David Goodman, the son of determinedly secularparents, stumbles into an abandoned synagogue being reclaimed by a group searching for Jewish meaning in their lives. To the dismay of his parents, he becomes increasingly interested in his Jewish roots as he is welcomed by the community. As he approaches his Bar Mitzvah, David finally seems to be comfortable as a Jew.
Chevy Chase makes his film debut in this riotous collection of live skits. Directed by Ken Shapiro and featuring Chase, Richard Belzer and others, The Groove Tube mocks TV Land and its trappings by spoofing kids' shows -- from a marijuana-smoking Koko the Clown who resides in Make Believe Land, to Safety Sam, the penis with a plan who gleefully informs the audience of the perils of casual sex.
무대는 남북전쟁이 막바지로 치닫고 있는 1864년, 남부동맹의 한 주인 버지니아의 셰넌도어 분지. 16년 전 아내와 사별한 뒤 아들 여섯과 딸 하나를 혼자 키워낸 찰리 앤더슨은 아들 여섯을 하나도 전쟁에 내보내지 않고 성실히살아가기만 하면 된다고 믿고 있다. 그러나 마을사람들은 앤더슨의 가족을 비난하며 그대로 내버려두지 않는다.