María Clara López

참여 작품

Makeup & Hair
After a call announcing the visit of a church delegate to San Luis de Frá, a town as ordinary as it is absurd, Jose María Marín, the parish priest in charge, knows that the time has come to be responsible. He and his old sacristan will have to find a corpse and inaugurate the cemetery at any cost.
Key Makeup Artist
자선단체 설립 기념 파티에서 만난 에스코바르(하비에르 바르뎀)와 비르히니아(페넬로페 크루즈)는 인터뷰를 계기로 급속도로 가까워지게 된다. 유명 앵커인 비르히니아는 에스코바르의 내연녀이자 조력자가 되어 메데인 카르텔의 보스인 에스코바르의 정계 진출까지 돕는다. 하지만 미국 내 마약의 80%를 공급하며 엄청난 달러를 축적하는 에스코바르를 두고 볼 수 없었던 미국은 에스코바르를 잡으려 혈안이 되고, 이를 담당한 마약단속국의 셰퍼드 요원(피터 사스가드)은 그의 내연녀 비르히니아에게 접근하는데… 11월, 세기를 뒤흔든 마약 전쟁이 시작된다!
Makeup Artist
A man in chains, a young man who dreams of being part of something, to become a militant for an armed group who must wield a cruelty in which he may not believe in. The characters, each voluntary or involuntary part of a mechanism that overcomes them, reveal their greatness or misery in the “minimum” tasks that they perform to survive. From that sometimes morbid poetry of the everyday and the irrefutable truth of the details, we see a country whose social body is sick and injured.
The Boss
Art Direction
A black office comedy about a head of human resources who threatens to run away with his wife's best friend to escape the insanity around him.
Muertos de susto
Makeup Designer
Amparo, an enigmatic woman, arrives at a funeral home offering a large sum of money for the body of the beautiful Lucia to be cremated quickly and without formalities. Ancizar and Oviedo, owners of the place, decide to reject the tempting offer, however, when Amparo returns, the undertakers discover that the corpse has disappeared and are forced to give her the chest with the ashes of Ancizar's deceased father. She pays and they all call it a day. What the pair of morticians don't know is that it will be the worst business of their lives.
Makeup & Hair
Troubled teen Lisa can't seem to find the joy in everyday things. Lashing out desperately, she falls in love with her mother's junkie boyfriend, which can't end well.
Costume Design
Troubled teen Lisa can't seem to find the joy in everyday things. Lashing out desperately, she falls in love with her mother's junkie boyfriend, which can't end well.