Dionisie Vitcu

Dionisie Vitcu

프로필 사진

Dionisie Vitcu

참여 작품

신의 소녀들
Mr. Valerica
어린 시절 고아원에서 자란 두 소녀 알리나와 보이치타. 독일로 떠났던 알리나는 수도원에 있는 보이치타를 데려가기 위해 고향 루마니아로 돌아온다. 하지만 수도원 생활에 익숙해진 보이치타는 수녀로서의 삶을 원하고 그런 그녀를 설득하기 위해 알리나 또한 수도원에 머물게 된다. 보이치타의 사랑을 되찾고 싶은 알리나는 수도원의 믿음과 규율 사이에서 점차 갈등이 깊어진다. 결국 신부와 수녀들은 알리나의 몸 안에 깃든 악마를 쫓아내야 한다며 퇴마의식을 시작하는데…
Undeva în Est
A Clod of Clay
The Monk
A movie about the friendship between Ion Creanga and Mihai Eminescu.
The Beech Forest
In August 1944 Romania, a group of telephone operators are caught in the events in a new center placed in a forest to evade bombardment.
Cucoana Chirita
The Bârzoi manor comes back to life when the lady of the house, Chirița, sends news that she will be soon coming back from Paris. As the City of Light has changed her views on the world, the family and the help must follow.
Scrum Half
Foreman Trifu
Andrei, a lathe operator in Constanța shipyard and also a rugby team player, pendulates between two love interests. He also gets involved for a little while in some criminal activity. In the end decides to go to college to Galați, leaving all this behind.
January Dream
Young Moldovan nobles try to overthrow King Mihail Sturdza. They plot an assassination and spread flyers. On this backdrop, there is a romance story between Franz Liszt, in tournament, and one of the noblemen's daughter, who is close to the plotters.
Doctor Poenaru
In 1919, young Doctor Poenaru is sent to be the director at a country hospital. On his way there he meets a formar army comrade, now a lawyer. An ideological and philosophical dispute ensues, the two following different paths in life.
Serenade for the 12th Floor
Light comedy about various Bucharest house dwelling families trading their houses for apartments in a brand new apartment building complex in a new subdivision of a large Bucharest neighborhood.
Then the Legend was Born
Used to move along with the construction projects they were working for, a group of people decide that is time to settle.