Eros Eflin

Eros Eflin


Eros Eflin is an Indonesian art director / production designer for films.

프로필 사진

Eros Eflin

참여 작품

Pasutri Gaje
Art Direction
A couple of civil servants named Adimas and Adelia who feel disturbed in building a romantic relationship because their house is still under construction and have to live in their in-laws' house first. Turns out, Adimas and Adelia discovered a lot of awkward things bothering their household.
My Sassy Girl
Art Direction
Gian, a young man saves Sisy, a woman who makes drunk, depressed and wants to kill herself at a train station at night. Their love story started from this.
Cemara's Family 2
Production Design
Set in the post-pandemic period, the Cemara Family begins a new chapter in their lives. Abah gets a new job, Euis grows up to be a teenager, and Mom focuses on taking care of the youngest, Agil. While everyone was focused on their respective activities, Ara felt left out. How can this family get through this new phase of life?
사랑과 복수
Art Direction
죽음도 두렵지 않은 건달 아조에게는 누구에게도 말하고 싶지 않은 비밀이 있다. 발기부전은 그가 품은 컴플렉스이자 세상을 향한 분노와 폭력의 원천이다. 아조는 청부업을 하다 적으로 만나게 된 터프한 여인 이떵에게 강렬한 사랑의 감정을 느낀다. 이떵 역시 어린시절의 트라우마에 시달리는 아조에게 끌리며 둘은 일사천리로 결혼까지 하게 된다. 하지만 두 사람 각자를 따라다니는 과거의 망령은 이들의 앞날에 먹구름을 드리운다. (제26회 부산국제영화제)
알리와 퀸스의 여왕들
Art Direction
아빠가 돌아가시자, 수년간 연락이 두절된 엄마를 찾아 뉴욕으로 떠난 알리. 그렇게 염원하던 가족의 사랑을 드디어 만나게 되는데, 그 따스함과 끈끈함은 전혀 뜻밖의 곳에 있었다.
크레이지 티처
Art Direction
성공의 척도는 돈이라고 철석같이 믿는 남자. 생계를 위해 어쩔 수 없이 교사가 된다. 하지만 선생님들의 급여가 몽땅 도난당할 줄이야. 상대가 얼마나 위험한 조직이든, 가만있을 순 없다. 교사, 학생들과 함께 돈을 되찾으러 출발!
Glorious Days
Art Direction
Because of an incident when they were in high school, members of the Bebas Gang were forced to separate. 23 years later, one of them is seriously ill and hopes to meet again one last time.
My Stupid Boss 2
Art Direction
Having driven away many of his employees, Bossman and three of his long-suffering workers try to find cheap labor in Vietnam but find trouble instead.
쩌마라 가족 이야기
Art Direction
아바, 에막 그리고 두 딸들 으이스와 쩌마라에 대한 내용이다. 사업이 망하고 파산 신청을 해야 할 상황에 놓이면서 아바의 가족은 돈만으로는 해결될 수 없는 어려운 시련을 겪게 된다
Kulari Ke Pantai
Art Direction
Sam and her mother Uci, are about to do a road trip to G-Land beach in Banyuwangi. Sam's cousin, Happy, who's 180° different from Sam also came along on the road trip.
Naura & The Champions
Art Direction
Naura, Okky, and Bimo were chosen to represent their schools to compete in the science competition at Kemah Kreatif which is located in Situ Gunung rain forest, Sukabumi. This adventure meets them with Kipli, a small ranger who is foiling the Trio Licik effort, a wild animal trade syndicate group. The tricky Trio Licik finally brought Naura, Okky, Bimo, and Kipli into this thrilling adventure action. Friendship and the opportunity to become the champion of science competition between schools is at stake.
Art Direction
A student diver risks her scholastic future and relationship with her father when she dates a moody transfer student consumed by their romance.
Art Direction
In 1950s Makassar, the life of a devoted mother is upended when another woman enters her husband's life.
Three Sassy Sisters
Production Design
A musical drama inspired by the 1956 classic, Tiga Dara.
What's Up with Cinta 2
Art Direction
An ex-couple crosses paths again in Indonesia, a decade after the abrupt end of their relationship.
무림신공 : 황금봉의 전사
Art Direction
무림의 존경 받는 지존이자 절대무기 황금봉의 주인인 쳄파카는 4명의 수제자에게 문파의 상징이자 강력하고 치명적인 황금봉과 그 비밀 권법을 계승할 때가 왔음을 알린다. 모두가 모인 자리에서 쳄파카는 자신의 후계자로 실력이 가장 떨어지는 여제자 다라를 지목한다. 이에 반발한 제자들은 다라가 권법을 전수받기도 전에 스승인 쳄파카를 살해하고 황금봉마저 빼앗는다. 믿었던 동료들에게 뼈아픈 배신을 당하고 모든 것을 잃어버린 다라는 스승의 복수를 결심하고 황금봉 권법의 비밀을 아는 숨은 고수를 찾아 나선다. 그리고 마침내 황금봉의 진정한 주인을 가릴 결전을 치르게 되는데……
Princess, Bajak Laut & Alien
Art Direction
The first Indonesian child omnibus film who raise four stories about friendship, family, and courage.
Laura & Marsha
Art Direction
Laura and Marsha are best friends since high school. Although their characteristics are way too different: Laura is a single mother, living with her mother since her husband left her without explanation, while Marsha, is a free-spirited girl who never worries about anything. One day, Marsha plans a trip to Europe, Laura refuses at first, but finally agrees to join on one condition: that Marsha follows her set of rules. Their friendship is tested when they argue and realize they lived with a truth left behind.
Postcards from the Zoo
Production Design
Little Lana was 3 years old when she was abandoned alone in the zoo. Raised by a giraffe trainer, the zoo is the only world she knows. Until one day, a charming magician arrives and Lana finds her love, for she is ready to leave the zoo. Lana embarks on journey, until one day, she decided to go back to the place where she was abandoned.
Negeri 5 Menara
Art Direction
Negeri 5 Menara is a film by Kompas Gramedia production together Million Pictures, which is an adaptation of a novel by Ahmad Fuadi entitled Negeri 5 Menara . The scenario was written by Salman Aristo is also the author of the screenplay Ayat- Ayat Cinta , Laskar Pelangi , The Dancer . Directed by Affandi Abdul Rachman This movie was filmed in Pondok Modern Darussalam Gontor Ponorogo, East Java , West Sumatra , Bandung , to London . This movie was released on March 1, 2012 .
Sajadah Ka'bah
Art Direction
Rhoma Irama, a traveler, are visiting mosques in Lombok to enhance ties and strengthen the Islamic brotherhood among mosques administrators that are joined in the Fahmi Tamami forum. By chance Rhoma meets a widow, Sohiba, and her daughter Saimah. Their mosque is the target of Towi, a businessman scheming to build the biggest gambling area of Lombok in place of Sohiba’s mosque and house. Towi tricks Ridho, Rhoma’s son, turning him against his father so that Rhoma has to face Towi and his own son during the land feud. Ridho revolts against his father partly due to his love toward Towi’s sole daughter. Rhoma accepts Towi’s duel challenge in order to determine the one who will be entitled of Sohiba’s house and mosque. Meanwhile Towi’s men intimidate Sohiba and her daughter, seizing a prayer mat with Kabah image on it, woven by her.
Art Direction
A compilation of nine short films and collected scenes created by young, up-and-coming Indonesian directors. Set during a single hot Jakarta night. Each short features an interaction between two characters and focuses on the strange situations one might get into while prowling the city after dark.
Madame X
Art Direction
Threatened by Kanjeng Badai and his militant and homophobic political party, a country's safety depends on Adam, a hairdresser.
Garuda Di Dadaku
Art Direction
A talented 12-year-old boy dream of becoming a great soccer player despite his loving grandfather's stern disapproval.
Saus Kacang
Art Direction
Dewi, a Chef de Cuisine in a five star hotel in Bali, has been unlucky in love many times. Fredo, a Malaysian tourist, is moody and insulting to the hotel employees. For Dewi who believes that “there is no guest that one cannot deal with”, he becomes a challenge. But Dewi during the Nyepi (Day of Silence before the Balinese New Year) commemoration when they are supposed to remain indoors, Dewi and Fredo, are caught outside. For this, they receive a punishment of cleaning a temple for a few days. Their time together is a personal discovery that they have the same bad experiences in love. They become closer and more cheerful as they carry out their punishment. When they are finally ready to make a new beginning, Fredo’s ex-wife, Mae, comes to Bali and offers her love again. Fredo is faced with a dilemma, while Dewi wonders if her failure in love will happen again.
Takut: Faces of Fear
Art Direction
"Takut" was born from the Komodo Films, and is a compilation of short horror films from seven directors who produced six film segments in one anthology. The short film was directed sequentially by Rako Prijanto, Riri Riza, Ray Nayoan, Robby Ertanto, Raditya Sidharta, and The Mo Brothers (Kimo Stamboel & Timo Tjahjanto).
무지개 분대
Art Direction
A group of 10 students struggles with poverty and develop hopes for the future in Gantong Village on the farming and tin mining island of Belitung.
Art Direction
알리샤는 대저택에 살고 있는 부호의 딸이지만, 외부세상과 격리된 채 자신이 아끼는 인형을 제외하고는 그 누구와도 정서적 교류를 하고 있지 않다. 그녀는 밤마다 자신이 어렸을 때 권총 자살한 어머니가 찾아오는 악몽에 시달리고 있다. 어느 날 저택의 수영장을 청소하러 온 바리의 모습을 보고 한 눈에 사랑에 빠지게 된 그녀는 집을 뛰쳐나와 바리가 살고 있는 아파트의 옆집으로 이사한다. 바리는 애인 렌타와 함께 살고 있으며, 아파트에 살고 있는 다양한 인물들을 소재로 소설을 쓰고 있다. 바리는 이웃들을 세밀하게 관찰하고 이야기를 풀어나가지만 소설의 결말을 맺지 못한다. 소설을 결말이 있지만 삶은 계속된다는 딜레마에 빠져있는 것이다. 바리는 알리샤에게 자신의 미완성 원고를 보여주고, 그 이후로 이웃들의 삶에 변화가 일어나기 시작한다. 영화 속의 아파트는 다양한 인물들이 모여 사는 축소된 세계이며, 이 폐쇄적 공간은 이제 완결된 바리의 소설로 변화된다.
Blind Pig Who Wants to Fly
Art Direction
Linda is a young woman of Chinese heritage whose mother converted to Christianity after gaining some fame as a badminton player. Her friend Cahyono is tired of anti-Chinese prejudice and now tells people he’s from Japan. Together, they try to make sense of their place in the Indonesian society.
Ayat-Ayat Cinta
Art Direction
Fahri attracted many women, including Maria, Nurul, and Naora. They hide their feelings until Fahri's marriage with Aisha which broke their hearts.
Hulahoop Soundings
Art Direction
Was it black magic that took him from her? Or the vision of her rival's swaying hips? Lana works at a phone sex company, and hula-hoops when calling her customers to make moaning sounds.
Chants of Lotus
Art Direction
This is an omnibus film, directed by 4 females and consists of 4 stories about women.
Bukan Bintang Biasa
Art Direction
Five teenagers' lives are not only filled with lectures and extracurricular activities but also their love lives. Although love is a huge part of life for these five teenagers, they realise that their friendship is the most important above all else.
Three Days to Forever
Art Direction
Yusuf and his cousin Ambar spend a wild night out just before heading out of town for a relative’s wedding. When the pair passes out overnight and Ambar misses her flight, the two head off on a three-day road trip. Little do they realize those three days will have a lasting impact on their lives.
Kara, Anak Sebatang Pohon
Art Direction
Kara is a little girl living in an isolated place. Her father disappeared after Ronald killed her mother. A journalist's invasion of her life makes her decide to seek out Ronald and ask him the ultimate question.
Art Direction
A high school girl named Kikan began to see dead people through the mirrors.
Art Direction
Mel has a successful life. It all changes when her fiancé, Joe, is involved with another woman. She changes drastically and had all her friends worried. They decide to introduce Mel to Are, a book store owner and brownies baker. When Mel and Are fall in love, Joe reappears and tries to reclaim his love for Mel.
Art Direction
"Jakarta Cinderella", a musical performance, is performed by three main actors. Indah plays Jutek, the step-sister, Bunga plays Upik Abu, with Ronald as the Prince. In reality, Bunga is an arrogant girl as she has experience acting for television. Bunga is also dating Ronald, whom Indah has a crush on. Then Ronald’s relationship Bunga is jeopardized by Bunga’s jealousy of Indah. So Bunga starts seeing other people and forces Indah out from the school musical. Finally, when the substitute actor is sick, Indah resumes her role and gets Ronald’s attention
Eiffel... I'm in Love
Art Direction
A privileged teen meets her match when a blunt, outspoken young man visits from France and stays with her family.
A Very Slow Breakfast
Art Direction
When a boy is too confused to speak with his non-communicative family, words eventually lose their meaning. He decides to communicate with his dandruff and a cup of cold coffee instead. His father ignores these eccentricities, assuming it is just a ploy to get attention. Meanwhile, the boy's sister likes exercising seductively in front of men and is better able to capture her father's attention than her brother. Their mother is oblivious, perpetually talking to people on her mobile phone and the space the family occupies grows narrower and narrower.
100% Sari
Art Direction
Sari, a 17-year-old Balinese girl, is the daughter of a famous painter. In charge of her father's gallery, she is also expected to continue preserving the traditional values. But secretly, Sari wants to become a disc jockey (DJ), knowing that her father would oppose it. Sari's father is preoccupied with his own problem, fearing that his new work would not match his previous ones. Then Sari meets Daniel, a musician from Jakarta. Her father opposes their relationship especially after finding out that Sari has been secretly learning to DJ.
The Seventh House
Art Direction
Lintang and Cakra are childhood friends. Lintang believes in astrology and seeks her soulmate. Cakra believes in dreams and sees the same girl.
Sherina's Adventure
Art Direction
A girl who struggles at her new school must team up with a classmate giving her major headaches when trouble finds them both in this musical adventure.