Masanobu Takeyama

참여 작품

The Age of Beginnings
A newly hired daily newspaper writer covering the society beat receives an assignment to cover Tokyo at night by walking and observing it. He gets into the right frame of mind by dressing the part as a vagrant with not a penny to his name. He gets into trouble ending up at the police station slammer overnight. He has no material to write about and, with his assignment unfulfilled, faces a cross editor.
The Day Before
A forceful indictment of the devastating effects of war and nationalistic fanaticism on the average man, who, in the face of the absurdity of violence, is reduced to apathy or victimhood.
The Whole Family Works
The Whole Family Works, Mikio Naruse's adaptation of a Sunao Tokunaga novel, feels more of a piece with the writer/director's quietly observant and psychologically charged later work. For the Naruse-familiar, it is an anomaly only in its placement within his filmography—indeed, this could be a film made by the elder, stasis-minded Naruse momentarily inhabiting, through a metaphysical twist of fate, his stylistically exuberant younger self. Set in depression-era Japan around the time of the Sino-Japanese War (which the director evokes, during a brief dream sequence, by dissolving between children's war games and actual adult warfare), The Whole Family Works gently observes a family coming apart at the seams. Ishimura (Musei Tokugawa) is the jobless father of nine children.
The Abe Clan
“Widely acclaimed as the first full-scale historical film epic in Japan, Kumagai’s adaptation of Ogai Mori’s celebrated novel is an indictment of the bushido tradition of saving face through harakiri. The 19 vassals of Lord Hosokawa ask permission to commit harakiri with him, as a demonstration of their loyalty. Only Yaichiemon Abe is refused permission, forced instead into the vassalage of his lord’s successor. Humiliated and derided, Yaichiemon eventually commits harakiri without permission. His eldest son is then punished for Yaichiemon’s suicide, and when he resists, is sentenced to death. The entire Abe clan rebels upon the son’s execution, and the clan is annihilated.” --Alan Poul, Japan Society
인정 종이풍선
에도 시대의 도쿄 빈민가, 무사 계급이라 해도 돈이 없으면 하층민들 사이에서 겨우 입에 풀칠만 할 수밖에 없는 시대. 주인 없는 무사 마타주로는 아내가 집에서 싸구려 종이 풍선을 만드는 사이 일자리를 찾으러 다닌다. 한편, 어느 비 내리는 밤, 이발사 신자의 일당이 부유한 상인의 딸을 납치해 마타주로의 집에 숨긴다. 일당은 몸값을 요구하지만 일은 점점 꼬여만 가고, 마타주로 역시 곤경에 처한다. 자살로 시작된 영화는 자살로 막을 내리며, 봉건 제도 하의 일본에서 계급의 밑바닥을 살아가는 사람들의 삶이 얼마나 끔찍한지를 보여주는 야마나카의 비극적인 걸작. 야마나카가 그의 짧은 생애 동안 만든 작품 중 마지막 작품이자 현존하는 세 작품 중 하나. (2014 영화의 전당 미지의 일본 거장전 I : 시미즈 히로시 & 야마나카 사다오)