Kostas Fyssoun

Kostas Fyssoun

출생 : 1936-01-01, Patras, Greece

프로필 사진

Kostas Fyssoun
Kostas Fyssoun

참여 작품

Τα φώτα σβήσαν στις οκτώ
Happy Day
A concentration camp on a barren island is hell for the exiled prisoners. The everyday life of the people who live there consists of interrogations, psychological and physical violence, arbitrary punishments and other torments. One of the prisoners who refuses to yield is subjected to torture. Trying to escape, he falls into the sea. When the Queen visits the island, the prison guards find the runaway and murder him without a second thought, since he is already assumed dead.
I Loved an Armchair
Years ago, Grigoris was forced to sell four velvet armchairs to the junk dealer. After the death of his aunt, he was informed that her entire legacy, which was a box of jewelry, was hidden in one of those four armchairs. In the meantime, the armchairs had been sold to other people, and so a desperate quest for the right armchair begins, resulting in many and sometimes grotesque adventures.
Ο Τρελοπενηντάρης
Andreas Tependris, the director of a mannequin school, meets again with an old friend who has returned from America. He proposes to get him a partner in his business, provided that he has grown up and changed his way of life. So, a new life begins for him by pretending the big businessman. But when he meet a wealthy American woman, he loses his mind and even renounces his fiancé. She, with the help of her daughter and his friends, sets him up for a trap to convince him...
Εγώ ρεζίλεψα τον Χίτλερ
While Greece is under German occupation, a group of soldiers starts from Cairo and arrives in Athens to organize the blasting of the bridge at Gorgopotamos.
Ψωμί για ένα Δραπέτη
Τώρα που φεύγω απ'τη ζωή
Όχι κύριε Τζόνσον
Η μοίρα του αθώου
A Very Clever Guy
Two naughty men, Iordanis and Potis, are partners in a drug- industry. Potis is a great womanizer, given that, even though he is married to the main financier of the business, Amalia, he doesn’t hesitate to cheat on her. One day, Tilemachos runs in a hurry into his office, looking for a job. Clever as he is, he suspects at once the ongoing situation and threatens to reveal everything to Amalia.
Γλυκειά, γλυκειά μου αγάπη
The Bait
Α crook turns a cabaret girl into a fine lady to use her as bait for his victims.
O thymios tahei 400
Λαός και Κολωνάκι
A milkman has his shop at the affluent Athenian neighborhood of Kolonaki and is in love with an aristocratic girl.
Ο Θησαυρός του μακαρίτη
Ναυάγια Της Ζωής
An Italian in Greece
owner of coffee shop at the train station
Charming, affluent--with his father's money--and self-assured, a frivolous son who can have any woman he desires falls head over heels for a beautiful Italian student; however, she is a hard nut to crack. Will he manage to impress her?