Javier Rebolledo

Javier Rebolledo

프로필 사진

Javier Rebolledo

참여 작품

Adriana's Pact
Self - Journalist
Lissette's favorite aunt Adriana, who lives in Australia, is arrested in 2007 while visiting her family in Chile and accused of having worked for dictator Pinochet's notorious secret police, the DINA, and of having participated in the commission of state crimes. When Adriana denies these accusations, Lissette begins to investigate her story in order to film a documentary about her.
The Color of the Chameleon
During the Pinochet dictatorship, Jorge Lübbert became an instrument for the Chilean secret services, who forced him to work for them in an extremely violent way. He was able to escape from Chile and became a war photographer based in Belgium. Today, his son Andrés takes him back to the places of his unfinished past.
자개 단추
대양과 고산, 해안선과 평원은 인류의 역사를 빼곡하게 담고 있다. 파타고니아의 토착민들, 최초의 영국 선원들, 정치범들 등 근대 칠레의 역사를 지나온 이들의 기억이 신비로운 자개 단추를 매개로 연결된다. 의 거장 파트리시오 구스만의 신작 다큐