졌네? 결혼식을 앞두고 무한히 반복되는 시간 속에 갇힌 롭. 식장을 향해 끝도 없이 달려야 한다. 그것도 벌거벗은 채로!
Love at the Shore
Lucas' Bonfire Friend
Single mom Jenna Thompson only five weeks to deliver her next teen novel to her publisher. So, this year's annual beach vacation with her kids will be a working vacation. Upon arrival, the family soon meets their new next-door neighbor, confident, devil-may-care surfer Lucas McKinnon.
You Have a Nice Flight
A lovable Vietnamese manicurist, Dong Hung, desperately needs to fly to Vietnam within 24 hours to donate his kidney for a transplant to save his sick twin brother. But Dong Hung just can't stay out of trouble at the airport. His naivete and poor English, along with airport security and an unsympathetic airline leads to hilarious chaos. As things spiral out of control, Dong Hung misses his first flight and is bumped cruelly from the second. A beautiful stewardess, Jesta, tries to help and is pulled into Dong Hung's comical orbit. An unlikely romance develops and a hero emerges.
Witchcraft XIV: Angel of Death
A young woman discovers that she is a witch when people close to her begin to die under mysterious circumstances. She comes under the protection of a white magic coven/yoga studio. But the real danger may be right in front of her.