Kei Yuikawa

참여 작품

Kawamo o Suberu Kaze
Short Story
In the story, 33-year-old Kanazawa native Noriko had decided long ago not to accept an ordinary, provincial life for herself. So, she had gone to college in Tokyo, worked on her own, married a man at an elite trading firm, and had a child. She has just returned home from five years abroad with her husband and four-year-old son. However, she senses a large emptiness in her heart since coming back. Moreover, there is a man who shares a big secret with Noriko.
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'segment - 복숭아'. 도쿄의 오피스 걸, 29세의 준코는 중학교 시절의 선생님 장례식에 가기 위해 오랜만에 고향을 찾아간다. 복숭아밭이 산재한 고향 마을은 지금도 중학교 시절 그대로 전원풍경이 펼쳐져 있다. 준코는 지금은 복숭아밭을 이어받은 동급생 야자키에게 자신의 숨겨진 과거에 대해 이야기하게 되는데.
Kirei? The Terror of Beauty
Short Story
A mentally unstable young woman named Yoshie implores a gifted plastic surgeon (Yukiko Okamoto) to make her beautiful in this disturbing Japanese psychodrama directed by Katsuya Matsumura. Although the operation is successful, Yoshie becomes even more preoccupied with beauty -- and soon draws the doctor into a horrifying world of emotional agony and masochism. The film's supporting cast includes Asuka Kurosawa, Kota Kusano and Miki Asakura.