Richard Sylvarnes

참여 작품

Strange Past
Production Design
A night out at a bar turns mysterious when a stranger in a fedora calls Meredith by the wrong name - and she admits she's changed her name many times before, reinventing herself each time. Sunny, Violet, Jacosta, Pauline... What's to keep her from changing again and leaving her friends and fiance behind? Who's the odd man in the hat and why did he bring a birdcage to a bar? Does the hot bartender really exist? The group fractures, seeking answers to these questions over the course of one surreal night. A film about identity and history and what people choose to reveal to each other.
Ned Rifle
Production Design
Henry and Fay's son Ned sets out to find and kill his father for destroying his mother's life. But his aims are frustrated by the troublesome Susan, whose connection to Henry predates even his arrival in the lives of the Grim family.
Years Later: The Unbelievable Truth and Its Consequences
Camera Operator
A series of impromptu interviews with Hal Hartley, Adrienne Shelly, and some of Hartley's other most frequent collaborators on his style, career, and process.
The Making of 'Fay Grim' or: How Do You Spell Espionage?
A short documentary about the making of 'Fay Grim.'
페이 그림
Production Design
삶의 희망이라고는 전혀 찾아볼 수 없을 것 같은 ‘페이 그림’. 그녀의 남편 ‘헨리’는 우발적인 살인사건을 저지르고 7년 동안이나 소식 두절이고 14세 아들 ‘네드’는 학교에서 사고뭉치로 낙인 찍힌 문제아이다. 게다가 시인임을 자처하는 동생 ‘사이먼’은 남편의 도주를 도왔다는 이유로 교도소에 수감 중이다. 어느 날, 야동을 친구들에게 보여주는 등 악행을 일삼았다는 이유로 아들 ‘네드’는 퇴학을 당하게 되고 소년원에 수감될 처지에 놓이게 되자 ‘페이 그림’은 남편 ‘헨리’를 대신해 ‘사이먼’이 출소하여 ‘네드’의 후견인이 되어주어야 만 하는 절박한 상황에 처하게 된다. 그런 그녀 앞에 어느 날, 들이닥친 CIA요원들. 이들은 남편 ‘헨리’가 스웨덴에서 사망했으며, 사실은 그가 미국의 스파이로 활동해 왔고 암호해독 전문가였던 그가 생전에 썼던 음란소설들은 그가 암호화 한 미국의 정치, 군사 기밀들이라는 사실을 그녀에게 알려주면서 생전에 쓴 소설이 담겨 있는 6권의 노트를 프랑스에 가서 회수해 줄 것을 요청한다. 이에 프랑스로 날아간 ‘페이 그림’은 그곳에서 만난 다른 나라의 스파이로부터 ‘헨리’가 죽지 않고 살아 있다는 충격적인 소식을 듣게 되는데...
Regarding Soon
A behind the scenes look, including an interview with Hal Hartley, surrounding his play "Soon," a production inspired by the 1993 events in Waco, Texas involving the religious sect called the Branch Davidians and their collision with the US Federal Government.
Excerpts from Soon
Excerpts from performances of Hal Hartley's play "Soon", a production inspired by the 1993 events in Waco, Texas involving the religious sect called the Branch Davidians and their collision with the US Federal Government.
The Cloud of Unknowing
Director of Photography
A young doctor believes that the spirit of his late wife has possessed a troubled patient in his hospital.
The Cloud of Unknowing
A young doctor believes that the spirit of his late wife has possessed a troubled patient in his hospital.
The Cloud of Unknowing
A young doctor believes that the spirit of his late wife has possessed a troubled patient in his hospital.
The Cloud of Unknowing
A young doctor believes that the spirit of his late wife has possessed a troubled patient in his hospital.
The Cloud of Unknowing
A young doctor believes that the spirit of his late wife has possessed a troubled patient in his hospital.
The New Math(s)
This film is the visual component of the multi-media collaboration between the composer Louis Andriessen and Hal Hartley.