A paint is stolen from a building during a great fire and after recovered, the police finds inside it a mysterious map. A police officer responsible for the case ask his brother, who is an antiques expert, to help him during investigations. Analysing the paint an fabric, he finds that the map belonged to Cristopher Columbus and the drawings in it refer to an old legend of a lost treasure. Asside from unravel mysterious riddles the police officer and his brother will have to fight against a violent gang which is after the treasure as well.
64번의 재판에서 한 번도 실패해 본 적이 없는 변호사 케빈 로막스(키아누 리브스). 그는 의뢰인인 피의자의 유죄가 확실했던 이번 재판에서도 승리를 하면서 인기 절정의 변호사로 부상한다. 승소 기념 파티를 벌이던 날, 케빈은 뉴욕 '존 밀튼 투자회사'의 직원으로부터 파격적인 조건의 스카우트 제의를 받고 아내 매리앤(샤를리즈 테론)과 함께 뉴욕으로 향한다.
A man wakes up in an alley, bleeding and with no memory of who he is. He stumbles into a coffee shop and is befriended by a charitable ex-nun who is failing in her attempts to write marketable pornography.