Steven McGregor

출생 : , Australia

참여 작품

Looky Looky Here Comes Cooky
A new songline for 21st century Australia - a fresh look at the Cook legend from a First Nations' perspective - the songline tells of connection to country, resistance and survival and features the cheeky, acerbic and heartfelt showman - Steven Oliver and a host of outstanding, political Indigenous singer/songwriters.
Looky Looky Here Comes Cooky
A new songline for 21st century Australia - a fresh look at the Cook legend from a First Nations' perspective - the songline tells of connection to country, resistance and survival and features the cheeky, acerbic and heartfelt showman - Steven Oliver and a host of outstanding, political Indigenous singer/songwriters.
스위트 컨트리
한 목사의 농장에서 일을 하고 있는 원주민 샘에게 다른 농장주 해리의 일을 도와 달라는 청탁이 들어온다. 괴팍한 성격의 해리는 사소한 일로 샘과 그의 아내를 위협하다가 샘에게 죽임당한다. 샘은 아내와 함께 마을을 탈출하고, 그들을 잡기 위한 보안관의 추격이 시작된다. [제22회 부산국제영화제]
Servant or Slave
During the time of the Stolen Generations, thousands upon thousands of Aboriginal girls were taken from their families and pressed into domestic servitude by the Australian Government. They were supposedly employed as servants, but with total control over their movements, wages and living conditions, their lives all too frequently became an inescapable cycle of abuse, rape and enslavement, with consequences that echo powerfully to this day. Recounting the stories of five of these women – Rita, Violet and the three Wenberg sisters – Servant or Slave is a commanding piece of first-person testimony to a dark and unacknowledged corner of Australian history. Shot with admirable craft and humanity by documentarian Steven McGregor (Croker Island Exodus, MIFF 2012), Servant or Slave is a work of great sadness and urgency, bringing to forceful life the human tragedy of Australia's Indigenous history in the unadorned words of those who lived it.
Redfern Now: Promise Me
Two young women are raped on their way home. The story follows the lives of both women and the different ways they deal with the crime.
Big Name No Blanket
George Rrurrambu, legendary frontman of the Warumpi Band, made an extraordinary contribution to contemporary Indigenous music and awakened the Australian consciousness of a third world in its own back yard.
Big Name No Blanket
George Rrurrambu, legendary frontman of the Warumpi Band, made an extraordinary contribution to contemporary Indigenous music and awakened the Australian consciousness of a third world in its own back yard.
Croker Island Exodus
1942, Croker Island, as Japanese bomb the North, 95 Aboriginal children and their missionary carers make a remarkable journey to safety 3000 miles across the Australian continent.
Script Consultant
1939년부터 1942년까지 2차 세계대전을 배경으로 오스트레일리아의 광활한 대륙에서 펼쳐지는 가슴 시린 로맨스와 모험을 그린 대서사시. 니콜 키드먼과 휴 잭맨의 감동적이고 아름다운 러브스토리는 물론, 수천마리의 소떼와 웅장한 규모의 오스트레일리아 평원의 아름다움, 그리고 2차 세계대전 중 감행된 일본군의 무자비한 호주 다윈 폭격(1942) 등 전쟁의 소용돌이 가운데 운명적으로 함께 할 수 밖에 없는 두 남녀의 이야기가 펼쳐진다. 2차 세계대전이 발발한 시기의 미개척 호주평원. 영국 귀족인 레이디 새러 애쉴리(니콜 키드먼)는 그녀의 남편을 찾아 편안하고 안전한 영국의 저택을 떠나 호주의 미개척지를 향한 긴 여행을 시작한다. 어렵사리 호주 대륙에 도착한 그녀는 곧 남편의 죽음을 알게 되고, 자신에게 벨기에 국토 만한 호주의 거대한 농장과 이천여 마리의 소떼가 남겨졌다는 걸 알게 된다. 남편의 죽음을 슬퍼할 겨를도 없이 애쉴리는 길들여지지 않은 야생마 같은 거친 농장 관리인(휴 잭맨)과 함께 그녀의 농장을 빼앗으려는 무리로부터 남편의 유산을 지켜내기 위해 함께 싸워나가야 하는 운명에 처하게 된다. 한편, 평화로운 호주의 대지는 진주만을 공격한 일본군의 연이은 폭격으로 쑥대밭이 될 위기에 처하고, 낯선 나라에서 홀로 재산뿐 아니라 자신의 목숨까지 지켜내야 하는 새러에게도 2차 세계대전의 전운은 찾아오고...
My Brother Vinnie
5 Seasons
In these fast and modern times, the Numurindi people are still guided by the seasons and stories of the Dreamtime. This observational documentary focuses on Moses Numamurdirdi and his family's fight to hold onto their culture and ways in an ever-changing world.
Cold Turkey
Two brothers and their journey into a long night of desperate living in Alice Springs.
Marn Grook
MARN GROOK explores the history, achievements and struggles of Aboriginal sportsmen involved in our National game, 'Aussie Rules'.
Marn Grook
MARN GROOK explores the history, achievements and struggles of Aboriginal sportsmen involved in our National game, 'Aussie Rules'.
Intervention 2 Years On
This impassioned documentary was rejected for broadcast by ABC TV as "biased" and lacking "balance". John Howard introduced the Intervention legislation in July 2007. Two years later, an official United Nations rapporteur on human rights, Professor James Anaya, described the policy as an "extraordinary measure which infringes on the rights and determinations of Indigenous People". In this film, two Aboriginal spokespersons - Barbara Shaw from the Mount Nancy Town Camp, Alice Springs, and Richard Downs from the Alyawarr Nation - give their views on the effect of the legislation over its first two years of operation. Their stories are accompanied by archival footage and news broadcasts of key moments in the history of the Intervention. Richard Downs speaks especially of the shame and humiliation that came with Howard's unsupported allegations of child abuse in Aboriginal communities, and of the disillusionment that came with the Rudd government's continuation of Howard's policies.
My Colour, Your Kind
A young girl, incarcerated in a dormitory, escapes to her rightful place in the world. During the journey, she recollects her life and the treatment she has endured.