Frank Wade

참여 작품

Hammersmith Is Out
Production Manager
The Faust legend retold (loosely) and applied to a mentally disturbed patient in a hospital run by a doctor of dubious sanity himself. The patient offers the innocent orderly vast riches if he'll help him escape.
공원에서의 차가운 나날들
Mr. Ebury
Frances Austen, whose well-appointed apartment overlooks a park in Vancouver, one cold day, observes a rain-soaked young man on a park bench whom she assumes is homeless. Hoping to repress her loneliness, Frances invites ‘the boy’ inside her home to get warm and ends up encouraging him to stay. The young man accepts her every hospitality—food, clothes, profuse conversation, and a room of his own. Little does she realize that her guest is not the person he appears to be. Nor, for that matter, is Frances the woman that she appears to be.
태평양의 지옥
Property Master
2차 대전의 막바지, 미국인 조종사와 일본인 해군 장교가 태평양 한가운데 무인도에 단둘이 표류한다. 적국의 일원으로 서로 대결하던 두 남자는 생존과 탈출을 위해 어쩔 수 없이 협력하게 된다. 생존의 문제에 직면하여 원시적 삶을 살게 되면서 두 남자는 전쟁을 야기한 이념적 대립에서 자유로워지면서 힘을 합치게 되고 톰 행크스의 를 연상시키는 탈출을 감행하게 된다. 탈출에 성공한 후 버려진 군사 캠프를 발견하고 그 속에서 여유를 즐기던 두 남자는 잡지에 실린 일본군의 참상을 보게 되는데… 이국적인 풍광 속에서 마초적인 두 남자 캐릭터의 불꽃 튀는 연기 대결이 빼어난 작품이다. - 제1회 충무로국제영화제
The Hypnotic Eye
Set Decoration
A mysterious hypnotist is suspected by the police of being responsible for a wave of young, attractive women committing various forms of self-mutilation.
The Left Hand of God
Set Decoration
A man in priestly robes, seemingly the long-awaited Father O'Shea, arrives at a little-frequented Catholic mission in 1947 China. Though the man seems curiously uncomfortable with his priestly duties, his tough tactics prove very successful in the Seven Villages, as around them China disintegrates in civil war and revolution. But he has a secret, and his friendship with mission nurse Anne (an attractive war widow) seems to be taking on an unpriestly tone.