Sandra Luckow

참여 작품

That Way Madness Lies...
One woman and her family trek the broken mental health system in an effort to save her brother as he descends into madness. Beginning as a testimony of his sanity, his iPhone video diary ultimately becomes an unfiltered look at the mind of an untreated schizophrenic.
That Way Madness Lies...
One woman and her family trek the broken mental health system in an effort to save her brother as he descends into madness. Beginning as a testimony of his sanity, his iPhone video diary ultimately becomes an unfiltered look at the mind of an untreated schizophrenic.
That Way Madness Lies...
One woman and her family trek the broken mental health system in an effort to save her brother as he descends into madness. Beginning as a testimony of his sanity, his iPhone video diary ultimately becomes an unfiltered look at the mind of an untreated schizophrenic.
That Way Madness Lies...
One woman and her family trek the broken mental health system in an effort to save her brother as he descends into madness. Beginning as a testimony of his sanity, his iPhone video diary ultimately becomes an unfiltered look at the mind of an untreated schizophrenic.
That Way Madness Lies...
One woman and her family trek the broken mental health system in an effort to save her brother as he descends into madness. Beginning as a testimony of his sanity, his iPhone video diary ultimately becomes an unfiltered look at the mind of an untreated schizophrenic.
Casting Associate
매기(Maggie: 브리짓 폰다 분)는 더럽고 추하고 마약에 찌든 '짐승'이었고, 범죄를 저지르고도 후회의 기미를 보이지 않는 구제불능의 인간 쓰레기였다. 그러나 체포된 뒤 사형을 선고받은 매기가 정신을 차렸을때, 그녀는 지옥에 있지않았다. 그리고 그곳은 지옥보다도 더 끔찍한 곳이었다. 서류상으로 매기는 죽었지만 그 몸을 인수한 것은 특수정보기관이고, 이제 그들은 그녀를 길들여 냉정한 암살전문가로 바꾸려는 계획을 세운다. 그리고 그들의 의도대로 매기는 살인무기로 변신하였고, '니나'라는 암호로 시작되는 살인 명령이 내리면 사람을 무자비하게 헤치운다. 그러나 어느 샌가 니나는 사랑을 느끼고 갈등을 시작한다. 그녀는 새로운 여자로 변신하고픈 소망을 갖고 있었지만 불가능한 희망이다. 연약하고 아름다운 외모의 여인, 그러나 그 정체는 특수기관의 무서운 1급 살인 무기였고, 과거에는 사회의 밑바닥을 헤매다 사형 언도를 받은 기록도 있다. 그러나 사랑을 느낄 때마다 외로워지고, 살인을 할 때마다 괴로워지는 이 여인은 중대한 결정을 내린다.
Sharp Edges
Filmmaker Sandra Luckow follows a 15 year old, then unknown, Tonya Harding to her first National Figure Skating competition in 1986.
Sharp Edges
Filmmaker Sandra Luckow follows a 15 year old, then unknown, Tonya Harding to her first National Figure Skating competition in 1986.
Sharp Edges
Filmmaker Sandra Luckow follows a 15 year old, then unknown, Tonya Harding to her first National Figure Skating competition in 1986.
Sharp Edges
Filmmaker Sandra Luckow follows a 15 year old, then unknown, Tonya Harding to her first National Figure Skating competition in 1986.