Leonard Sachs
출생 : 1909-09-26, Roodeport, Transvaal, South Africa
사망 : 1990-06-15
President Borusa
Omega, an ancient Time Lord made of pure anti-matter, once defeated by the Doctor, is plotting to cross over into this dimension by bonding with the Doctor. Meanwhile, the disappearance of a man in Amsterdam piques the curiosity of his cousin, Tegan, who previously left the Doctor at Heathrow Airport and now finds herself at Omega's mercy. Fearing total destruction from the collision of matter and antimatter, the Time Lords recall the Doctor to Gallifrey to undertake the only viable solution: executing him!
Dr. Peterson
An over-the-hill movie producer marries a wealthy, spiteful woman and closeted lesbian just to please his spoiled daughter who then, in an attempt to spite him, seduces both a wealthy playboy and a local screenwriter.
Admiral de Coligny
The TARDIS materialises in Paris in the year 1572 and the Doctor decides to visit the famous apothecary Charles Preslin. Steven, meanwhile, is befriended by a group of Huguenots from the household of the Protestant Admiral de Coligny. Having rescued a young serving girl, Anne Chaplet, from some pursuing guards, the Huguenots gain their first inkling of a heinous plan being hatched at the command of the Catholic Queen Mother, Catherine de Medici.
Group Captain (uncredited)
스펙터 일당은 지부장 라르고의 지휘로 NATO의 공군 조종사인 더발 소령의 여비서 피오나를 매수, 그를 죽이고 그와 똑같이 성형수술을 시킨 하수인을 MOS 핵폭탄 2개가 실린 NATO 연습기에 더빌 소령으로 위장시켜 태운 뒤, 다른 조종사들을 처치하고 핵폭탄을 탈취한다. 탈취에 성공한 스펙터는 7일 이내에 1억 파운드를 내놓으라는 메시지를 보내고, 영국 정보부에서는 핵폭탄을 찾기 위한 썬더볼 작전의 임무를 007에게 명령한다. 더발 소령의 여동생인 도미노에게 접근하는 007. 그는 도미노에게 모든 사실을 알려고, 라르고가 핵폭탄의 탈취 주범임을 확신하게 된다.
빈 대학 의학부를 졸업한 프로이트는 파리의 정신병원에서 샤르코의 지도 아래 히스테리 환자를 관찰하고 최면술을 통한 치료 과정을 보게 되면서 인간의 내면에는 본인이 의식하지 못하는 과정, 즉 무의식이 존재한다는 것을 믿게 된다. 같은 의사이자 정신적인 아버지라 할 수 있는 브로이어와 함께 히스테리 환자를 치료하던 프로이트는 자유연상법을 통해 세실이라는 젊은 여성 환자를 완쾌시키게 된다. 또한 그녀의 아버지에 대한 사랑과 어머니에 대한 미움, 그리고 젊은 남성 환자의 어머니에 대한 집착 등을 목격하게 되면서 차츰 오이디푸스 콤플렉스와 '소아성욕론' 이론을 정립해 나가게 된다. 그러나 보수적인 학계에선 이를 받아들이지 못하고 학회에서 자신의 이론을 발표한 프로이트는 심한 모욕을 받는다.
John Dawson
Comedy about a protective mother whose dull son seems to have become wayward with the local bottle blonde.
The Dutchman
A movie star is typecast as a ruthless gangster. His troubles begin when he gets reality confused with his job and becomes deluded into believing that he really is a mobster.
Clifton Conrad
When Richard Logan, the partner in a safe making firm, is found unconscious, on an old deserted bomb site, he finds that he has no recollection of the last three weeks. Then he discovers that the private detective, hired by his wife, has been found murdered, and a safe that his firm installed in a large country house, has been cleverly opened, and the contents are missing. So with the help of his wife, he sets out to uncover the truth.
Mr. Spratt
휠체어 신세인 젊은 여성이 아버지의 땅으로 돌아간다. 아버지가 돌아가신 지 10년째라지만, 그녀는 계속해서 아버지가 보인다.
Mr. Morini
A petty crook gallantly consoles wealthy widows and is doing all right in his chosen profession until he meets and falls in love with a lovely baroness, who knows all about get-rich-quick schemes.
Bob's Father
식물학자인 데커 박사(Dr. Charles Decker: 마이클 고호 분)는 아프리카에서 비행기 사고의 생존자로 귀환하면서 조그만 침팬지 콩가와 식인초를 가져온다. 그는 식인초에서 추출된 약물을 콩가에게 주입 100ft의 거대한 괴물로 만들어 정적을 살해하는데 이용하지만 조수 마가레트(Margaret: 마고 존스 분)의 순간 잘못으로 약물을 너무 많이 주입하여 걷잡을 수없이 커진다. 이에 데카의 통제를 벗어난 콩가는 미친듯이 날뛰기 시작하는데....
A police inspector (Donald Sinden) tracks down Russian anarchist Peter the Painter (Peter Wyngarde) and his gang in circa-1911 London.
Police Inspector
When a law-abiding demolition expert is duped by a gang of criminals into helping them he is caught and jailed. When he is released he goes straight and then notices a leading citizen in his town is cheating his neighbours.
Richard Le Gallienne
England, 1891. Ascending writer Oscar Wilde (1854-1900) meets Lord Alfred Douglas, a young nobleman. Over the years, they will maintain an intimate relationship that will be openly criticized by Alfred's father, the Marquis of Queensberry, in such a harsh way that Wilde, instigated by Alfred, decides to sue Queensberry in 1895, accusing him of defamation.
A British flight officer plans to rescue an airline stewardess who is trapped in East Germany.
Dialogue Scientist at Conference (bit)
Marine atomic tests cause changes in the ocean's ecosystem resulting in dangerous blobs of radiation and the resurrection of a dormant dinosaur which threatens London.
Professor Horvard
American scientist Dr. Frank Smith is brought to Britain to help the C.I.A. There is a defecting East block scientist they want him to debrief. The commies are less than amused and set Dr. Smith up for a murder.
International crook Armstrong flees post-war Tangier with priceless forgery plates and is pursued to London where he accidentally swaps coats in a barber's shop with film actor Chuck Collins, setting off a train of events.
Richard Warner
The life and loves of Music hall singer Vesta Tilley, who married into the nobility
the father
A man is haunted throughout his life, by a magical door that opens onto an alternate, Garden-of-Eden like world.
Mr. Charrington
A man who works for 'The Party' (an all powerful empire led by a man known only as 'Big Brother') begins to have thoughts of rebellion and love for a fellow member. Together they look to help bring down the party.
Sheriff of Nottingham
Robin Hood is persuaded by two nobles whom he believes to be loyal to King Richard to recover secret plans attaining to the rescue of the king from captivity in Germany. Though disguised as a troubadour, Robin is betrayed and captured. Lady Alys and the merry men help him escape in time to foil an intended ambush on King Richard as he returns from the Crusades.
Paul Dupont
Maureen O'Hara hunts drug smugglers in Africa.
John Wesley
When young John Wesley is saved from the flames burning his family's home, he believes God has chosen him for a higher mission. He grows up to become a minister in the Church of England but disapproves of concern within the church over the social position of the clergy. He concerns himself more with the common people and with individual religious experiences. He tries to accomplish his purposes by remaining within the church but the methodical way in which he and his followers go about their duties soon sets them apart as a special group jeeringly called Methodists.
Dr. Poldoi
Visiting in England, an American surgeon Doctor John Marlowe is decoyed to a middle European country, and discovers the operation he is to perform is on the Vosnian dictator. When the latter dies, he is replaced by a look-alike, but Marlowe then becomes the object of a shoot-to-kill, vicious pursuit by the secret police of Vosnia since it is vital to Vosnia that the dictator's death does not become known. Fleeing, he seeks help from an actress, Lisa Robinson, and the two are harried across the countryside.
A man travels to Istanbul to try and prevent a revolution.