Mario Dallimonti

참여 작품

Come Into the Light
In 1990s Palermo, Pino Puglisi is a priest from the neglected Brancaccio neighborhood dedicated in helping kids to get off the streets and creating an embracing place of hope and solidarity in his church, which means trouble for the local Mafia. He continues his solitary fight until the bitter end.
Le intermittenze del cuore
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
The Soul Keeper
Zurich, 1905. 19-year-old Russian Sabina Spielrein is put by her parents in a psychiatric hospital, suffering from a severe form of hysteria and refusing to eat. A compassionate doctor, Carl Gustav Jung, takes her under his care and, for the first time, experiments with the psychoanalytical method of his teacher Sigmund Freud. Thus is born a sweeping story of love and passion, of body and soul, soaring to the utmost heights, but also plunging to the darkest depths of the 20th century.
Sound Designer
Set in 1940’s and 50’s Sicily (Paternò), we follow the fortunes of Rosetta from the time she’s twelve (Larissa Volpentesta) and living with her drunken father Leone (Harvey Keitel) – he’d turned to alcohol to forget Rosetta’s mother, Vipera (Elide Melli), after she ran away with a fascist some time ago. Little Rosetta’s fortunes turn for the worse when she’s raped and made pregnant by another former fascist (Giancarlo Giannini), and Leone also dies after falling from his bicycle. She’s sent to live in a convent until the age of twenty one, and her newborn child will cruelly be adopted out by her visiting mother.
Love, Money and Philosophy
Stefano, a philosophy grad student without a future, tries to commit suicide after his girlfriend leaves him. He is saved by Giulio, a wisecracking plumber who takes him home and teaches him the tricks of the trade. When Lucia, a woman disappointed in both men and conventional jobs who has started to work as a prostitute, calls them to repair a sink, for Stefano it's love at first sight.
Package, Double Package and Counterpackage
Dearest Relatives, Poisonous Relations
Like every year, everyone is going back to the ancestral family's home for the Christmas holidays. But this time, the old folks have a surprise, a good surprise for them. They have decided to go living with one of their children and make him or her inherit the family house.
Dark Illness
After his father's death, a middle-aged screenwriter struggles with his obsessions and neuroses.
12 Directors for 12 Cities
Promotional omnibus film, made for the 1990 FIFA World Cup in Italy, featuring portraits of 12 Italian cities.
When Gene, a maniacally deranged computer-game designer, gets dumped by his beautiful artist wife, he devises a masochistic plan for revenge. Taking his spouse prisoner, Gene locks her in her windowless Los Angeles loft but leaves her with something to keep her company -- a deadly mamba snake. Via electronic sensors and cameras, he watches with glee as his terrorized ex-lover fights for her life.
32nd of December
Three episodes about the relativity of time.
The Rogues
The adventures of a couple of scoundrels in the Spain of the 16th century.
Thus Spoke Bellavista
In Naples, Professor Bellavista is a retired man, passionate about the philosophy and thought of Ancient Greece. Every day, in his luxurious apartment, he teaches his lessons of life to the poor-nothing (his friends), who are dazzled by his reasoning. One day, however, the quiet life of the building of Bellavista will be disturbed by the arrival of a director of Milan. Between Naples and Milan there contrast, because the Neapolitans are accustomed to enjoy a quiet life, always based on the "philosophy of pleasure and delay", while the northern Italians are very strict and punctual.
Fantozzi Still Suffers
After a hard day at work and a condominium-board meeting, accountant Ugo Fantozzi goes on a trip with his family. Unfortunately, he will face a nasty surprise upon his return.
Two of a Kind
Italian comedy in two episodes starring a house painter who emigrated to Switzerland who pretends to be a millionaire and an employee on holiday in Kenya, the victim of catastrophic misadventures.
세계적인 미스테리 작가 피터 닐의 신작 ‘어둠속의 기도’의 뜻을 오해한 범인에 의해 연쇄살인이 발생한다. 타락한 인간들을 없애겠다는 범인의 예고대로 동성연예자, 매춘부 등이 끔찍하게 죽어간다. 피터는 자신의 추리로 범인을 잡아내지만 그 범인이 죽은 후에도 살인은 멈추지 않는다. 제르마니 경감이 인터폴의 도움을 받아 진범을 찾아내는데 그 진범은 다름 아닌...
Vieni avanti cretino
Pasquale Baudaffi, on amnesty, comes out of prison and starts looking for a job with the help of his cousin Gaetano. But first he goes to what was once a brothel, but, unbeknownst to our hapless hero, has been taken over and rented as a dental office. Pasquale finds himself at the center of endless misunderstandings. He tries to be a gamekeeper but that's not okay, he tries to be a waiter in a bar: he immediately gets his orders wrong and he is fired. His performance as a garage keeper was negative. The very latest experience is in an electronics company but its insertion into the futuristic mechanism triggers the craziest complications. The encounter with a lost dog allows him to get to know his mistress and thus discover the woman of his life.
Sound Recordist
While touring in Italy, a recently-widowed American opera singer has an incestuous relationship with her 15-year-old son to help him overcome his heroin addiction.
Io tigro, tu tigri, egli tigra
Three short stories full of absurd Italian humor. Episode 1: Oddjobs man Elia is hired to be a waiter and soon finds himself caught up in a plot to knock off his mistress (in more ways than one). Episode 2: Della is convinced that aliens are on their way to consume the world and before long ends up a guinea pig on a spaceship from the planet Phobos. Episode 3: Roberto becomes a Bersaglieri in the Italian army and nearly causes a war between Italy and Switzerland over a packet of cigarettes.
Il... Belpaese
After many years working abroad, Guido comes back to Milan. His dream is to set up a clock-shop but Italy is much changed while he was abroad. Robbery and bombs are daily events and to go out for a walk in the evening is risky. He succeeds however in setting up his shop only to see it destroyed by gangsters. But he meets a girl who calls herself Mia and he falls for her.
The Bishop's Bedroom
Sound Editor
Mario, a rich and eccentric war hero befriends Marco, a loner with a sailboat, and takes him home to meet his estranged wife Cleofe and sexually repressed sister in law Matilde. Mario confesses his love for Matilde and so ensues a love triangle.
서스페리아 1977
Sound Recordist
독일의 유명한 발레 학교로 유학 온 미국인 소녀 수지는 도착 첫날 밤, 겁에 질려 학교에서 도망쳐나오는 학생을 목격하고, 이튿날 아침 도망치던 학생과 다른 여학생이 끔찍하게 살해당했다는 소식을 듣는다. 수지는 발레 학교에 적응하려고 애쓰지만 이상한 선생과 학생들, 밤에 기숙사에 울려퍼지는 기이한 소리들 때문에 힘이 든다. 그 지방 전설로 내려오는 마녀 이야기와 살인 사건이 관련있으리라 추측하던 수지는 자신도 모르는 사이에 흑마술의 표적이 되는데...
Strange Occasion
Three sexy and comic episodes.
순수한 사람들
19세기 이탈리아의 귀족사회. 웰시 툴리오(지안카를로 지아니니)는 그의 친구들과 일반 사람들이 보는 곳에서 그의 정부인 테레사(제니퍼 오닐)을 에스코트하는 것을 아무렇지도 않게 생각한다. 그는 단 한 순간도 자신의 욕망을 만족스럽게 채우지 못한다. 반면 부인 줄리아나(라우라 안토넬리)는 그런 남편으로 인해 계속 고통에 시달린다. 그런데 사실상 툴리오와의 관계가 끝나다 시피한 부인 줄리아나가 젊은 소설가와 사귀게 됐을 때 툴리오는 복잡한 심경이 된다. 이후 아내가 다른 사람의 아이를 임신했다는 사실을 받아들일 수 없게 되자, 툴리오는 결국 자살을 결심한다.
House of Pleasure for Women
The United States of America, after the great success of Vietnam, Watergate and so on, have decided to expand their activities in Italy. Mr. Chips has chosen Eddie Mordace to open the Italian branch of the multinational American Love Company. So Eddie opens in Milan a small branch of the Company whose purpose is to comfort women. Eddie hires Simbad, Adone and later, when business starts to go well, Ugolino, a real Count, and Ivanoe, a raper, who becames the attraction of the House.
A good-natured but unlucky Italian is constantly going on a difficult situations, but never lose his mood.
더 퍼퓸 오브 더 레이디 인 블랙
Sylvia, an industrial scientist, is troubled by strange hallucinations related to the tragic suicide of her mother.
Teresa the Thief
Teresa gets her first taste of crime -- and its consequences -- when, during World War II, she is nabbed for robbing an apartment. But being poor and perpetually starving, the pretty petty thief doesn't give up her quest for ill-gotten gains and soon turns to pick-pocketing. Despite her questionable thieving skills, the bumbling crook tries scheme after scheme, pilfering from strangers and dodging the law as she searches for a way to fund an adequate meal.
Rome, 1870. Opponents of the church power are being sent to prison. Some of the exhausted prisoners are asking for the mercy of Pope. Others, like Augusto Parenti, prefer to fight for their rights until the end. His wife, Teresa is a simple woman, who gets involved with the rebels.
The Automobile
An ex-prostitute, feeling an emptiness in her life, decides to fill it by buying a car.
로마의 유복한 집안에서 자란 마르첼로는 어린 시절의 트라우마와 정신병원에 입원해 있는 아버지로 인해 불안에 시달린다. 남들처럼 평범하게 살아가는 것이 유일한 목적인 그는 평범한 가정을 이루고자 중산층 집안의 줄리아와 결혼하고, 대중의 강력한 지지를 받는 무솔리니 정권의 비밀경찰에 자원한다. 첫 임무로, 자신의 스승이자 프랑스에서 정치적 망명 중인 반독재 인사 콰드리 교수의 암살을 지시받은 마르첼로는 파리로 신혼여행을 떠나 콰드리 교수와 그의 아내 안나에게 접근한다. 처음엔 경계와 의심을 늦추지 않던 이들 부부는 그를 차차 신뢰하게 되지만, 안나에게 걷잡을 수 없이 끌리게 된 마르첼로는 자신의 본심과 임무 사이에서 혼란을 겪게 되는데…
Vacanze nel deserto
Intimità proibita di una giovane sposa
Kill the Fatted Calf and Roast It
After many years of living abroad, a troubled young man returns home due to the death of his father (who he suspects was actually murdered). He attempts to untangle that mystery while still carrying an unhealthy obsession toward his mother, who committed suicide ten years ago. This obsession then draws in his attractive cousin and takes a sexual turn.
Psychout for Murder
Mario consigns his girlfriend Licia to a whorehouse for an evening in order to get the photographic goods to blackmail her father with. To get her out of the way, Licia is then consigned to a mental hospital by her father.