Monika Hasse

사망 : 1985-04-03

참여 작품

로자 룩셈부르그
Costume Design
1896년 로자 룩셈부르크는 독일의 민주정부 설립과 폴란드의 혁명을 위해 투쟁하면서, 그녀의 정치적 재능을 모든 사람에게 인정받게 된다. 그러나 레오 요기헤스(다니엘 올브리쉬스키 분)와 긴밀히 협동하면서 그들의 정치적 활동은 개인적인 관계에 어려움을 가져오게 된다. 국제적 긴장감이 감돌자 로자는 전쟁과 군국주의를 비난하는 연설을 하게 되고 그녀의 사회주의자 동지들은 로자를 급진적 인사로 치부하게 된다.
Sheer Madness
Costume Design
Olga and Ruth become friends. Olga is independent, separated from her husband, living with an immigrant pianist, and teaching feminist literature. Ruth is withdrawn, a painter, possibly mentally ill. Ruth dreams in black and white, sometimes of her suicide. Olga lectures on a 19th-century writer, von Günderrode, a suicide after the breakup of her intense friendship with Bettina Brentano. Ruth's husband Franz encourages the women's friendship, then, as Olga draws Ruth out and the friendship deepens, he becomes jealous. After the women travel to Egypt, Franz has a tirade. Ruth seems crushed between her husband and her friend, and how she responds is the film's climax.
독일 자매
Costume Design
Germany, 1968: The priest's daughters Marianna and Juliane both fight for changes in society, like making abortion legal. However their means are totally different: while Juliane's committed as a reporter, her sister joins a terroristic organization. After she's caught by the police and put into isolation jail, Juliane remains as her last connection to the rest of the world. Although she doesn't accept her sister's arguments and her boyfriend Wolfgang doesn't want her to, Juliane keeps on helping her sister. She begins to question the way her sister is treated.