Arnaud Gauthier

참여 작품

Music Editor
After the brutal massacre of his family in Haiti, Francis Desrances resettles in the Ivory Coast. Years later Francis, his wife Aissey and 12-year-old daughter Haila await the birth of a son, who to Francis' excitement and Haila's irritation is immediately regarded as the worthy heir to the Desrances name. As the birth looms, civil war erupts in Abidjan and amidst the melee Aissey goes missing. Haila courageously steps forward in ways that challenge her father's notion of what constitutes a rightful heir. Cementing her status as a bold voice in contemporary filmmaking, Apolline Traoré's domestic drama escalates into an intense thriller that mounts a passionate challenge to commonly-held gender roles, whilst also highlighting the human cost of civil strife.
Music Supervisor
Four women become friends and face challenges while traveling through West Africa.
Simple question de temps
Executive Music Producer
A widow of a billionaire, Marie-France Dubreuil-Joris is also a renowned pianist. Trying to manage her fortune as well as possible, she entrusts most of it to her banker, whom she particularly appreciates. But his butler also has after his money.
Fire of Mansaré
Music Editor
A story about desire, choice and the freedom (or lack of it) of young people forced into a traditional practice where a male tags a girl at birth for marriage in adulthood.
아메리칸 파이 2
Additional Music
파란 만장했던 고교시절을 보내고 대학생활을 시작한 짐, 케빈, 오즈, 핀치 그리고 스티플러 이렇게 5명의 친구들은 이제 대학생이 되어 맞게 되는 첫 여름방학을 맞아 고향에서 다시 뭉친다. 아직도 섹스와 예쁜 여자만 집착하는 5명의 말썽꾸러기 친구들은 어떻게 하면 환상적으로 첫 여름방학을 보낼까 궁리를 하던 중에 케빈의 형 조언대로 해변가에 빌라를 빌려 각자의 파트너들과 친구들을 불러 멋진 파티를 열어 그야말로 최고의 추억을 만들 계획을 세우게 된다.