Director of Photography
A group of students trained in the special school for the art college entrance examination.
Between the city and the countryside and the modern world versus the old, a girl is at her happiest when she is in nature. Her parents are divorced, and in a modern world there is a need for money. This means a trip to the big city on the back of her mother’s scooter. Once in the big smoke, the girl must visit with her father and his new girlfriend in order to pick up the all-important alimony.
Yan is an illegal second child born during the One-Child policy. To avoid government punishment, Yan's parents hid their oldest daughter in the countryside and raised Yan as a girl. Now a young adult, Yan struggles with his gender identity and being treated as an outcast in a conservative society. His sole escape is drifting his father's old taxi through abandoned parking lots.
Director of Photography
Widow Lin Xiumei realizes that soon after both of her sons have left home, she changes into someone who was once “needed” to an “irrelevant” person, which causes a painful confusion for her. The sudden death of Qing Er, her only friend who is 10 years younger than her, sends yet another shockwave to her. She decides to prove her worth and importance once again in her 70s before she is taken by death. With the help from others, including the guidance from Qing Er’s ghost, and the instructions from the “Goddess”, Lin Xiumei takes on an impossible mission. Will she regain the care from her family? Will she successfully find her lost self?
A decade ago, a medical student and a steelworker become pen-friends when they chance upon the same copy of Leo Tolstoy's "Resurrection". Off the page, passion and hatred mingle and two murders are committed, and the two friends part ways. A young police officer starts to investigate, but in vain. A decade later, the young graduate student has become a renowned doctor, and has married his sweetheart. The steelworker returns to the city, bringing with him his handicapped girlfriend. Meanwhile, the police officer can't shake off the unsolved mystery of the murder cases. The last ten years have brought with them great change, each of the characters falling deeper into webs of vice and desire. They must choose the path to salvation, or the road to hell.
By building a Buddhist temple in the Netherlands, Mr. Hu attempts to bridge the gap between old and new, East and West.
Director of Photography
여학생간의 우정과 이별을 그린 새로운 형식의 성장영화. 바오청중학교에 새로 전학 온 리샤오루와 반장 왕샤오빙은 첫 눈에 서로 호감을 느끼고 비밀을 공유하는 친구가 된다. 그들은 기성세대에 반항적이라는 점에서 서로 잘 통하는 사이였다. 하지만, 샤오빙이 간호학교로 진학하고, 샤오루가 일반 고등학교에 진학하면서 둘의 사이는 조금씩 멀어진다. 샤오빙이 군사훈련을 갔다가 알게 된 교관 리단양과, 샤오루가 무술을 연마하는 수지에와 가깝게 지내면서 그들의 사이는 더 멀어진다. 샤오빙은 부모의 불화를 지켜보면서 점점 더 반항적으로 변해가고, 샤오루도 그녀에게 더 이상 위안이 되지 않는다. 그리고, 학교를 졸업하고 사회에 나간 뒤 샤오루는 샤오빙의 집을 찾아가지만, 샤오빙의 엄마도 그녀의 행방을 모른다. 리샤오펑의 이 성장영화는 사실 매우 어둡다. 샤오빙과 샤오루는 성장하지만, 사회는 그들을 품어줄 만큼 여유롭지 않으며, 미래에 대항 희망도 별로 없어 보인다. 그들의 우정과 사랑은 한 때일 뿐, 지속적이지도 않다. 그래도 추억은 남아 있지 않을까? (김지석) [제19회 부산국제영화제]