Andrew Dallmeyer

참여 작품

위스키 걸로어!
고립 된 스코틀랜드 섬 Todday의 주민들, Outer Hebrides에서는 위스키의 전시 배급으로 어둠이 가득합니다. 화물선에서 SS 내각이 날아 다니면서 날카로운 섬 주민들은 영국 가정 경비 대장 인 캡틴 바게트 (Captain Waggett) 주변을 돌아 다니며 소중한 호박 즙을 숨기려고 공모한다. (구글번역)
Me and Kaminski
Mr. Clure
Young journalist Sebastian Zöllner is writing an article on artist Manuel Kaminski. Zöllner hopes that Kaminski dies soon, so that he can cash in on his article.
히든 아이덴티티
옥스퍼드 의과대학 졸업생인 에드워드 뉴게이트는 견습의 과정으로 스톤 허스트 정신병원으로 향한다. 이곳에서 뉴게이트는 병원장 램 박사와 치명적인 매력을 지닌 일라이저 그레이브스 부인을 만난다. 그는 자신의 환자인 그레이브스 부인을 향한 금지된 열망을 점차 키워간다. 그러던 중 램 박사 뒤에 숨겨졌던 끔직한 병원의 비밀들이 하나 둘씩 드러나는데…
An eleven-year-old girl, living in Edinburgh, Scotland, hates her Christian name, Kylie. She prefers to be called "Morticia" And she wants a real Dad she can identify with. She wants Dracula...and she wants to be a vampire.
Sweet Dreams
Skagerrak is the story of being hit by happiness when you least expect it. In their late twenties and tired of partying their way around the world, Danish Marie and Irish Sophie come ashore in Northern Scotland. After another drunken night they are soon parted from all their accumulated cash. Out of money and out of luck ambitious Sophie pressures Marie into accepting a lucrative job as surrogate mother. Months on, Marie finds herself alone, life having taken a dramatic turn. Heavily pregnant, and wanting to terminate her pregnancy, she's on the run from the future parents, searching for Sophie's old flame, Ken. In a case of mistaken identity, Marie ends up in hiding with three strange men in a seedy Glasgow garage. But then happiness strikes again.
The Bogie Man
Van Centre Manager
A mental patient who believes he is Humphrey Bogart escapes from his institution and sets up in business as a private eye. Based on the the comic book series created by writers John Wagner and Alan Grant.
Shadow on the Earth
Mr. Morris
On April 12, 1961, Yuri Gagarin is hurtling through space. Down below, 7-year-old Billy Wilson keeps watching the skies, itching for an encounter with an alien being. When he discovers a mysterious stranger in a house nearby, events take a sinister turn. -GusF