Inspired by legendary folklore rooted in Arunachal Pradesh, Bhediya tells the story of Bhaskar, a man who gets bitten by a mythical wolf and begins to transform into the creature himself. As Bhaskar and his ragtag buddies try to find answers, he is worried that the monster in him will wipe out human existence in the local town.
브라만처럼 존중받고 부를 누리고 싶었던 하층민 남자. 신분 상승을 꿈꾸며 아들을 천재로 포장해 대국민 사기극을 벌인다. 하지만 거짓말에는 위험한 대가가 따르는 법. 아이만큼은 시궁창에서 벗어나게 해주고 싶었는데, 욕심이 과했던 걸까.
A man suffering from alopecia copes with his lack of self-confidence and the societal pressure that comes with being bald.
A man suffering from alopecia copes with his lack of self-confidence and the societal pressure that comes with being bald.
A struggling Gujarati businessman ventures into the world of China where he gets a brilliant business idea that could change his life forever.
A struggling Gujarati businessman ventures into the world of China where he gets a brilliant business idea that could change his life forever.
Romance blossoms between young Sushrut and Michelle when they meet during the festival of Navratri. When Michelle returns home to the United Kingdom, Sushrut embarks on an adventurous journey through a strange land to win back the woman he loves.
Romance blossoms between young Sushrut and Michelle when they meet during the festival of Navratri. When Michelle returns home to the United Kingdom, Sushrut embarks on an adventurous journey through a strange land to win back the woman he loves.
A driver named Raju embarks on an extraordinary journey of redemption by forever changing lives of 3 people due to a controversial hit and run accident.
A road trip, undertaken by Rishi Kapoor and Abhishek Bachchan, is later joined by their mother.
Based on real events, Honey Trehan’s second feature tells the story of human rights activist Jaswant Singh Khalra’s courageous campaign to uncover murderous corruption during the nadir of Punjab’s period of insurgency.