Director of Photography
인도의 솔개와 솔개를 돌보는 사람들을 그린 다큐멘터리다. 하늘을 유심히 바라보지 않는다면 솔개는 언제나 그 자리에서 똑같이 날고 있는 것처럼 보일지 모른다. 그러나 이 영화의 주인공들은 땅에 떨어져 죽거나 다치는 솔개가 부쩍 증가하는 걸 발견한다. 이유는 한 가지로 특정할 수 없다. 먹이가 사라져서, 쓰레기가 많아져서, 물과 공기가 더러워져서 등등. 그리고 영화는 솔개의 문제가 정확히 인간의 문제임을 설득력 있게 제시한다. 솔개와 같은 땅, 물, 공기를 공유하는 우리는 솔개가 건강하지 못한 지구에서 건강하게 살 수 없다.
Director of Photography
Fusing documentary-realism with magic-realism, and true and fictionalised stories with poetry and dreams, Ghode Ko Jalebi Khilane Le Ja Riya Hoon is a love letter to the syncretic culture of Old Delhi, to its history which is slowly losing itself amid concrete and smog
Director of Photography
라훌 자인 감독은 먼 미래가 아닌 바로 지금 기후위기를 직면한 거대도시 델리를 통해 벼랑 끝에 있는 세상을 보여준다. 평범한 사람들의 강렬한 이미지와 이목을 끄는 기록은 살아남기 위해 고군분투하는 3천만 명의 델리 시민 중 일부의 삶을 직관적이고 실감 나게 보여준다. 명백하고 실재하는 기후 현실이라는 주제에 경험적이고 새로운 관점을 더하면서, 영화는 모두가 깨끗한 물과 공기를 공평하게 누릴 수 있는 세상을 꿈꾸는 우리의 소망을 자극하고 새로운 감각을 일깨운다.
Director of Photography
Hired as a monkey repeller upon moving to Delhi, a young man struggles to find his footing in his unenviable job and his place in the unforgiving world.
Director of Photography
An elusive actor is a rarity. Talking Head is about the actor Dhritiman Chaterji. In October 1970, Pratidwandi (The Adversary) one of Satyajit Ray’s most political films was released. It was a film about the time; the moment of anger, disenchantment, strikes, injustice and unemployment among the young. It was a film about angry youth and it introduced Dhritiman Chaterji, into film acting. A new actor in Bengali cinema, Dhritiman Chaterji acted in few of the most prominent films of the decade
Director of Photography
Follows Nasir, a middle-aged street salesman, who belongs to the Islamic minority and who lives with his mother Fatima, his wife Taj and his cousin Iqbal in a densely populated ghetto. As his day unfolds we find him to be a nimble romantic, marshalling a love of love, song, children, friendship, and even God to rise into something resembling a life well lived. But the increasing communal bigotry has other plans.
Director of Photography
인도 한 작은 마을 교외에 사는 샤르마 부인은 남편이 죽었을 때, 존경받는 중산층의 부인이자 정숙하고 현명한 노인으로 남을 것을 강요받는다. 특히 아래층에서 함께 사는 아들과 그의 가족들은 샤르마 부인이 경제적으로도 그들을 돕기 위해 당연히 희생할 것이라고 믿어 의심치 않는다. 그러나 샤르마 부인은 전혀 그럴 생각이 없다. 그녀는 그간 해 보지 못했던 일들, 이를테면 뷰티샵과 쇼핑몰 방문, 영화관 가기, 인형 만들기 등을 시도하고 새 친구들을 사귄다. 또한 자기 이름의 계좌를 개설하여 경제적으로도 독립적인 삶을 영위하고자 한다.
Director of Photography
Shiva, a lonely designer gets obsessed with an image from a random encounter. Caught in a web of imaginary delusions, he awaits release by an arrival, from somewhere
Director of Photography
If this were a letter, the return address would be: From the students and teachers of Sita School, Silvepura, Bangalore 560090, India. If this were a diary, it would contain entries between 5th June 2012 an 28th April 2013. I return to my first school and join with the present students and teachers in their everyday adventures of learning. Through the stories that unfold we enter imaginary worlds and intimate relationships. 'Small Things, Big Things' is a celebration of when Education becomes Art.
If this were a letter, the return address would be: From the students and teachers of Sita School, Silvepura, Bangalore 560090, India. If this were a diary, it would contain entries between 5th June 2012 an 28th April 2013. I return to my first school and join with the present students and teachers in their everyday adventures of learning. Through the stories that unfold we enter imaginary worlds and intimate relationships. 'Small Things, Big Things' is a celebration of when Education becomes Art.
If this were a letter, the return address would be: From the students and teachers of Sita School, Silvepura, Bangalore 560090, India. If this were a diary, it would contain entries between 5th June 2012 an 28th April 2013. I return to my first school and join with the present students and teachers in their everyday adventures of learning. Through the stories that unfold we enter imaginary worlds and intimate relationships. 'Small Things, Big Things' is a celebration of when Education becomes Art.
The film is a sequence of montages that shows four different people making tea in a tea shop. A ten year old boy selling tea in Bombay at the Gateway Of India, An 18 year old girl with her tea shop in a mid level town, A 19 year old Kashmiri lad in a Barrista and An 80 year old man's tea shop in a busy Kerala bus stand.