Claire Patronik

참여 작품

단지 세상의 끝
Production Manager
시한부 선고를 받은 유명 작가 루이(가스파르 울리엘)는 자신의 죽음을 알리기 위해 고향을 떠난 지 12년 만에 집을 찾는다. 아들을 위해 정성껏 요리를 준비한 어머니(나탈리 베이), 오빠에 대한 환상과 기대로 예쁘게 치장한 여동생 쉬잔(레아 세이두), 못마땅한 표정으로 동생을 맞이하는 형 앙투안(뱅상 카셀), 그리고 처음으로 루이와 인사를 나누는 형수 카트린(마리옹 꼬띠아르)까지. 시끌벅적하고 감격적인 재회도 잠시, 가족들은 루이의 고백이 시작되기도 전에 일방적으로 분노와 원망의 말을 쏟아내는데…
Comme ils respirent
What is it to be a dancer? Why this choice of life? Films about dance, we've seen plenty! Yet, the daily life of dancers remains something of a mystery. We'd like to hear their side of the story for once. There were six of us learning ballet in the hope of making a career of it. May 1997, we danced our first ballet together. It's with archive footage of this event, found on an old, stashed-away video cassette, that this film begins. The years have passed. All 5 of them have evidently become professional dancers. I will go off to meet them, and they will tell me what life is like as a dancer.
Comme ils respirent
What is it to be a dancer? Why this choice of life? Films about dance, we've seen plenty! Yet, the daily life of dancers remains something of a mystery. We'd like to hear their side of the story for once. There were six of us learning ballet in the hope of making a career of it. May 1997, we danced our first ballet together. It's with archive footage of this event, found on an old, stashed-away video cassette, that this film begins. The years have passed. All 5 of them have evidently become professional dancers. I will go off to meet them, and they will tell me what life is like as a dancer.