Set in a town frozen in time, “Alone in Tombstone” tells the story of a young woman searching for her place in life, when she’s faced with a surprise visitor. This is a coming-of-age tale about life, love, and loss.
To be called the Fittest on Earth, one would have to be capable of conquering a number of both physical and mental challenges. In the year of 2020, those challenges were plentiful. "Resurgence" captures all the drama as the organization of CrossFit pivots to pull off an in-person event amidst a world pandemic. Developing a new competition format to narrow a large field of athletes to only 5 men and 5 women. These athletes descend on a small ranch in California to take on whatever challenges are necessary to be crowned the Fittest on Earth.
세계 최고의 피트니스 강자라는 타이틀을 향한 크로스핏 선수들의 지칠 줄 모르는 도전! 크로스핏의 역사와 폭발적인 인기도 함께 들여다본다.
극한의 체력을 필요로 하는 크로스핏의 챔피언 리치 프로닝의 삶과 연습, 시합을 보여주고 인터뷰하는 내용
Kevin Ogar, a gifted athlete destined for greatness, suddenly finds himself paralyzed from the waist down, his dreams shattered. He fights to survive, then to build a new life, even daring to pursue his dream job–a job nobody in a wheelchair has ever attained or even attempted