František Černý

출생 : 1913-11-09,

참여 작품

One of the moralities of the trio of authors Milos Macourek, Adolf Born and Jaroslav Doubrava. It deals with the topic of implacability of human optimism and fantasy. In a sad manner it tells us a humorous story of a man living double life: one of a beaten little clerk, humiliated by his arrogant boss, imperious wife and misbehaved descendant; the other of a spoiled hero of a dream empire full of beautiful and tender women, flowers and fantastic figures. From artistic point of view is the film based on Adolf Born's lithographs.
Inferiority Complex
A humorous criminal story about a dog that knew how to read, appreciated classical music and spoke a foreign language. His primitive master hates his dog's superiority and tries to liquidate it physically.
Leť, ptáku leť!
The Ninth Heart
Martin, a poor student, volunteers to go on a quest to find a cure for the princess Adriana, who is stricken with a strange illness. Unknown to Martin or anyone else, the princess is actually under the spell of the powerful magician Andlobrandini, who is preparing a rejuvenating elixir made from the blood of nine men's hearts.
미녀와 야수
미녀와 야수 스토리에 기반한 체코슬로바키아 버전의 다크 판타지 공포 영화
Cvrček a slepice
Sázka na třináctku
What Did We Do to the Hens
A man has troubles with chickens.
The world is made up of yellow people, who turn green if they accept a bribe. As the world becomes increasingly full of green people, everyone turns their attention towards the one hat shop girl who refuses to be corrupted.
Ikarův pád
Game Hubač George, honored at Golden Prague 1977 and the MTF Monte Carlo 1978, one of the most original works of Czech Television production. The dramatic story of a father, son and entire family addresses a serious social problem that brings with it dangers of alcoholism.
Almost King
Day for My Love
The sore and tender hearts of a young couple with a toddler are explored in this drama. The little girl, four years old, is not aware that she is doing anything distressing while she ambles about the house on the day after a post-examination celebration by her father, a university student. Even though hung over, he tries hard to be patient with her. The beginning of the story follows her on her little adventures. The girl comes down with a fever, which kills her before anything can be done, and the student and his photographer wife mourn and comfort one another. Little encounters with children cause the mother pain she is seldom free of, until she gives birth to their next child, a son.
Čas lásky a naděje
Mys Dobré naděje
My Brother Has a Cute Brother
Honza Pavelka (Jan Hrusínský) wins the junior motorbike speed races. His thirteen-year-old brother Martin (Roman Cada), his assistant and biggest fan, answers the questions of his schoolfriend Pavlína in a superior tone. Student Zuzana (Libuse Safránková), who gave her scarf to Honza to wear around his neck for the races as a talisman is Honza's girlfriend. He met her when he came to her parent's home to repair the TV set. Honza declines an invitation to celebration with his friends. He goes off with Zuzana instead, but she refuses his intimate advances. The offended young man, who is about to serve his two years in the army, tries to blackmail her emotionally and the couple breaks up. Martin tries various schemes to bring them together again.
The Mole as a Chemist
An episode of the children's series about a little Mole. This story tells how the little Mole became a great experimenter in the field of chemistry for a while.
Girls from a Porcelain Factory
The fifteen year old Maruska (Lenka Korínková) starts as a new staff in the porcelain warehouse. For the boss Svetla (Míla Myslíková) it is the last straw. She asked to extend her staff consisting of four girls and a retired lady by a man, not a child. The kind and ever fussy Svetla, battling in vain with overweight decides to leave her position and to take another one in the office. As soon as she finds out that the position will be taken by Arnost Jarolím (Josef Langmiler), she insists on a hand over inventory.
Hugo a Bobo
One of the moralities of the trio of authors Milos Macourek, Adolf Born and Jaroslav Doubrava. It deals with an important ethical issue of matrimony when one of the partners leaves the other after many years of living together. The concept of the picture is humorous exaggeration, it is full of observations and also a wise view on the problem of gratitude and ungratefulness.
Two Brothers
Bellinzonova pyramida
Hop, děti, do života
A morality play about human fantasy losing its creativity if it becomes a means of making money. In this film it is the ability of a boy to create colored "nonsense" that becomes a trade for his parents. The colored clouds of the little boy produced on the basis of orders eventually change to gray cubes.
Sešli se na Vlachovce
Pokus o vraždu
Kronika žhavého léta
​클라라와 빅토리아는 자매다. 아버지는 클라라에게 재산의 대부분을 남기고 죽는다. 클라라가 빅토리아가 사랑하는 사람과 가까워지자 빅토리아는 그녀의 살인을 음모하기 시작하는데... 알렉산더 그린의 소설을 원작으로 한 이 영화는 자매간의 탐욕과 질투를 묘한 분위기로 과도한 광각 렌즈와 음악 효과를 사용해 심리 표현을 속도감 있게 끌어갑니다.
Kat nepočká
A Touch of a Butterfly
A romantic story of a young nobleman who sees a beautiful girl at the carnival who seems familiar to him. He feels that he saw her in an old castle, where only the old countess and sister live. It is precisely in their salon in the city that she meets the girl again and learns her history
Oil Lamps
In 1900, Stepha, the vivacious 30 year old daughter of a wealthy couple, agrees to marry her cousin Paul, who has accumulated large debts as an Austrian army officer. Paul refuses to work or to consummate the marriage, and then his health steadily declines.
Carlsbad Ponies
Angelika, a ten years old daughter of a spa visitor Bachmann is terribly bored in Karlovy Vary spa. Her father enjoys different spa procedures, trying to lose some weight, but the little girl feels to be only waiting for something to enjoy. Moreover, she cannot speak any Czech unlike her father. Kája, a son of the hotel receptionist Vlasta, attempts to amuse her despite he cannot speak German. Both children make friends although there is the language barrier.
Radúz a Mahulena
Radúz, the son of a Magurian king, has lost his way hunting in the territory of the Tatra King Stojmír. He learns from his loyal servant Radovid the reason behind the two countries' conflict. When Radúz's mother Nyola married his father, the rejected wooer Stojmír married the evil Princess Runa. Runa out of jealousy continually incites hatred for Maguria. Radúz and Radovid have only just crossed the border when an army commanded by Runa detains them. The white deer that Radúz has killed belongs to the youngest of Stojmír's three daughters, the beautiful and delicate Mahulena.
A fisherman saves Anada, a woman adrift, from drowning. He takes her to his home, and protects her. Eventually, she occupies a larger place than was to be expected. He commits adultery with her, but his own wife seems to be in love with the strange young woman.
화장터 인부
주인공은 부족함 없는 부르주아적 생활을 영위하고 있는 중산 계급 시민이다. 언제나 ‘우리는 행복한 가족’이라 말하고 아내를 포함한 식구들에게 ‘천사’라고 부르는 그는 얼핏 보기에 마음씨 좋고 너그러운 가장으로 보인다. 하지만 곧 그는 편협한 나치 이데올로기에 물들어 유대인에 대한 살인과 밀고를 서슴지 않는 부역자로 변한다. 사람들 앞에서도 스스럼없이 그 생각들을 강요하기도 한다. ‘이 세상은 얼마나 아름다운가’ 혹은 ‘크리스마스는 삶에 있어 가장 행복한 시간’이라고 읊조리는 그에게 그것에 어울리지 않는 것들은 제거돼야 마땅한 것이다. 너무나 평안한 얼굴로 교수형을 집행하기도 하는 그는 이데올로기가 낳은 희생자나 다름없다.
Historie blechatého psa
The Limping Devil
A baleful limping man walks through Prague. He is Asmodeus (Juraj Herz), the fiend of lustfulness, entertaining himself by putting together by magic couples of lovers. He only fails at the swimming pool. Zuzana (Jana Sulcová), the good-looking blonde, ignores the men whom the devil foists off onto her. She loves Honza (Václav Neckár) and the boy shares her feelings. The fiend is annoyed by the couple and tries to provoke a row. He sends heavy rain to force them into a hotel and then warns Zuzana's father by phone, but the young lovers manage to get out in time. Then the obstinate Asmodeus takes Honza in his sleep to the Institute for Emotional Disorders, where he shows him the ugly sides of love - hysteria, voyeurism, fetishism, suicide attempts...
Čtyři v kruhu
A boy has a velvetbean caterpillar as a pet. He teaches it to dance and it becomes a world sensation.
Sign of the Cancer
A murder in a hospital run by incompetents.
Do Not Wake Up the Mammoths
A humorous modern fairy-tale about boys who woke up a mammoth in a school biology room and experienced a lot of adventures with it. After numerous events in which they discover the worst part of their act the boys eventually find out that going to school is quite nice.
Lady on the Tracks
Tram driver Marie has far too much to do after her shift is over. But she likes to do it all since she loves her husband Václav sincerely. One day she spots him on the Lesser Town Square in Prague, kissing an attractive blonde good-bye. It seems to Marie that her small comfortable world has collapsed and she walks out of the tram in tears. But her sadness does not last long. She wipes off the tears and begins to act. She withdraws all the money from their savings books and buys off all the latest models from the Fashion Works. The visit to the beauty salon then completes her transformation into a lady.
누구도 웃지 않으리
클라라는 예술학교 조교 클리마의 집으로 거처를 옮겨 함께 생활하고 있다. 어느 날 그녀는 클리마 앞으로 온 편지를 발견하는데, 거기엔 연구자 자투레츠키가 19세기 체코 화가 미콜라시 알레시에 대해 쓴 자신의 논문을 평가해달라는 청이 담겨 있다. 논문이 실린 원고를 찾지 못한 클리마는 적당히 얼버무린 답장을 써서 보내지만 제대로 된 평가를 듣기 위한 자투레츠키의 집념은 생각 이상이다. 집요하게 쫓아다니는 자투레츠키를 떼어내기 위해 클리마는 그가 클라라를 추행했다고 거짓 소문을 낸다. 하지만 이는 클리마를 더 큰 수렁에 빠트릴 뿐이다.
Archangel Gabriel and Mistress Goose
Taken from Boccaccio's Decameron, this lovely puppet film tells the bawdy story of the beautiful young Venetian lady who confesses her sinful passion for the Archangel Gabriel to a lustful monk, who promptly impersonates him in her bedroom with predictable results. Amidst the film's ribaldry, the hypocrisy and false piety of the monk are mercilessly mocked.
If a Thousand Clarinets
A military base. An awkward soldier. A statue of Bach. And suddenly all guns in the area change into music instruments. Great mystery is immediately found by TV station. And soon the military base becomes a stage for huge TV show.
About the Small Square and the Small Triangle
Zdeněk Miler's animation short about geometrical shapes.
Loupežnická pohádka
Billy the Tough and the Cheeky Hares
Ironbark Bill has to fight against some insolent jackrabbits.
밤의 다이아몬드
A tense, brutal story of two Jewish boys who escape from a train transporting them from one concentration camp to another. Ultimately, they are hunted down by a group of old, armed home-guardists. The film goes beyond the themes of war and anti-Nazism and concerns itself with man's struggle to preserve human dignity.
40 dědečků
Einstein kontra Babinský
Doktorská pohádka
Chlapci zadejte se
Prague Blues
African student Omar would like to return home to Angola, but he is enrolled in a three-year postgraduate research fellowship at a clinic in Prague. One day while seeing off a friend at the airport, he and a girl named Mariama are brought together by chance as he offers to accompany her in an unfamiliar city toward the International Student Club, where she plays bass in a jazz orchestra.
Okurkový hrdina
Three Wishes
Death Is Called Engelchen
Pavel is a Czech partisan fighter in the waning days of the war. Just as peace is declared, Pavel is shot in the spine and sent to the hospital emergency ward. As he fades in and out of consciousness, he recalls the events that led to his participation in the underground. Holding German occupation commander Engelchen responsible for all the horrors and deprivations heaped upon his comrades, Pavel is kept alive by the possibility of recovering and exacting vengeance upon the Nazi officer - no matter how long it takes.
Šroubkova dobrodružství
Poslední výstřel
A cowboy takes on a group of bandits.
The Mole and the Car
(The Little Mole and the Car), Krtek finds a broken toy car a child has discarded, and slowly puts it back together. There is a level of moral instruction to this: as the little mole carefully repairs the toy, children are cautioned about the wastefulness of city life and mass consumption, but also encouraged to learn how things work. The automobiles function as an allegory for the larger mechanized world, and how it is at odds with the natural one
Incorrectly Drawn Hen
At school the dunce draws a Picasso style chicken on the black board. The chicken comes to life, runs away, and finds itself in the teacher's garden. The teacher thinks he has discovered a new species and christens it with his own name.
Kohout plaší smrt
Every Penny Counts
Where an Alibi Is Not Everything
“A bored housewife, a husband who married her for show, and a stupid boy who is full of himself because he is dating a Swiss woman.” The words of Inspector Tůma sound like they’re from a European melodrama, but in fact they come from a Czechoslovak crime story. A pair of detectives, counterfeit medicine, the high-society setting of a Karlovy Vary hotel, and Oldřich Nový as the aging hotel manager Kraus.
Jak štěňátko chtělo malé pejsky
Ztracená revue
Jak štěňátko dostalo chuť na med
Before Launching into Space
This popular science documentary offers insights into a physiology laboratory conducting intensive investigations into the possibility of humans living in a space. Gravity experiments demonstrate how the human body might react in various conditions or using a centrifuge to test the effects of acceleration force on human tissue. In addition to presenting investigations into the psychology of loneliness, the film also shows how weightlessness is simulated aboard an airplane in free fall.
Psí pohádka
První a poslední
Of Things Supernatural
Czech comedy fantasy directed by Jiri Krejcik et al.
The cartoon film sets out to justify the existence of UNESCO as an instrument for world peace.
Against All
After the battle of Sudoměř the Hussite teaching spreads through the whole country and people start leaving their homes to help build the fortification of Tábor. Prague citizens request help against the army of Zikmund. The Hussite army with Jan Žižka in the lead make their way towards Prague. They fortify themselves on the mountain Vítkov and engage in a bloody battle with Zikmund’s huge army.
To byla noc
Jan Žižka
The second part of the revolutionary Hussite trilogy takes place in the years 1419-1420.
Jan Hus
Jan Hus is a 1954 Czechoslovak film directed by Otakar Vávra. It is the first part of the "Hussite Revolutionary Trilogy", one of the most famous works of the Czechoslovak director, completed with Jan Žižka (1955) and Proti všem (Against All Odds, 1957).
Expres z Norimberka
Holiday with Angel
Strict and always dissatisfied grumbler Mr. Angel gets a voucher for summer recreation. He rejects it at first but he eventually decides to use it and spend 14 days in unionist hut Jezerka together with other merited co-workers.
Zítra se bude tančit všude
Jeden ze štafety
The Emperor and the Golem
The Emperor's mismanagement of his country is provoking some in his court to plot to overthrow him. He feels successful, at least, when he discovers the legendary Golem, which he believes can protect him and even cure his imaginary illnesses but, when he disappears while on a bender, his kindly baker, who looks just like him, is mistaken for him, and begins to put things in order. However, the conspirators, not to be outdone, determine to bring the Golem back to life to do their bidding.
DS-70 nevyjíždí
King Lavra
A king hides an embarrassing secret - and it causes him to execute every barber who cuts his hair.
Vstanou noví bojovníci
Victorious Wings
Workers from the aviation factory near Prague set up a racing club for young people that will take part in the international sailing competition for Czechoslovakia.
Ordinace na kolech
Nové Československo
Divá Bára
This is a romantic story about a brave, self-made girl, despised daughter of a shepherd. She is not afraid of anything - neither night nor swimming. But the superstitious villagers are telling weird stories about her and about all sorts of strange things, even her conjunction with the powers of hell.
Jízda králů
O malých pro velké
Nevíte o bytě?
A Week in the Quiet House
A Dead Man among the Living
Čtenáři a jejich svět
크리스마스 드림
체코 애니메이션의 대가 카렐 제만의 초기를 대표하는 단편. 크리스마스 날 밤, 새 장난감들을 선물 받은 소녀는 행복하게 잠이 든다. 하지만 곧 이상한 소리에 잠에서 깨고, 자신이 버린 헌 장난감이 살아나 신나게 춤을 추는 것을 발견하게 된다. 흑백의 퍼펫 애니메이션으로 1946년 칸영화제에서 단편 부문을 수상한 환상적인 작품. (2010년 제4회 서울국제가족영상축제)
Tři knoflíky
Všední událost
Nejvýnosnější prodej
An experimental film from Jirí Lehovec, mixing the sound process with animated rhythms.
The Eternal Song
Karol Plicka was an important musician and composer. He recorded folk songs immediately after hearing them in musical notation to preserve them for future generations. Similarly, he records and interprets traditions associated with dance, folk song and local stories that vary from region to region in his film The Eternal Song. The short documentary presents merry-making in Slovak and Czech regions that are changing with the coming modernization and transformation of musical records.