Kevin Brief

Kevin Brief

출생 : , Brooklyn, New York, USA

프로필 사진

Kevin Brief

참여 작품

Park Ranger Phil
A desperate man kills a mother of twins, takes them to a house in the woods, and locks them up. His madness escalates keeping his dark secret. When a house fire causes a collapse on all of them, the story is buried until a young woman stumbles on the truth.
Jake's Dad
At a summer sleepover, two best friends realize they may be connected by more than just friendship.
올 더 웨이
New Orleans Announcer
Lyndon B. Johnson's amazing 11-month journey from taking office after JFK's assassination, through the fight to pass the 1964 Civil Rights Act and his own presidential campaign, culminating on the night LBJ is actually elected to the office – no longer the 'accidental President.'
10 센트 피스톨
PO Abner
A story about two lifelong criminals who maneuver through the shady underbelly of Los Angeles in search of wealth, love and redemption.
After being charged with hacking into the Pentagon security system, computer-whiz Josh Martin is kidnapped during house arrest and delivered to a shadowy criminal known as Charles Keller. Requested to hack into the state’s highly advanced electrical system and shut it down, it’s clear what Keller wants—total chaos. When California goes dark, he gets what he wants. And tonight, no one will be prepared for what’s about to happen.
Visible Scars
Park Ranger Phil
Seventeen years ago, Mike kills a new mother of twin girls and took the babies to a house in the woods, claiming them as his own to appease his wife's desire for kids. 10 years later Stacy flees to her uncle's old secluded cabin in those same woods to escape her abusive boyfriend. There she is haunted by the ghosts of the little girls crying for their mother.
The Way the World Ends
An ordinary suburbanite couple discovers that the natural world simply vanished during the night. Yet even stranger, all of their neighbors carry on with their daily routines.
Matchmaker Mary
Bill Carver
Overjoyed with having a cute new pet in her life, sixth-grader Mary starts using puppies to try and spark romance between lonely adults.
Range Rover Driver
사우디 아라비아의 리야드. 서양인 주택가가 밀집한 그곳에서 거대한 폭탄테러가 발발한다. 이 사건으로 절친한 동료를 잃은 FBI 요원 플러리(제이미 폭스)는 끔찍한 살인을 저지른 테러범을 잡기 위해 동료 재닛 메이스(제니퍼 가너), 그랜트 사익스(크리스 쿠퍼) 그리고 아담 레빗(제이슨 베이트먼)과 함께 정부의 만류에도 불구하고 사우디 아라비아로 떠난다. FBI 내에서도 폭탄, 법의학 등 전문 분야의 최정예 요원으로 구성된 네 사람. 현지에 도착하여 조사를 위해 사우디 아라비아 정부에 도움을 요청하지만 사우디 정부는 수사에 협조하지 않으며 그들에게 5일 내에 미국으로 돌아가길 강요한다. 5일 안에 테러 현장을 조사하고 반드시 범인을 찾아야 하는 네 사람은 그들의 안전을 책임지는 알 가지 경위의 도움으로 현장을 면밀히 조사, 테러범의 흔적을 하나씩 찾아간다. 세밀한 현장 분석 끝에 요원들은 테러범 일당의 잔류를 찾아내지만, 요원 중 한 명인 아담이 테러범들에게 납치를 당한다. 이제 동료를 구하기 위한 FBI 특수요원들과 죽음조차 두려워하지 않는 테러범들간의 피할 수 없는 사투가 시작되는데…
Live from Baghdad
Singing Brit #2
A group of CNN reporters wrestle with journalistic ethics and the life-and-death perils of reporting during the Gulf War.A Directors Guild Award-winning movie for director Mick Jackson, starring Michael Keaton and Helena Bonham Carter. In 1990, CNN was a 24-hour news network in search of a 24-hour story. They were about to find it in Baghdad. Veteran CNN producer Robert Wiener and his longtime producing partner Ingrid Formanek find themselves in Iraq on the eve of war. Up against the big three networks, Weiner and his team are rebels with a cause, willing to take risks to get the biggest stories and - unlike their rivals - take them live at a moment's notice. As Baghdad becomes an inevitable US target, one by one the networks pull out of the city until only the crew from CNN remains. With a full-scale war soon to be launched all around them, and CNN ready to broadcast whatever happens 24 hours a day, Wiener and Formanek are about to risk their lives for the story of a lifetime.
Threat of Exposure
Det Biggs
A man poses as a hypnotherapist's patient to find the truth about his missing brother.
The Rose Technique
Radio Station Manager
The Rose Technique revolves around the life of an off-beat psychiatrist who wants to join the crazy world of daytime TV.
The Quickie
A crime soap opera about a Russian mobster retiring from "the business" on New Year's Eve, only to discover he has been targeted for death by a rival mobster.
Dentist (uncredited)
A young girl from an affluent family rebels and becomes involved with a much older photographer.
Three Secrets
Alex Spillman
Three women each cling to the hope that an 8 year old boy that survives an airplane crash is their son that was put up for adoption as a baby. This is a remake of the 1950 film by the same name.
Vanished Without a Trace
Deputy Simpson
Three young men decide to make easy money by mass kidnapping. After careful preparations, they hijack the school bus and take 26 children and the driver as hostages. However, the bravery and the wit of the old driver could spoil their plan for the perfect crime.
성희롱 사건
Lt. Mark Shagan
컴퓨터 공학도인 로라 블랙(Laura Black: 브룩 쉴즈 분)은 두뇌집단이 모인 최고의 컴퓨터 회사에 입사한다. 처음 몇날동안 로라는 이 회사의 동료들과 잘 조화하며 적응해 나간다. 그러나 로라는 리차드 팔리(Richard Farley: 리차드 토마스 분)를 만나면서 부터 그녀의 비극은 시작된다. 리차드는 이 회사의 최고의 컴퓨터 전문가로 로라를 처음 만나는 순간 그녀에게 폭 빠져버린다. 일방적으로 로라를 사랑하는 리차드는 끈질기게 그녀에게 구애를 구하지만, 로라의 관심을 얻지 못하자 그녀의 모든 행동을 제한하면서까지도 귀찮게 한다. 리차드의 구애 방식이 점차 노골적으로 변하자 로라는 이 일을 회사에 알린다. 그러자 리차드는 회사에서 쫓겨난다. 그 후에도 리챠드의 계속된 접근은 '접근 금지'라는 법적 제지를 받고 만다. 이에 분노를 느낀 리챠드는 로라에 대한 배신감이 가득하게 되고, 결국 미쳐버려 완전 무장한 채 로라가 일하는 회사에 침입해 무차별 살해와 회사의 기물을 파괴해 버리고 로라에게 총상을 입히고 만다. 총상을 입은 로라는 필사의 도주로 위기에서 벗어나고 경찰과 대치한 리차드는 경찰의 회유를 무시한채 기물을 파괴하고 다니나, 회유에 굴복하여 체포되고 만다.
Dead Before Dawn
Kyle Sutter
Based upon a true story. Wife with young family finds life becoming unbearable with her successful, but violent and abusive, husband. After filing for divorce, she quickly learns that her husband, through fear of his personal life embarrassing his clients, has commissioned an assassin to murder her before going to court. Unfortunately, for him, the hired assassin turns out to be an FBI agent. The FBI convince her that she must “pretend” to have been murdered in order to prove her husband’s involvement.
Calendar Girl, Cop, Killer? The Bambi Bembenek Story
Story of attractive cop Laurencia Bembenek, who, in 1982, was sentenced to prison for killing her husband's ex-wife in Milwaukee, WI.
Midnight Movie Massacre
Set in the '50s in a movie theatre showing a serial called "Space Patrol," this particular episode being "Back from the Future." The evil scientist on the serial goes back to the '50s and his crew members have to chase him. Meanwhile at the theatre, patrons busy themselves doing strange things. An alien has landed and is eliminating theatre staff and patrons.
Vincent Hill
A group of people enter an old movie studio and are suddenly confronted with a variety of strange phenoma. Among other things they are transported through time and the building is surrounded by a deadly acid fog . The filmmakers also throw Roman centurions, alien spaceships and giant killer roaches at the hapless explorers, decimating the groups one by one.