Anatoliy Maksimov
출생 : 1961-06-21, Moscow, RSFSR, USSR
The film is about a generation of brave and beautiful people who did not see the destruction of the revolution and the chaos of the civil war, who dreamed of building a new life in which there would be no place for death, but only incredible love that opens the way for them to great achievements and discoveries. About exploits and glory, betrayal and loyalty of those who were heroes in heaven and on earth. About the time of immense trials that fell on their short but bright lives. About a woman who was the dream and true love of the Soviet Union.
Russian troops occupied Paris. Russia became the first power in the world. Now everything seems possible. Young winners, guards officers, are sure that equality and freedom will come - here and now. For this they are ready to sacrifice everything - position, wealth, love, life ... and the country itself.
Once made a choice between duty and feeling. After a year, Zhenya cannot decide what is right - to be honest for love or happy with calculations? Santa Claus gives him a very unusual Soviet lawsuit to look at the snow and make a wish. He does not exactly perform, but under one condition.
10세기 러시아의 류리크 왕조. 내전에 휘말린 둘째 왕자의 죽음으로 왕위 계승을 위한 서열 싸움이 더욱 치열해진다. 제3왕자 블라디미르가 제1왕자 야로폴크의 집요한 공격에 맞서 바이킹과 협력을 결심한다. 키예프 대공국을 지배할 단 하나의 왕! 이제 왕좌의 주인을 가리기 위한 최후의 결전이 시작된다.
A funny story about the Moscow policemen travel to a small town.
Russian poet, singer and actor Vladimir Vysotsky was an idol of the 1970s and '80s. In 1980, at the age of 42, he passed away during the Moscow Olympic Games. This is the story of his last great love as handed down to his son from a family friend. Written by nitorch.
Russian poet, singer and actor Vladimir Vysotsky was an idol of the 1970s and '80s. In 1980, at the age of 42, he passed away during the Moscow Olympic Games. This is the story of his last great love as handed down to his son from a family friend. Written by nitorch.
Is secret cooperation with the government a respectable thing?.. This is the question Nikolay should answer for himself.
Two escaped convicts pose as children's summer camp staff in order to evade capture and learn about caring for others in the process. Sumrak has been in prison since he was 16 years old but is pushing thirty now, is well acquainted with prison gang culture and covered with tattoos. Evgeni Koltsov is a former police officer unjustly imprisoned and destined for a death sentence from the other inmates if he stays in prison.
전쟁은 선택이지만 사랑은 운명이었다! 100년간 감춰졌던 극비 실화 로맨스!!
전쟁도, 혁명도 막지 못했던 운명적 사랑이 대륙의 설원 위에서 펼쳐진다!!
전투에서 대승을 거두고 영웅으로 돌아온 최고의 해군 함장 `코르챠크`(콘스탄틴 카벤스키). 승리를 축하하는 파티가 열리던 밤, 그는 고혹적인 매력의 `안나`(엘리자베타 보야르스카야)를 만나게 되고 두 사람은 거부할 수 없는 사랑에 빠진다. 그러나 얼마 후 제국은 혁명의 불길에 휩싸이고 제독의 자리에 오른 `코르챠크`는 군인의 명예와 대의를 위해서 `안나`곁을 떠나게 된다. 운명의 여인을 지켜내기 위해 그녀를 모른 척 해야 하는 `코르챠크`와 그에게 전해질 기약 없는 편지를 쓰며 그리움을 키워가는 `안나`. 기다림의 끝에서 결국 `안나`는 연인과 생사를 함께 하기로 결심하고, 간호병이 되어 `코르챠크` 몰래 먼발치에서나마 연인을 지켜보며 전장 속으로 뛰어 드는데...
Zhenya and Nadya go their separate ways. Nadya stuck with her bureaucrat boyfriend, married him and had a daughter, also called Nadya. Zhenya married and had a son, Konstantin. Both later divorced. More than 30 years later, Konstantin ends up drunk in the flat where the younger Nadya finds him. He is there as part of a convoluted ruse by his father's friends to get Zhenya back into the arms of the woman with whom he shared a magical night. The waylaid son is the bait to get Zhenya back to Leningrad, now called St. Petersburg. One romance is rekindled and another between the son and daughter is struck up.
Zhenya and Nadya go their separate ways. Nadya stuck with her bureaucrat boyfriend, married him and had a daughter, also called Nadya. Zhenya married and had a son, Konstantin. Both later divorced. More than 30 years later, Konstantin ends up drunk in the flat where the younger Nadya finds him. He is there as part of a convoluted ruse by his father's friends to get Zhenya back into the arms of the woman with whom he shared a magical night. The waylaid son is the bait to get Zhenya back to Leningrad, now called St. Petersburg. One romance is rekindled and another between the son and daughter is struck up.
데이 워치는 오랫동안 비밀스럽게 존재하며 인류를 지켜온 두 종족, 나이트워치와 데이워치의 전쟁을 다룬다. 나이트워치는 어둠의 세력인 뱀파이어나 마녀 종족을 감시하는 빛의 기동대고, 데이워치는 빛의 세력인 천사나 마법사를 감시하는 어둠의 기동대. 둘은 ‘상대방에게 단 한 방울이라도 피를 흘리게 하면 안 된다’는 평화협정을 통해 아슬아슬한 균형상태를 유지하고 있다. 하지만 에서부터 슬며시 균열 조짐이 보이던 두 종족의 협정은 에서 마침내 무너질 위기에 처한다. 전작에서 아내의 불륜에 분노한 나머지 계약을 통해 나이트워치가 된 주인공 안톤(콘스탄틴 카벤스키)역시 에서 조금 복잡한 상황에 빠져든다. 그는 세상을 멸망시킬 만큼 거대한 힘을 지녔으나 성격은 제멋대로인 나이트워치 스베틀라나(마리아 포로시나)와 사랑에 빠져 있으나, 정작 혈연으로 맺어진 아들 이고르는 반대편인 데이워치에 속해 있다. 게다가 안톤은 스베틀라나가 언젠가는 아들 이고르를 죽이고야 말 것이라는 사실도 잘 알고 있다. 안톤이 종족의 의무와 진득한 혈연 사이에서 갈등을 겪는 사이에 데이워치들이 지속적으로 살해당하는 사건이 벌어진다. 빛과 어둠 사이에 오랫동안 지속되어온 평화협정이 마침내 종말에 도달한 것이다. 계속되는 위기에서 우위를 점하기 위해 데이워치들은 안톤을 범인으로 몰아가고, 빛과 어둠의 협정에 의거해 숙청될 위기에 처한 안톤은 모두의 공멸을 막기 위해 세상의 운명을 바꿀 수 있다는 ‘전설의 분필’을 찾아나선다.
The film is based on the second book from the Adventures of Erast Petrovich Fandorin series of novels written by the Russian author Boris Akunin. The film takes place in 1877 during the Russian-Turkish war. Erast Fandorin has just escaped from Turkish prison and is trying to get on the Russian side as soon as possible to give important information about the upcoming attack of the enemy. On his way he meets Varvara Suvorova, a young lady who is going to see her fiancée - a soldier of the Russian army. Erast also knows that there is a spy somewhere in the Russian army, everyone is under suspicion.
중세 시대.. 빛과 어둠의 기사들의 전쟁이 그 칠 줄 모르고 계속 되던 어느날, 한 명의 인간 중재자를 통해 기나긴 전쟁의 끝을 맺게 된다. 그러나 빛의 세력과 어둠의 세력 간의 견제는 계속 되고, 수세기 동안 인간 세계에서 위태위태한 균형을 유지해 오는데.... 2004년 모스크바... 아내의 외도를 목격한 안톤은 격분한 나머지 마녀를 찾아가게 되고, 그 곳에서 어둠의 세력을 감시하는 나이트 워치를 만나게 된다. 나이트 워치를 통해 자신이 빛과 어둠의 능력을 모두 가진 특별한 존재 임을 알게 된 안톤은 그들과 함께 어둠의 세력에 대항하며 기나긴 전쟁을 종식 시켜줄 '위대한 자'의 출현을 기다리는데... 어둠의 세력을 감시하던 어느날, 안톤은 한 어린 아이를 뒤 쫓게 되고, 그리고 서서히 드러나게 되는 어둠의 세력의 음모... 안톤은 과연... 세상이 어둠의 세력에 지배되는 것을 막을 수 있을 것인가?
Based on Boris Akunin's novel 'Azazel' (English title 'The Winter Queen') set in Moscow in 1876. The novel started a long series quite popular in Russia. In 'Azazel' a young police officer - Erast Fandorin - investigates an odd suicide of some rich young man and finds a complex conspiracy, trying to take over most European countries - from Britain to Ottoman Empire - with the best intentions, of course.
Far East. 70th years. A small garrison on the border with China. Here, as everywhere, there are men and women. Everyone has his own story, his own destiny, his own love. The common thing is that they all came here once on duty and stayed for a long time. Marina Goloshchekina is nice, kind, right. Galya The tourniquet is intelligent, passionate, determined. Albina Raven - extravagant, unpredictable, thin. Three friends, three sisters in happiness and misfortune, officers' wives. They help each other stand in this completely feminine world, where every man has a gun! And this means that love and danger go hand in hand. Marina quite unexpectedly meets her true love of the young officer Ivan Stolbov. Learn about this new secret love girlfriend. On the one hand, you can rejoice over Marina. But how can she rejoice herself, if behind five years of marriage with a strong, strong-willed and very unpredictable Nikita Goloshchekin?
Now the peculiarities of the national hunt are investigated during the winter season.
The plot tells about the operation "Bagration", which took place in August 1944. The picture is about overcoming, about the dark forest, in which the heroes fall and face off against themselves.