Samuel Dunning

Samuel Dunning

프로필 사진

Samuel Dunning

참여 작품

A Royal Christmas on Ice
Prince Roger
Looking to escape his Royal life, a dashing prince comes to the United States to start a business in a small town in upstate New York and winds up falling for a former Olympic ice skater.
The Ones You Didn’t Burn
After their father passes away, two siblings return to their old family farm to sell off the land. However, darker forces may be at play that will force them to reanalyze their relation to their ancestor's land.
Rick and Ruby
Ruby, a mysterious leather-clad badass, drags a trunk with unknown cargo to a seedy Roadhouse in the middle of nowhere. Inside, three overly friendly hicks overpower her and prepare to have their ‘dueling banjos’ way, when her trunk teeters over... (Screamfest)
Rick and Ruby
Ruby, a mysterious leather-clad badass, drags a trunk with unknown cargo to a seedy Roadhouse in the middle of nowhere. Inside, three overly friendly hicks overpower her and prepare to have their ‘dueling banjos’ way, when her trunk teeters over... (Screamfest)
Rick and Ruby
Ruby, a mysterious leather-clad badass, drags a trunk with unknown cargo to a seedy Roadhouse in the middle of nowhere. Inside, three overly friendly hicks overpower her and prepare to have their ‘dueling banjos’ way, when her trunk teeters over... (Screamfest)
A young outcast is recruited to join the Rejectors, an anti-fascist gang.
It's a Boy
When a young couple, Chet and Madison, have trouble conceiving their first child, Chet goes to extreme lengths to give his wife the greatest gift of all...
Dead American Soldier
유태계 미국인 마르쿠스 메스너는 착하고 건실한 청년이다. 아버지가 운영하는 정육점 일을 돕고 학교생활도 모범적이다. 평범한 일상을 보내던 중 한국 전쟁에 참전한 사촌들의 부고가 이어지자 아버지는 마르쿠스의 일거수일투족에 집착을 하게 되고, 아버지의 광적인 걱정과 집착을 견딜 수 없었던 마르쿠스는 집을 떠나 오하이오에 있는 와인즈버그 대학교에 입학한다. 성실한 근로 장학생으로 기숙사 생활을 하던 중 어느 날 올리비아라는 아름다운 여학생에게 한눈에 반해 용기 내어 데이트를 하게 되는데 첫 데이트에서 마르쿠스를 향한 성적 욕망을 거침없이 표현하는 과감한 올리비아의 행동으로 인해 마르쿠스는 혼란에 빠지게 된다. 올리비아에 대해 여러 가지 상념이 드는 가운데 룸메이트와의 갈등, 학장과의 면담에서 벌어진 언쟁 등 평온했던 대학 생활이 조금씩 엇나가면서 점점 마르쿠스를 숨 막히게 조여오기 시작한다.
Tim Travers & The Time Traveler's Paradox
Tim Travers
It is called the Time Traveler's Paradox. In which a scientist creates a Time Machine and kills their younger self. So now a man who should not- can not- exist, somehow does. That is the Paradox, and Paradoxes are impossible.
Radio Caesium
Julian Meitner
As nuclear bombs fall and the world comes to an end, two lovers await their fate in a hotel room while imagining what their lives might be like in different realities and timelines.