The story of French filmmaker Jean Rollin (1938-2010), one of the most singular voices of European cult cinema, deeply misunderstood and widely misrepresented.
Salomé is 69-year-old and doesn't want to grow old in a society that pays little attention to elderly people; thus, she has organized her disappearance. She plans her last evening in detail, as she thinks about the last time she will have sexual intercourse. With the held of Sandra, a filmmaker, Salomé organizes a casting to choose the person with whom she will make love for the last time. But, as she abandons herself to pleasures, she discovers something new: her last time will also be a first time, just like every end is also a new beginning.
The story of the erotic theater company "Les Filles d'Eve et du Serpent" during the Festival d'Avignon 2012
Who is Jean Rollin? A man who has spent his childhood in the middle of some of the greatest intellectuals of the twentieth century. An artist who has worked with Maguerite Duras for his first film. A director's career singular and unique in French cinema, with films overtly fantastic, surreal, poetic - disconcerting. A filmmaker has always murdered by the critics but starting, finally, to enjoy some recognition in France, while many fans worship him already in Europe and the United States. Jean Rollin signs a marginal and unknown work marked by death and nostalgia, and whose main obsession is the time, that of the wandering and dreams. Jean Rollin died in December 2010 at the age of 72. This documentary is the portrait of a real artist, the last surrealist, a poet who created his very own dreamworld. A tribute for a unique director, with testimonials from his closest collaborators.
Satan is back, and he's hungry for more. There is no forgiveness for the chosen beauties he compels into submission. They fight, they claw, they spit and they shriek. Satan finds pleasure and in this pleasure, he feeds his craving for flesh. These are the Sex Slaves of Satan. Like the original Sex Slaves of Satan, the sequel features some of the more extreme scenes created in what has come to be known as the Golden Era of XXX movies. Handpicked from the vault of VCX the films represented are: Angel Above, Devil Below, Easy, Call Girl, Saturday Night Special, Bacchanale, Two At Once, Joy of Fooling Around, Visions of Clair and Vista Valley PTA.
Several couples demonstrate 50 positions of lovemaking from the Kama Sutra while an off-screen narrator, a woman with a soft voice, describes each position, provides its name, and notes its pleasures, sensations, intensities, originality, and caveats. The primary set is a large bedroom, with the bed in the center; the walls are yellow, the lighting soft; mirrors sometimes provide additional angles. Music plays. The silent couples move rhythmically and keep their cool.
Mademoiselle Vicky
중년의 가수 마크는 공연을 위해 차를 몰고 가다가 한 산골에서 고립된다. 차는 고장 나고 비가 퍼붓자 그는 바텔의 여관에 묵게 된다. 바텔은 마크를 도와주며 호의를 베푸는데, 그곳을 떠나려는 마크의 시도에 대해서는 폭력적인 방법으로 방해를 한다. 바텔은 자신도 마크처럼 예술가라면서 다가가는데, 어느 날부터 마크를 자신의 아내로 여기고 여장을 시키는가 하면 모진 고문을 해놓고 슬퍼하기도 한다. 아내에게 버림받아 바텔의 정신이 온전치 않음을 알고 마크는 탈출하여 마을 사람들의 도움을 청한다. 그 마을 사람들, 벽촌의 힐빌리들의 기이하다 못해 무시무시한 모습은 블랙유머의 정점을 이룬다. 72년 생인 감독은 텍사스전기톱살인사건류의 벽지 공포물에 미저리의 남-남 버전을 얹어놓은 듯 장르의 전통을 비틀어 계승하면서, 자신만만하게 슬로우 페이스로 플롯을 진행시킨다. 덧붙임 없는 자연광의 느낌, 빛 바랜 색감과 거친 입자의 화면과 인물을 따라 가는 카메라의 움직임은 다큐멘터리를 보는 듯 관객을 빨아들이고 베테랑 연기자 로랑 루카스와 재키 베롸이에의 연기도 빛난다.
The she-wolf
A Van Helsing-like professor and his protegé are tracking Dracula's descendants through the world of "parallels", creatures who are human in form but live quite distinct psychic lives. A circus dwarf who is in love with one of these creatures leads them to a mansion filled with oddly behaving nuns, The Order of the White Virgins. The nuns are detaining a beautiful woman who is the betrothed of the still-extant Dracula. When she escapes, everyone follows her to Dracula's seaside castle, on the way dealing with a baby-eating ogress and a wolf-woman (Brigitte Lahaie in a cameo), witches and madwomen. The bizarre wedding ritual commences.
Compilation of adult movie scenes with Brigitte Lahaie
Triple X Files 8: The Dungeon
La femme au fouet
레즈비언 뱀파이어들에 대한 이야기
Henry's Whore
아나이스는 소설가 헨리를 처음 본 순간 남편과는 다른 매력을 느끼게 되고, 그의 책을 읽은 후에는 그의 문체에 깊이 매료된다. 아나이스는 헨리의 친구들과 어울려 감히 상상도 할수 없는 쾌락의 늪에 빠져들게 되는데, 그런 그녀에게 있어 가장 우상이 되고 있는것은 바로 헨리의 아내인 준. 준은 아나시스에게 동성애를 향한 신비의 문을 열어주었고, 그녀의 출현과 함께 아나이스는 여러가지 새로운 경험을 하게 된다. 아나이스는 성적 경험의 한계를 초월한 순수함을 느끼고 싶어 하지만 자기만의 세계를 열정적으로 추구하는 준은 그녀를 뒤로 한채 떠나버린다. 그 후 아나이스는 헨리의 적극적인 구애를 받고 주체할수 없는 열정에 점점 더 깊이 빠져들게된다. 1930년대 파리를 무대로 북회귀선의 작가 헨리 밀러와 그의 아내 준, 그리고, 이 부부를 동시에 사랑하게 된 여류작가 아나이스가 벌이는 쾌락의 여정을 고급스런 영상과 화술로 풀어낸 작품
A film about a relationship that wasn't meant to be.
An undercover CIA agent posing as a reporter travels to South America on a mission to destroy a drug cartel.
A model named Barbara Hallen has disappeared and her father gets private detective Sam Morgan to go to Paris to find his daughter. Barbara's trail leads Morgan to a plastic surgery clinic owned by Dr. Flamand. Morgan's investigation reveals the horrifying secret behind the Doctor's miracle cures which is blood and organs taken from kidnapped young women. As Morgan's investigation closes witnesses are eliminated, one by one, each in a more horrible way.
Naska / Lolita
Double-agent Brigitte Lahaie is the star attraction at a strip-joint/brothel called "Le Diable Rose" in Nazi occupied France which is frequented by both Nazis and Partisans alike.
A teenager lies to her parents and goes to the South of France instead of studying for the summer. Meeting with her not-so faithful boyfriend and his DJ friend, she discovers her father is also there - with another woman.
A parody short film
Brigitte Lahaie introduces a selection of her favorite scenes from her hardcore films.
Valérie Landis
A woman posing in erotic magazines is stalked by a maniac who kills the people around her.
Martine is a tough female cop trying to solve the kidnapping of young Caroline by a gang of pornographers. She already has an accomplice inside the gang feeding her information, but progress is hindered by her own police commissioner. In her private live, Martine likes to hang around with her male colleagues, swapping a younger cop for the more mature and experienced Jean.
Fashion model Joy is unlucky in love. Having been jilted by the object of her desire, Marc Charoux, she takes a trip to Singapore with the rich and decadent Bruce. Soon, however, Joy implores servant girl Millarca to help her escape from Bruce's grounds. Posing as a tourist, she meets Joan, a tour guide and kindred soul who begins to introduce Joy to brand new ways of passion. But trouble, as well as one of Bruce's man-servants, insists on following Joy & Joan wherever they go.
A crime ring is kidnapping women to sell them to the harems of rich Emirs, but the Vice squad put an end to it.
This comedy has everyone's favorite 6 Swedish gals enjoying their stay in the alps. When the girls aren't enjoying the pleasure of their own company they're out having a good time with nearly everyone else in town.
La gouvernante du tuteur de Sylvie
After losing both her parents, young Sylvie is enrolled in a strict boarding school of Victorian English education. The school readily and willingly resorts to a very strict regime of correction and corporal punishment to discipline its female pupils and the young girls compensate for the rigors of their education by devoting themselves to all kinds of kinky schoolgirl sexual encounters.
Some spies are looking for micro-film regarding the disappearance of young ladies. This is the starting point of a big adventure with a mixed of espionage, exoticism and eroticism.
Mother of the Boy (as Brigitte Simonin)
(archive footage)
A compilation of clips, hosted by Marilyn Chambers, taken from the 'Electric Blue' series of video tapes.
Bourgeois Woman
Marie and Michelle are escaping from a lunatic asylum. Michelle is a tough girl who knows how to survive on the road, but the extremely shy Marie desperately clings to her.
The Nurse
Victim of manipulation, Cop Choucas is wanted for two murders and searched for by every cop in town.
Body-body à Bangkok featuring Brigitte Lahaie
La fille dont la jupe s'envole
18세 우편배달부 쥘은 세계적인 프리마돈나 가수 신시아의 라이브 콘서트를 녹음하고 그녀의 무대의상을 훔친다. 이는 쥴의 디바 신시아에 대한 숭배의식이다. 그녀는 음반을 내지 않을 뿐만 아니라 자기의 노래를 녹음하지도 못하게 한다. 그녀의 음악회라면 세계 어느곳이든 달려가는 쥘은 마침내 그녀의 노래를 녹음하게 되나, 음반취입을 하지 않는 것을 원칙으로 하는 그녀를 쥘은 잘 알고 있기에, 자기만의 비밀로 간직하게 된다한편, 생 라자르 역에서 나디아라는 여인이 살해당하고, 현장에 세워져 있던 쥴의 우편배달용 오토바이에 나디아가 죽기전에 남긴 조직의 비밀이 녹음된 카세트 테입이 숨겨진다. 한편 경찰에서는 파리 매춘조직을 일망타진할 수 있는 증거가 담긴 나디아의 카세트 테입을 찾아내라는 엄명이 떨어진다. 음악회가 있었던 날 생 라쟈르 거리에서 우편을 취급하고 있던 쥘의 가방 속에 우연히 흘러들어가게 된 이 테입으로 인해서 쥘은 이 사건 속에 휘말리게 되는데......
This is a very elusive film which few people have ever seen. Le Dico only has a description of the plot and quotes from a secondary, contemporary source for the review. But the film does, or did, exist although there is the possibility that this title was also used for a re-release of P ...comme pénétration. Footage from it was probably used in other films such as Bachelières en chaleur.
Comedy about some schoolgirls being taught anatomy (of the sexual nature) by the sexually frustrated Barbara Moose. In bed at nighttime the girls practice their daily lessons on each other and on any unsuspecting visitors of the night. When they're not in class they enjoy frolicking around outside (naked most of the time!) experiencing the joys of nature.
La directrice
Brigitte Lahaie plays the Madame of a brothel who is busted by a sincere cop. He makes some sly remark about getting out of the brothel business and setting up a school, so guess what? She sets up a school to teach young women the fine art of pleasing their man!
Simona, the blonde maid
A rich family residing in a French villa treats their two maids like garbage. The two girls decide to seduce the young son Luca who is home for the holidays and point him towards Fanny who is in the middle of being sexually awakened.
Jeanne, the woman of the announcement
French movie about a couple who get thrills off of watching themselves have sex. Soon they realize that watching the other spouse with different people might be an even bigger turn on.
A gas station becomes the center of social life in the village after six Swedish girls start working there.
Georges (Guy Bérardant) is head over heels in love with Claire (Julia Perrin), his lover. Since he still has nice feelings towards his wife (Brigitte) he would like to simply divorce, but she has the money. He decides to ask two killers Max (Joël Charvier) and Edmond (Dominique Aveline)) to do the job. Brigitte, being a gorgeous lady, has no trouble seducing both men and ruling them. So she asks them to kidnap Claire and have some fun with her. They film the scene and show it to the husband. The film ends in the usual orgy where the husband makes friend again with his wife who finally agrees on living with him and his lover.
한 여성이 비밀스러운 진료소로 옮겨진다. 이 진료소의 환자들은 정신 질환을 앓고 있었으며 이해하기 힘든 환경에서 발생하는 사고들로 인해 기억 상실과 정체성 붕괴를 겪고 있었다.
A fashion photographer and his French models travel to Bangkok.
Une chasseuse
Christine Beaugrand invites a group of friends to her country home for a duck hunt and a lot of sex.
To impress Fanny, an erotic film actress, Marco takes her on a ride in her new racing car. On the way, it's the accident.
Adult Comedy featuring Brigitte Lahaie.
Awesome sequel whose debut was also met with triumphant success in ALPHA-FRANCE cinemas. A sublime encounter between the fabulous beauty of BRIGITTE LAHAIE and the fascinating perversity of SERENA in their respective roles as perverted, insatiable widows.
A bunch of delinquent women are shipped to an island prison run by the sadistic warden Carla. Forced into situations of sexual perversion and violence and torture, the prisoners band together to try to overthrow Carla and escape the island.
Various clips from Michel Caputo's films.
Frau Oberst has 2 young nieces who are very open with their sexuality. She hopes to find adequate lovers for her nieces and along the way finds herself in some precarious sexual situations. After a series of sexual encounters between just about everyone at the estate, the Countess drops by for a party where the nieces announce their wedding intentions.
German hardcore loop from the 1980s
Brigitte Lahie stars as a stunning French reporter who Paul Raymond personally invites into Soho's sleaziest sex locales. This experience convinces the young woman that she wants to be a stripper too. This slice of erotica features a lineup of Reyuebar Girls, as well as ladies from the pages of Men's Only and Escort Magazine.
Ursula Hoffman
이번에 새로 선출된 대통령이 취임과 함께 시가 행진 행사를 개최한다. 인파에 둘러싸여 시민들의 환호를 받던 대통령은 갑작스러운 총성과 함께 쓰러지고 만다. 현장은 아수라장이 되고, 사람들은 비명을 지르며 흩어진다. 잠시 후, 인근 건물의 엘리베이터에서 권총으로 스스로 목숨을 끊은 듯한 청년의 시체가 발견된다. 얼마 후, 이 전대미문의 사건에 대한 조사가 마무리되어 결과 발표를 앞둔다. 그런데 지방검사 앙리가 조사위원회의 결과에 동의하지 않고, 결국 사건 조사는 원점으로 되돌아간다. 재조사를 맡게 된 앙리는 저격수의 단독범행 가설에 의문을 제기한다. 미국 대통령 존 F. 케네디 암살과 그 사건의 조사 과정을 모티브로 한 대담한 작품으로, 가상의 도시에서 벌어진 대통령 암살사건을 둘러싼 의혹과 음모, 사건의 진실을 파헤치려는 한 검사의 끈질긴 노력을 그린다. 진실에 다가가려는 검사 앙리 역에 이브 몽탕이 열연했다.
La châtelaine
An owner of a mansion decides to rent his house to the summer camp. What a mistake...
A director, his assistant and a female editor get aroused while cutting together an adult feature.
장 롤랭 감독의 1979년 작 프랑스 산 컬트 호러 영화. 1905년을 배경으로 도둑인 마크가 같은 도둑 동료들의 돈을 떼어먹고 도망치던 중 낡은 성에 들어가 피신하게 되는데, 거기에 단 둘이 살던 에바, 엘리자베스를 만나면서 기묘한 사랑에 빠져 사건에 휘말리는 이야기
(archive footage)
BODY LUST opens with secretary Valerie Martin's going down on her boss (Gérard Gregory) behind his desk. He leaves the office and she resumes typing. A visitor (Jack - Jacques Gatteau) arrives to see the boss and sits down to wait, but it isn't long before he is standing behind her and putting his hands down her blouse. The boss returns and catches them at it on the office couch. She gets fired and takes Jack home with her. The boss is the only person in the film who takes offence at finding his or her sexual partner in the act with another.
Miss Klein runs a boarding-school. The girls that go there are really "free spirited." They chloroform a peeping Tom, lock two plumbers in the dormitories, strip for a gamekeeper and tease their gym teacher. In class, their biology teacher gets carried away while giving a demonstration of sex positions with the gym teacher. In the meantime, one of the girls makes some exciting alterations to their bicycles to make their rides more enjoyable.
Une cliente de l'oncle
Richard Lemieuvre is a dentist in Paris. His niece comes to visit and he hires a private detective to keep a watch on her.
Richard is asked to write a stimulating story about call girls but has no inspiration of his own. So, he asks Madame Brigitte to tip him off each time she sends one of her girls to a client. However, bad luck and clumsiness continuously get in the way of him recording any of the girls confessions on his cassette tape.
Madame Clarisse
Monsieur Matthieu forces his young wife Clarisse into various sexual situations of his design.
Denise, the woman on the run
François gets to live out his fantasy of picking up several women on the road and having sex with them. He even takes two female hitchhikers home to meet his wife.
Juliette Cachon
Juliette, an ex-prostitute whose two passions in life are men and money. When she isn't indulging in steamy sex sessions, Juliette and her lover Chris plan to blackmail young heiresses by photographing them in highly compromising situations, and their task is abetted when Juliette's sister Diana - who works as a high-class hooker - gives the couple a list of the daughters of wealthy businessmen who are looking for a bit of rough.
Girl in the Disco
In a limp libertine a young bourgeois is caught by a client. She observes at the same time a couple that is arguing. The young bourgeois is obsessed with the beauty of the woman, a sublime blonde. While the bourgeois makes a blowjob to the client, the blonde left alone, observes them caressing. She ends up joining them in a party without taboo ...
Two men and two women are walking thru the alps when one by one the girls disappear. Has the man who is following them something to do with it?
The virgin daughter of an important business man is kidnapped in a nightclub by a couple working as sex slave traders aboard a ship. She, along with other abducted women, are given a drug that freezes their bodies into human statues.
Yasmine, a beautiful young newlywed, has a serious drug problem. Her low-life husband uses this addiction to manipulate her, forcing her to smuggle narcotics for him and even sleep with his gangster cronies to settle his drug debts.
Françoise and Robert are always on the lookout for a victim to join in their favorite past time, threesomes. Usually Robert picks up a girl, Françoise pretends to catch them Inflagrante Delicto, and subsequently the third party has to pay the price.
A rich businessman and his bored stay at home wife hire a butler to spice up their love life. At first, dirty magazines and a pornographic movie arrive in the mail. The wife is quickly seduced by the manservant and her husband soon joins in. Before long, they begin inviting other people into their private orgies.
l'infirmière chef
Cinématon is a 156-hour long experimental film by French director Gérard Courant. It was the longest film ever released until 2011. Composed over 36 years from 1978 until 2006, it consists of a series of over 2,821 silent vignettes (cinématons), each 3 minutes and 25 seconds long, of various celebrities, artists, journalists and friends of the director, each doing whatever they want for the allotted time. Subjects of the film include directors Barbet Schroeder, Nagisa Oshima, Volker Schlöndorff, Ken Loach, Benjamin Cuq, Youssef Chahine, Wim Wenders, Joseph Losey, Jean-Luc Godard, Samuel Fuller and Terry Gilliam, chess grandmaster Joël Lautier, and actors Roberto Benigni, Stéphane Audran, Julie Delpy and Lesley Chatterley. Gilliam is featured eating a 100-franc note, while Fuller smokes a cigar. Courant's favourite subject was a 7-month-old baby. The film was screened in its then-entirety in Avignon in November 2009 and was screened in Redondo Beach, CA on April 9, 2010.
Two young couples meet to watch footage of an X-rated film set on a luxury boat. Before long they find themselves turned on and neglect the film in favor of each other.
Martine Richard
One drunk explains to another how he had to give up his work as a gynecologist because women kept throwing themselves at him.
Marie-Christine / Frédéric's fiancee
Everybody knows the French don't waist any time when it comes to the art of making love. At the start of "Perversions of a Young Bride", aka "French Blues" (?) we witness a couple (Ghislain van Hove and Danièle David ) just finishing a bout of intercourse, only to find out they are just friends. In fact, she's the best friend of his fiancée. Turns out they had some time on their hands while the bride, Marie-Christine (the legend known as Brigitte Lahaie) is getting ready. So, the groom (already in his tux) and the best friend flip through Marie-Christine's scrapbook of love, a photo album featuring pictures of lovers and their private parts. Of course, each one has a story attached, and luckily Danièle knows them all. After all, every guy loves to hear about the sex live of the woman he loves.
La maquilleuse / Brigitte Lahaie
A female journalist hangs out at the set of a porn-film in the French capital. She pens an article on the economy of lust. How come people cavort on camera so ecstatically? The cast and crew willingly answer her questions and she performs some of the moves as well, of course.
The tall blonde woman
A young woman discovers that the pesticide being sprayed on vineyards is turning people into murderous lunatics.
When a Russian doctor (Patrizia Gori) falls foul of the Nazis, she finds herself imprisoned at Fort Stilberg, a luxury brothel for German top brass where the women are overseen by sadistic SS officer Helga Hortz (Jacqueline Laurent). The doctor's medical skills bring her to the attention of Nazi Lieutenant Erik Mueller (Jack Taylor), who saves the lovely lady from becoming one of the establishment's 'hostesses' by assigning her to the infirmary.
La fausse blonde
A young executive is obsessed with real blondes. He will only later discover that his brown-haired secretary, who has been secretly in love with him, is really a blonde.From a review originally published in "La Saison Cinematographique"
The baroness
In a loop based on the historical example, Arsene Lupin is on the prowl, not only for jewels but also for the beautiful baroness (Brigitte Lahaie). At night the masked man climbs up to her balcony and gets involved in an extended orgy.
When activities calm down, Arsene Lupin takes his opportunity and takes on the baroness, before he vanishes back into the night.
Bonnie is the boss of a private casino. She is waiting for an American millionaire. When they get home they start gambling. Every time he wins he gets to choose a girl to have sex with. Pommy and Blondie are the attractive first prizes.
Charly and Richard go on a skiing holiday. They fall in with two blondes, Diane Dubois and Valeire Martin's, and have lots of fun with them. When the two girls leave the two mena finally have a go at skiing and break their legs. In the hospital, however, the nurses, Barbara Moose, Cathy Stewart and Brigitte Lahaie, are very friendly and the doctor joins in the orgy
Pierre has sexual fantasies about his next door neighbor Marianne leading his wife to get him an appointment with a sex therapist. Jean-Louis Vattier dreams about his lovely downstairs neighbor, Brigitte Lahaie, although his dreams occasionally turn into nightmares involving his hard hat co-worker Dominique Aveline. One particularly strange and violent sequence is not made any more watchable by some slow motion fighting accompanied by the usual ‘arousing’ sax music instead of more threatening music, but this entire film is one big incomprehensible trip anyway, so the viewer had better prepare for more far out scenes. Pierre awakes to find his beautiful blond wife (although she’s no Brigitte) played by Ursula White. Obviously their marriage is in trouble, with him living in a fantasy world of his own making while she, Janine, has taken a lover of the same sex (Liliane Lemieuvre as Rosette). Pierre spots Brigitte in a book store and begins to fantasize once more.
Helene is a young, sexually inexperienced women. That all changes after she drinks some milk laced with an aphrodisiac. Now she is overcome by sexual desire, and will do anything to achieve fulfillment.
A lord's fortune is threatened if he can't stop his young niece from gambling it away.
Robert agrees to keep an eye on the friends' girlfriend while the other is out of the country. The girl in question, Jocelyne, in return persuades any woman who catches Robert's fancy to a carnal encounter. The wide range of females include a stewardess, a shop assistant, a countess, a mother and daughter they meet at a café, the usher from the local adult cinema and just about any other woman they pass on the street.
Adrien is a journalist specialised on the "strange". He is asked to interview a man who is said to know succubi. He meets a woman at the cemetery's entrance who offers him a ring which had belonged to Casanova and has magic powers which enable the journalist to make his fantasies come to reality. But he must sell this ring within seven days for fear of a terrible death
A glamorous brothel in Nazi-occupied Paris becomes a popular attraction for the SS Officers, but the beautiful prostitutes within the compound are not what they appear to be. The girls are actually working for the Resistance, gathering data from their unsuspecting German clients and forwarding it to the Allies.
this is nice movie
Four short films for sex-shops that have never been released in theaters!
L'étudiante vétérinaire (as Brigitte Lahaye)
A newspaper editor wants to sell more newspapers using sex crimes as a way to attract more readers.
Cathy is a former prostitute who has come to a little village in Provence. She falls in love with a young farmer, Simon. Her former pimp, Tony, finds her and forces her to work again for him. Cathy tells the truth to Simon who frightens Tony with the help of the other villagers. As the couple celebrate the end of Cathy's nightmare, Tony dies in a car accident.
When Patricia and Hubert split up, she invites a couple of friends into her home for sex and games. But when Hubert returns, she tries to catch him with the maid.
The girls go off to a villa in the country and invite Charlie Schreiner and Richard Lemieuvre, and also Dominique Aveline (uncredited) who helps them load the car. At dinner Elisabeth Buré gets under the table and goes down on both males and females. After dinner Chantal Virapin does a dance and strip and Elisabeth Buré and Brigitte Lahaie pounce on Dominique Aveline. An orgy ensues.
Baronne Solange
A maid details an outrageously sexual day in the lives of a baron and baroness.
Philippe & Jean-Pierre enjoy the companionship of several women who's services they have willingly purchased from a female auction. Each time they are unsatisfied with one, they simply return her to the auction and bid on a new one. After a while both men decide to put themselves out to stud, and are purchased as a pair by rich Emmanuelle Paréze.
Jacque's new secretary, Caroline, is at first cool and distant, but the horny Jacque soon changes her attitude.
Martine, Mimi and Doris have had enough of providing for their slacker boyfriends. They decide to rent a place of their own, as well as a manservant. Soon, their newfound decadent lifestyles causes them to lose their respective jobs, and the manservant flees because of sexual harassment. Therefore the girls decide to start a private brothel.
One of the first hardcore films of Brigette Lahaie. Still scared, she is made to go beyond her inhibitions; she gives her body and soul in front of the camera. Spectators will not be disappointed, for it is to them that she gives herself. A triumphant success for this film upon its release on May 25, 1977.
The Psychiatrist
Alban has lost the lust for love. A female psychiatrist helps him to find the meaning of life and sex once more.
La vendeuse
A pretty but shy and lonely secretary fantasizes about having sex with everybody she meets.
Young women have an adventure in the African jungle
Brigitte Lahaie as a French reporter visiting London to become a Raymond dancer-model at his Revue Bar.
Brigitte Lahaie, the famous porn actress, goes behind the camera and reveals all her secrets...
Brigitte Lahaie, the famous porn actress, goes behind the camera and reveals all her secrets...