Assistant Director
After a disappointment in love, Alain tells his mistress how he gradually sank into libertinage: from his beginnings with a teacher in art history, then with a supermarket saleswoman, until his discovery libertine parties.
Varen and Bob are a couple of buddies who get mixed up with a white-slave trader. Pursued by a pair of mob-connected brothers, Bob is killed. Varen retaliates by killing one of the brothers, then enlists the aid of his friend Agnès in tracking down the remaining sibling.
20여 년간 나라를 좌지우지했던 마자랭 추기경이 죽은 이후, 루이 14세는 강력한 군주가 되어 왕권을 드높이고, 절대왕정의 기반을 다지고자 한다. 루이 14세는 콜베르의 도움으로 권력에 대한 야욕을 드러내던 푸케를 제거하고, 마침내 ‘태양왕’으로 빛난다.