Shijomon George

참여 작품

Tell It Like a Woman
Dialogue Editor
Tell It Like A Woman comprises of seven segments that are directed by female directors from different parts of the world and shot in Italy, India, Japan, and the U.S. Each segment is an inspirational and empowering story about women, by women, for everyone.
The Priest
Dialogue Editor
The culprits behind multiple deaths in a family over a few years are exposed, but there is more to it than meets the eye.
쓰디쓴 밤
Dialogue Editor
히말라야의 작은 카페에서 일하는 키산은 빠르게 변화하는 세상을 바라보 면서 고민에 빠진다. 그는 지금처럼 히말라야의 작은 마을에서 느리지만 예 측 가능한 삶을 살 것인지, 도시로 나아가 새로운 삶을 시작해야 할 것인지 선택의 기로에 놓인다.
Sound Effects Editor
A shady money deal goes wrong and in the aftermath Mathan ends up killing a police officer. Meanwhile in Kochi, his old flame Aparna an aspiring actress is struggling to prop up her career. Mathan meets up with Aparna and tries to rekindle the past, even as the police hunt for him gets intense.
Anuraga Karikkin Vellam
Dialogue Editor
The life of a father and son and their life experience when son tries to breakup with his lover.
Dialogue Editor
Set in the city of Uttar Pradesh and based on true events, the plot revolves around Dr Shrinivas Ramchandra Siras who taught Marathi at Aligarh Muslim University. He was sacked from his position of Reader and Chair of Modern Indian Languages, on charges of homosexuality. A sting operation was conducted by a TV channel which showed him in an embrace with a rickshaw puller, at his house inside the campus.
Sound Effects Editor
Set in the picturesque Himalayas, Hansa attempts to depict the trials and tribulations faced by the villagers who reside there. The movie is seen from perspective of a little boy, Hansa and his sister, Cheeku’s eyes. Their father has mysteriously disappeared and a lot of the responsibility falls on Cheeku who has to prevent her house from getting sold and is at the receiving end of a powerful villager’s lecherous advances while little Hansa is too restless and distracted to pay attention to all the trouble his sister is facing.
가문의 법칙
Sound Effects Editor
아니타와 샨카르는 시골에 발전소를 세워 돈을 벌겠다는 계획을 세운다. 하지만 마을사람들은 보이는 것만큼 호락호락하지 않다. 뇌물을 요구하는 무리들, 보상금을 바라는 사람들, 그리고 그들을 모함하려는 무리들까지, 아니타와 샨카르의 계획은 단순한 돈의 문제를 넘어서 버린다.