Albert van Dalsum

Albert van Dalsum

출생 : 1889-01-04, Nieuwer-Amstel, Noord-Holland, Netherlands

사망 : 1971-10-25


Albertus Wilhelmus van Dalsum (1889 - 1971) was a Dutch actor, stage director, set designer and painter.

프로필 사진

Albert van Dalsum

참여 작품

Plantage Tamarinde
Sjon Jan van Leent
Social drama about a plantation owner who sees his world collapse around him. Planter Sjon Jan van Leent's familiar world is changing. His son is a disappointment, his daughter marries an educated black man, his wife dies and the plantation is not doing well. When he hears his son has made off with some money, he has a heart attack. From his sickbed he thinks about his life and finally he and his wayward children are reconciled.
Twelve year old 'Boefje' spends most of his time in the alleys, on rooftops and in the harbor of Rotterdam. A local clergyman takes pity on him and attempts to teach him good manners.