Ichiro Kodama

참여 작품

Shin ono ga tsumi
Doctor Sasaki
20th film adaptation of the novel Ono ga tsumi (published 1900-1901).
The Tale of Jiro
Dr. Aoki
Based on the novel by Kojin Shimomura. Story of a young boy and his adventures in the country. His idyllic life is shattered by the illness and death of his mother.
The Shiinomi School
A university professor and his wife have two sons with infantile paralysis. Through trial and error, they struggle to open a school for disabled children at their own expense. Based on a true story, it features natural child performances under Hiroshi Shimizu’s skillful direction.
Twilight Saloon
Takes place in one place, a beer hall, over the course of one evening. Uchida employs this concentration of setting and time to fashion a microcosm for a group portrait of Japan. One by one, the regulars of the bar appear: the pianist who dreams of becoming a composer but has disappeared from the music world after a knifing; a stripper who had planned to be a ballet dancer; an elderly painter trying to make a living at pachinko, and who rues his art having been used for militarist propaganda during the war; a young waitress considering elopement; a colonel turned real estate broker who attempts to rouse the crowd in military song until he realizes the tune has been transformed by marchers in the street into a leftist chant. The "twilight" is more than just a time of day; here, it is a state of being, a suspension between past and present, between the camaraderie of the saloon and the harsh world outside.
kyôfu no kâbin jû
Suspense film based on the "Carbine Gang Incident" that happened in June 1954 in Japan.
번역일로 먹고 사는 마유미는 결혼을 하지 않아 주위 사람들의 걱정을 산다. 마유미는 결혼 생각이 없다며 대답을 피하지만 사실 그는 오랫동안 한 여성만을 좋아하고 있다. 한편, 마유미는 우연히 만난 친구에게 새로운 일을 제안 받는다. 바로 미군과 사귀는 여성들에게 영어 편지를 대신 써주는 일이다. 기노시타 게이스케 감독이 각본을 썼으며, 다나카 기누요도 마유미의 고객으로 잠시 출연한다. 1954년 칸영화제 경쟁부문 상영.
Yasen kangofu
Japanese war drama.
Mole Alley
Muntinlupa no yo wa fukete
Akatsuki no Kyūshū
Patrolman Taguchi
Japanese drama film.
Miki, the Swordman
After mastering swordsmanship at the dojo of Chiba Shusaku, and unable to serve a clan due to his illness, Hirate Miki becomes a ronin who winds up as bodyguard to Shigezo of Sasagawa leading up to an epic battle.
긴자 화장
긴자에 있는 술집 벨아미에서 일하는 유키코는 외아들 하루오와 함께 방을 얻고 씩씩하게 살고 있다. 옛날부터 친구였던 시즈에는 만사 돈이면 다 해결되리라고 생각하고 부자집 첩으로 살고 있었지만, 유키코는 이를 못내켜 한다. 어느 날 시즈에는 본인이 소개한 마을 부자집 차남, 이시카와가 상경하니 안내해달라고 유키코한테 부탁한다. 할 수 없이 안내역을 맡은 유키코였지만 이시카와의 순수하고 인간적인 성격을 보고 아련한 연정을 갖게 된다.
Amakara chindōchū
Japanese comedy film.
When We Came Back
Melodrama by Kiyoshi Saeki
Duel in the Sun
A film by Kiyoshi Saeki
Ginza Cancan Girls
Shizuko Kasagi and Hideko Takamine star as young women who try to raise money for a needy old friend by becoming wandering singers who work for tips in Tokyo's Ginza nightlife district.
부모가 정한 인담을 싫어, 오사카를 나와 도쿄에서 회사 근무를 하고 있는 카와키타구미의 오조지·코로쿠. 어느 때 그는 상경해 온 허수아·란코를 도망쳐 하숙처를 옮겨, 거기서 만난 테루코와 사랑에 빠진다. 하지만 카와키타조는 파산 위기에 있어서 란코와의 결혼은 놓칠 수 없는 것이 되었다.
Most of the students studying Ikebana with Kozoe Iemoto are daughters of rich Tokyo families. Kozoe meets and grows close to a doctor who proposes marriage but whose mother harbours ill feeling towards her because of an incident in the mountains where a child got into difficulties. Kozoe rejects the proposal but falls ill and when she recovers, decides to devote herself entirely to the world of flower arranging.