Reece Presley

Reece Presley

프로필 사진

Reece Presley

참여 작품

In A Violent Nature
The Ranger
The enigmatic resurrection, rampage, and retribution of an undead monster in a remote wilderness.
Kevin (Border Patrol Agent 1)
A family of immigrants is chased through the woods by border patrol. But they're not alone.
당신의 세계를 생각하다
캐나다의 인디 뮤지션 루이스와 1983년에 발표된 앨범 '라무르', 그리고 그 때늦은 발견에 대한 사색. 신화와 노래에 대한 사랑 이야기.
A woman learns to love and rediscover herself after years of emotional abuse at the hands of her husband.
싸이코 고어맨
80년대 후반과 90년대 초반의 배경으로 어느날 주인공 소녀 '미미'와 '루크'가 수백만년 전 우주를 파괴하려는 시도를 했다가 실패한 후에 지구에 묻힌 고대 외계인 지배자를 부활시키게 되면서 벌어지는 이야기
Dude Bro
경찰차 절도 범죄 경력이 있는 마이키가 경찰의 정보원이 되어 차량 절도 범죄 조직에 들어간다. 수백만 달러어치의 차를 훔쳐 국외로 밀반출하는 이 국제적인 범죄 조직에서 마이키는 살아남을 수 있을까?
Christmas in Angel Falls
Adam Chambers
Gabby Messinger, a Guardian Angel who has trouble following the rules and is known for meddling in the love live’s of others, is tasked by the Angel Michael to help the town of Angel Falls find its Christmas spirit again.
It's No Real Pleasure in Life
Racist Cop
After inadvertently implicating his friend in a crime, a privileged young man employs sex and violence as coping mechanisms.
Holy Hell
Buddy MacFarlane
Holy Hell is the over-the-top, outrageous, sexually-deviant, blood-drenched story of Father Augustus Bane: a priest pushed too far who begins praying to a revolver and hunting down the gangsters who killed his parishioners. In the vein of recent alternative horror/comedies like "Machete" and "Hobo with a Shotgun", HOLY HELL is a modern take on 60's and 70's B-Movie and Exploitation film tropes. The goal of this feature length movie is to break through every limit set by film, taste and reasonable societal behavior: all with anarchic glee.
Self Driver
Facing mounting expenses and the unrelenting pressure of modern living, a down-on-his-luck cab driver is lured on to a mysterious new app that promises fast, easy money. As his first night on the job unfolds, he is pulled ever deeper into the dark underbelly of society, embarking on a journey that will test his moral code and shake his understanding of what it means to have freewill. The question becomes not how much money he can make, but what he'll be compelled to do to make it. If you've got nothing to lose, how far would you go?