Screen icon Sayuri Yoshinaga stars in this historical melodrama about geishas in the southern city of Nagasaki set during the 1920s. Though she was sold to a geisha house at a young age, Aihara (Yoshinaga) has since become a master samisen player and woman of great elegance. Though not especially rich, she doles out money to street kids, in particular, a pretty young flower vendor named Oyuki, who becomes Aihara's godchild of sorts. Yet when a geisha (Reiko Takashima) from a rival red-light district insults Aihara and her brethren, she fights back. Soon an all-out geisha war looms. Dapper businessman and amateur scholar Tojiro Koga (Tetsuya Watari) appears on the scene and defuses tempers -- suggesting that difference be settled through a competition of artistic abilities. Smitten with her talent and mature beauty, Koga invites Aihara to record Nagasaki folk songs before they disappear forever
간사이에 거점을 둔 사카니시파 3대 두목 '사카니시 타케오'가 쓰러져 입원한 뒤, 그의 아내 '하즈키'는 1만 5천여 명의 조직원들을 이끌어 나가고 있다. 간부급 조직원인 '테라다'가 4대 두목 자리를 노리고 있던 어느 날, 사카니시파를 위해 목숨까지 내다 버릴 각오가 되어 있는 '아카마츠'가 출소하고 본격적인 주도권 싸움이 일어나려 하자 '하즈키'는 어떤 결심을 하는데...