John MacRae

참여 작품

Masked Kidnapper
황폐해진 사회를 배경으로 마약과 폭행,납치가 만연한 가운데 거친 눈을 이식받은 후 살아가는 주인공 "라우"가 신나게 파티에서 놀았던 다음 날 병명을 알 수 없는 이상증세를 느끼며 깨어나게 된다
Clean Hands
Intimidating Man
Weighed down by his deadbeat father and unrelenting financial debts, Joss is forced to sink deeper into a criminal underworld to escape his burdens. As the line between his two lives thins, Joss frantically begins constructing an escape from his sins he commits before they swallow him whole.