NGO 단체의 자원봉사자로 활동하는 세 친구는 식량을 가득 싣고 험준한 트란실바니아 산기슭을 오르던 중 차가 도랑에 빠지면서 추운 겨울 밤을 캄캄한 산속에서 보내게 된다. 산에서 만난 노인은 제 정신이 아닌 것 같고, 견인을 도와주겠다며 손을 내민 로마니 부자는 험악한 기운을 풍기고, 어렵게 핸드폰 시그널을 잡아 구조 요청하자 공무원들은 날이 밝아야 산에 오를 수 있다며 손사래를 친다. (제26회 부산국제영화제)
쾌활하고 발칙한 빨강머리 10대 소녀 알리스는 엄마가 입양했을 당시의 애교 넘치는 딸의 모습과는 한참 멀어져 버렸다. 끊임없이 사고를 치던 알리체는 엄마의 실망감으로 인해 계속 거짓말을 하다못해, 자신이 만든 허구의 세계와 현실의 경계조차 모호해지는 지경에 이른다. 알리스의 임신 사실을 엄마가 알아채기 전까진.
Lara and her ailing father nurse an injured seagull that Lara has found in her backyard. But this is merely a convenient distraction for father and daughter from discussing the topic of death.
The Romanian penitentiary system allows, from 2006, the marriage of people sentenced to serve time in prison. Most of the inmates cultivate the pre-existing relationships with the concubines or partners who live outside the prison walls. Though, there is a special category, of those who find a life partner during their time in prison. VISITING ROOM follows the stories of some prisoners found in different penitentiaries across the country, who have found their life partner during their sentence time. The one is either a person from outside, or as them, a person who is serving time in prison. Our intention was to talk to the people found in the special situation of being deprived of freedom, to whom love becomes a substitute for freedom and represents maybe their only hope for a better future.
Love. It just happens. No rules. It may look sick, but it's deep and it hurts. For everyone, Alex and Kiki are just good friends. They happen to be two girls experiencing another kind of love. For their family, Kiki and Sandu are sister and brother who sometimes fight. They happen to be lovers. Love Sick is about their stories.