Berlin, the vibrant life. Only cashier Emma feels really lonely. There is nothing wrong with her, she just goes underground in the big city. Her desire to meet people has brought Emma to a strange idea: she lets go in the supermarket purses of customers and later presents herself as a hospitable finder, who invites you to pick up at the laid table. Unfortunately, the visit remains short. Only the shrewd homeless August who sees through her starts to get interested in Emma.
Mermaid Singer
A young engineer is sent to post-WWII Berlin to help the Americans in spying on the Russians. In a time and place where discretion is still a man’s best friend, he falls in love with a mysterious woman who will take him on the dark side of evil.
Woman in the Gallery
"베를린 천사의 시"에서 다미엘에게 “바라보고, 모으고, 증언하고, 확인하고, 보존 하는 것 이상을 하지마”라고 인간세계로의 추락을 만류하던 카시엘의 이야기를 다루고 있다. 카시엘은 어린 소녀의 생명을 구하기 위해 인간세계로 뛰어들지만 알코올과 폭력, 거짓이라는 인간의 추악함과 맞서는 상황에 처하게 된다.