News Reporter (voice)
An unsuspecting user is sent through a turbulent series of splash portals when his government-enforced dating app malfunctions in the bathtub. Storm is set in the near future, where everyone has to live by the government’s Federal Relationship Compatibility Act – a policy which ensures that citizens are matched with only completely compatible individuals. If an individual cannot find a match which satisfies the government’s strict algorithm, they will be sentenced to a life alone in a permanent facility.
Young Lillian (voice)
스토리보드 작가 해롤드와 영화리서쳐 릴리안은 할리우드의 황금기에 보이지 않는 곳에서 작품을 견인하며 명실상부 ‘할리우드의 심장’으로 각인됐다. 편지와 영상클립을 통해 두 사람의 관계와 작업의 연대기를 따라간다. (2016년 제17회 전주국제영화제)
Zoe's Mother
"Solitary" follows the writer Zoe Coleman, who despite all her success feels isolated in Los Angeles.
Informant (uncredited)
1969년 8월, 샌프란시스코의 신문사들에 조디악이라 자칭하는 연쇄살인범의 편지가 배달된다. 자신이 저지른 살인을 상술한 그 편지는 동봉한 암호문을 신문에 싣지 않으면 추가살인을 저지르겠다는 경고로 끝난다. 편지와 암호문이 공개되자 샌프란시스코 일대는 충격에 휩싸인다. 형사인 데이빗(마크 러팔로)과 빌(앤서니 에드워즈), 신문사 샌프란시스코 크로니클의 사건 기자 폴(로버트 다우니 주니어)은 전력을 기울여 각각 사건 해결과 추리에 나선다. 그러나 가장 끈질지게 사건의 실마리를 찾아 헤매는 사람은 경찰도 기자도 아닌, 시사만평가 로버트(제이크 질렌홀)이다.
A day in Athens, Arizona, as teens and twenty-somethings navigate life without a compass. Jimmy has gambling debts and sees a chance to steal and sell a dead-man's stash of drugs. The corpse's cousin smells a rat. Jessica, who is babysitting, abandons her charge to seek someone to defend her from a boyfriend angry that he's caught an STD. Corey is responsible for his teen sister, and he and his pal Pedro have been evicted, so they plot to steal a car, sell it, and get back in their apartment. Heather, an EMT, thinks her cop boyfriend is cheating, and she confides in her best friend. There's a party that night where all comes to a head.
Leigh Cross
The true story of Edward Gein, the farmer whose horrific crimes inspired Psycho, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre and The Silence of the Lambs. This is the first film to Gein's tormented upbringing, his adored but domineering mother, and the 1957 arrest uncovered the most bizarre series of murders America has ever seen