Lucrecia Muñoz

참여 작품

Barbarian Queen II: The Empress Strikes Back
Makeup Artist
In a final and epic battle in the thrilling sequel to the now classic "Barbarian Queen", Althalia, leads a revolt of peasants and female warriors against the wicked ruler, Arkaris, to regain her throne.
Makeup Artist
1977년 엘 살바도르(El Salvador)의 대통령 선거 전야. 정치에 관심 없는 학구파 오스카 로메로 신부(Archbishop Oscar Romero: 라울 줄리아 분)는 엠베르토 장군(General Humberto: 해롤드 캐논 분)이 대통령이 되려고 하는 선거에 많은 사람들이 자유를 외치며, 반대하는 것을 목격하게 된다. 예상밖으로 주교로 임명된 로메로는 성당내의 동료들로부터 무능력한 주교가 될 것이라는 일부 신부들로부터 눈총을 받는 가운데 독재자인 엠베르토 대통령의 당선과 함께 주교로 취임되던 날 자유를 외치던 군중들이 무차별 총격에 의해 사살당한다. 어느날 시골길을 달리던 그란테 신부(Father Rutilio Grande: 리차드 조단 분)가 저격을 당하고, 그란테 신부의 성당에 간 로메로 주교는 성당을 검거하고 있던 군인들에 의해 수모와 생명의 위협을 당하지만 미사를 거행하게 된다. 주민을 살상한 군인들에 대치하여 오수나 신부(Father Alfonzo Osuna: 아레얀드로 브라초 분)와 주민들이 성당내에서 대치하는 사태가 발생하고, 무기를 버리고 나오면 용서해 줄 것을 약속받은 로메로 신부는 그들을 설득하여 성당을 나오게 하지만 오수나 신부와 함께 로메로 주교 마져도 군인들에 의해 잡혀가 고문과 수모를 당한다. 자유를 염원하는 민중의 염원에 반하여 점점 탄압을 강화해오는 군사 정권은 마침내 로메로 주교를 암살할 것을 지령한다. 주교 회의에서 로메로 주교가 로마로 돌아가던지, 정치에 참여하지 않는 다른 주교가 대신할 것을 토론하지만 로메로 주교는 자신의 죽음을 예견하면서도 억압받는 사람들을 대신하는 고난의 길을 가기로 결심한다. 로메로 주교가 성찬식을 거행하는 성당에 사복으로 위장한 군인이 들어와 저격을 한다
Deathstalker and the Warriors from Hell
Makeup Artist
The third thrilling saga of Deathstalker pits him against the evil wizard and ruler of the Southland, Troxartes, and his band of undead warriors. Dashing Deathstalker is entrusted by the beautiful Princess Carissa to protect an enchanted Jewel one of three which together hold the key to the lost city of treasure, Erendor. The missing pair of gems are stashed all too safely in the heavily guarded castle of the wicked Troxartes. His mission clear, Deathstalker rouses his troops and storms the fortress with the power of lightning. And in this fateful battle, one man will survive to witness the magical secrets of Erendor.
Gaby: A True Story
Makeup Artist
The life of Gaby Brimmer, a girl physically handicapped, who finally gets her goals of study and triumph.
Pistoleros asesinos
Makeup Artist
Returning to his grandmother's ranch, this northerner falls in love with the daughter of a great criminal. He will have to confront murderous gunmen trying to steal his land and the woman he adores.
El vengador del 30-06
Makeup Artist
Los canallas
The leader and villain of the movie is called Kadena, a buxom girl, who is the real deal of the gang "Hell's Angels" and whose goal is to kill the Mil Mascaras as sending to jail to his sweetheart consented. What force our hero to golpisar to bad and bad.
Retablos de la Guadalupana
From the hill of Tepeyac arise the most extraordinary miracles.
Las dos galleras
Two tough Mexican ladies avenge their father when he is set-up and shot during a cockfight.
Soledad's Shawl
Camila, la novia (uncredited)
Alberto Robles, a young doctor, is faced with the decision to surrender to a life full of comforts and luxuries or to continue dedicating himself body and soul to serving those who need it most.
Oh, Love… How Have You Put Me!
A low-class baker accidentally gets to know an attractive but bitter fiancée. By getting her snobby, dead-pan family to spend some time with his scumbag friends, he changes their lives, while at the time stealing the girl's heart.
El infierno de los pobres
A young woman becomes pregnant but when his boyfriend leaves her she gets a job as a prostitute in order to provide for her child.
Daughter of Deceit
Clienta cabaret (uncredited)
In the drama, a father, firmly believing that the baby daughter in his arms is not his own, abandons her upon the doorstep of the town drunk. Many years pass, and the man finds himself continually wracked with guilt about deserting her.
The Troublemaker
Well-intentioned Tin Tan who is always making trouble for other people, sometimes on purpose and sometimes by accident.
The Devil Is a Woman
Colegiala (uncredited)
A woman, after committing a murder, flees into a church, confessing her life story to a priest.