Ken Shounozaki

참여 작품

Detective Story
Shuichi Tsujiyama (Takumi Saito) is a broke private investigator. While on a job assignment, he is about to catch a crucial moment by taking a picture, but Naomi Arai (Fumi Nikaido) misunderstands the situation. Shuichi Tsujiyama and Naomi Arai struggle physically. Because of this, Shuichi Tsujiyama misses his crucial photo opportunity. Kimie Hasenuma (Mari Natsuki) is a housekeeper who has been employed by Naomi Arai for many years. Kimie Hasenuma asks Shuichi Tsujiyama to be Naomi Arai’s bodyguard.
백은의 잭
Yusuke Kiribayashi
스키장에서 벌어지는 미스테리한 사건과 복잡하게 얽힌 인간의 의도를 그린 드라마
아타루 - 퍼스트 러브 & 라스트 킬
Kouki Matsushima
2012년 방영되었던 드라마 'ATARU'의 극장판.