A youthful cast brings Rossini’s immortal comedy to sparkling life, led by Christopher Maltman as Figaro, the resourceful barber and man-about-town of the title. The lovely Isabel Leonard is Rosina, the clever young woman at the center of the story, and Lawrence Brownlee sings Count Almaviva, the man who loves her and—with Figaro’s help—rescues her from the house of her elderly and smitten guardian, Bartolo, played by Maurizio Muraro. Paata Burchuladze is the bumbling music master Basilio, and rising conductor and bel canto specialist Michele Mariotti leads the Met’s musical forces in Bartlett Sher’s lively production.
The Prompter
Rossini's "Le Comte Ory" tells the story of a libidinous and cunning nobleman who disguises himself first as a hermit and then as a nun in order to gain access to the virtuous Countess Adele, whose brother is away at the Crusades. The 2011 Met production was directed by Tony Award winner Bartlett Sher, who presented the action as an opera within an opera, updating the action by a few centuries and giving the costume designer, Catherine Zuber, the opportunity to create some particularly extravagant headgear. Juan Diego Florez starred as the title role while Diana Damrau plays Countess Adele, and Joyce DiDonato was in breeches as his pageboy Isolier. Conducted with verve and finesse by Maurizio Benini, the production also features the stylish French baritone Stephane Degout as Ory's bibulous conspirator Raimbaud, charismatic Italian bass Michele Pertusi as the Count's long-suffering Tutor, and, formidable as Adele's housekeeper Ragonde, the Swedish dramatic mezzo Susanne Resmark.
Gluck’s gripping adaptation of the ancient Greek myth is vividly brought to life by a stellar cast in Stephen Wadsworth’s atmospheric production. Oreste is driven by the Furies to atone for killing his mother Clytemnestre. When he and his companion Pylade are shipwrecked on the island of Tauride, the king Thoas demands they be sacrificed. At the center of the drama is Iphigénie, Oreste’s long-lost sister. Forced to live among her enemies, she holds the lives of the captives in her hands—unaware that one of them is her brother. (Iphigénie en Tauride is performed in an adaptation of the 1779 Paris version edited by Gerhard Croll, by arrangement with Bärenreiter.)
Audiences went wild for Bartlett Sher’s dynamic production, which found fresh and surprising ways to bring Rossini’s effervescent comedy closer to them than ever before. The stellar cast leapt to the challenge with irresistible energy and bravura vocalism. Juan Diego Flórez is Count Almaviva, who fires off showstopping coloratura as he woos Joyce DiDonato’s spirited Rosina—with assistance from Peter Mattei as the one and only Figaro, Seville’s beloved barber and man-about-town.
Modern Dance Performer
한탕으로 승부를 보려는 어수룩한 전과자 레이(우디 앨런 분)와 바가지는 심해도 열심히 삶을 꾸려가는 전직 스트랩 댄서인 그의 부인 프렌치(트레이시 울만 분)는 지극히 서민적으로 살고 있는 나름대로 행복한 부부. 레이는 또다시 다소 어설픈 은행털이 계획을 세우는데 그것은 은행 옆에 옆의 피자집을 인수해 프렌지가 쿠키 장사를 하는 동안 지하에서 레이 일당들이 은행 금고까지 터널을 판다는 것! 어수룩한 레이와 어수룩하다 못해 멍청한 그의 친구들은 우왕좌왕하며 터널을 파가지만 결코 잘 될리는 없고, 오히려 눈가림으로 차려놓은 프렌치의 쿠키 가게는 그녀의 탁월한 솜씨로 인해 예기치 않은 번창을 한다. 갑자기 부자가 되어 상류층 인사들과 어울리게 된 프렌치와 레이 부부. 그러나 프렌치는 상류 사회 사람들이 자신을 등 뒤에서 비웃는 얘기를 듣고는 좀 유식하고 교양있어 보이고 싶어 특별한 교양 강좌를 미술상 데이빗(휴 그랜트)에게 요청하게 된다. 그러나 레이는 그런 프렌치가 못마땅할 뿐 아니라 상류 생활 자체를 불편하게 생각하고, 부부 사이에는 점점 거리감이 생긴다. 교양을 쌓는데, 열을 올리던 프렌치는 미남형에, 뛰어난 언변과 교양과 예술적 소양이 풍부한 데이빗에게 점점 끌리게 되고, 결국 레이와의 이혼까지 생각하면서 박물관을 둘러본다는 명목으로 데이빗과 유럽 여행을 가는데...